
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Graphic: How Just 6 Corps Own 90% of The Media

Anthony Gucciardi
July 31st, 2013
Updated 07/31/2013
We have known for quite some time now that the flow of information is tightly controlled within the mainstream media system, but one graphic really highlights just how tightly controlled the information we are delivered truly is — and how a total of only 6 corporations run the show.
From Time Warner (CNN, HBO, TIME) to GE (NBC, Comcast), a whopping 6 corporations control 90% of the mainstream media within the United States. And what’s more, the amount of revenues from the tightly controlled mainstream media machine are enough to beat out Finland’s entire GDP, buy every NFL team 12 times, and fund the government bailout of General Motors 5 times. Checkout the powerful graphic below and share it with others to inform them as to how controlled the media really is:
An infographic on corporations that own mainstream media.
I was excited to see such a nicely designed image created, which actually comes from a college tuition cost website called Frugal Dad, as oftentimes people do not have the time to sit down and read 500 words on a particularly subject — let alone actually absorb the information and get it out. With videos, we can get more direct with media, but sometimes pictures (or infographics, as informational graphics like this one are now known) are much more effective when it comes to spreading the word.
Time and time again the mainstream media, owned by these 6 mega corporations and fronted by 232 media executives, continues to ignore the real issues in place of lesser stories. In addition, they also continue to fuel the erratic flames of the politically correct agenda into every news piece imaginable. From turning the Trayvon Martin case into a racial war of sorts, which even prominent black rappers spoke out about, to ignoring serious international ‘combat readiness’ war drills that the alternative news forced the mainstream media corporations to cover weeks later.
But despite the fact that the mainstream media still has the billions to fund its operations and beam the nightly news out into the living rooms of US citizens and others around the world, we see independent reporters and websites like myself reaching millions per month with virtually zero budget and absolutely no corporate backers. We’ve already seen MSNBC slump into poor ratings, and even Gallup polls have highlighted the completely obliterated trust of the general public in the mainstream media.
Even with enough greenbacks to purchase every NFL team in existence 12 times, the mainstream media still can’t compete with real news.

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