
Friday, July 26, 2013

Nancy Pelosi: We Need More Gun Control To “Protect And Defend” The Constitution!

need any more proof of what comes out~ta a walking /talking  ass pipe the American People  ARE roaming ALL over the Country assulting  the HALLS  & WALLS of D.C. (degenerate city)  shredding the Constitution ...yes the evil,vile ,Bill of Rights stealing American People  .... ALL    against the "wish's "  of the 'good' people in degenerate city  (D.C.) ...yup the under maned ,under funded ,just fucking barely holding on ...against the MORE  heavily  armed Lawless hordes ( that be U.S. )   lol if 'they' could just get them (citizens) under control  LMMFAO   'their'  Constitution  will survive ?   what a fucking ass pipe  (we gotta pass this Bill so we can read it )          
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Nancy Pelosi: We Need More Gun Control To “Protect And Defend” The Constitution!

Kristin Tate

As if Nancy Pelosi could get any worse.
Now, she’s calling for more gun control to “protect and defend” our Constitution.
Yes, you read that correctly.
Here is what the Democrat Congresswoman said in a recent press release:
In Congress, there can be no more fitting memorial to the lives lost in Aurora, in Newtown, and across the country than a concerted effort to enact commonsense gun safety legislation.
We must uphold our oath to ‘protect and defend’ the constitution and all Americans by expanding background checks and keeping dangerous firearms out of the wrong hands.
Good grief.
She then followed that up by saying, “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”
Well, Nancy, I’m pretty sure more gun control would infringe on the peoples’ right to bear arms.
Your thoughts on this? Let us know in the comments section below.

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