
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Danger: Muslim Brotherhood Operatives Now Taking Charge Inside Obama Administration (Stunning Video)

that's right America ...YOU VOTED THIS INTO ..the Peoples House!!!   you's dumb ass Dummycrooks & Republipukes make the REST of U.S.  so proud   :o                  

Danger: Muslim Brotherhood Operatives Now Taking Charge Inside Obama Administration (Stunning Video)

Monday, July 29, 2013


“We do believe as Muslims the East and the West will be governed by the Sharia”
“Indeed we believe that one day the flag of Islam will fly over the White House. Indeed, there’s even an oration of the Prophet where he said, ‘The day of judgment will not come until a group of my[unintelligible] conquer the White House’”. -Anjem Choudary, Muslim cleric speaking on ABC News
“We have someone sitting in the White House who is part of an organization that has advocated the killing of Americans.  What is going on in the White House” – Former N.Y. Mayor Rudy Guiliani
“Mr. Brennan (now head of the CIA) did convert to Islam when he served in an official capacity on behalf of the United States in Saudi Arabia”   -John Guondolo, Former FBI agent and counter terrorism expert (see bio)
“He has given them access to the National Security Council, The National Security Staff.  He has brought known Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood Operatives into those positions of government.”  - John Guondolo, Former FBI agent and counter terrorism expert (see bio)

ALERT: DHS Joins Muslim Brotherhood- Sharia Law in the USA


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