
Monday, July 29, 2013

Blog it! Write it! Tweet it! Skype It! Shout it! ‘Like’ it!

Besting Barry through Chattering Class Communication

By Judi McLeod (Bio and Archives)  Monday, July 29, 2013
The most effective way to survive President Barack Obama is to keep right on doing what he doesn’t want you to do.  In one word: Communicate.

These are the days when Communication is more important than most anything else. Communicate to as many others as you can by every means possible.  Communication is how Obama keeps his control over America.
Patriots taking a page out of Obama’s book will one day turn the tables on the most anti-American president in history.
While he takes away jobs and deliberately stokes racial unrest, Obama wants you to suffer in silence. 
Don’t comply.
“He’s stealing our country!”  “He’s canceling the Constitution!”  “He’s disappearing individual rights!”  “He’s impersonating the Creator!”

Shout it from the rooftops!
Blog it!  Write it! Tweet it! Skype It!  Shout it!  ‘Like’ it!
Talk it up among your friends.  Put back real meaning in the term ‘Chattering Classes’.  Make yours ‘The Chattering Classes of all Time’.
Be like the iconic 9/11 picture of the firemen raising the flag at Ground Zero that almost never made it to the National September 11 Memorial and Museum all because it was deemed by Museum Creative Director Michael Shulan as “too rah-rah American”.
When you have an American president traveling the globe putting down America, when he’s not at home working on fundamentally transforming America, it is impossible to be “too rah-rah American”.
Don’t worry about a mainstream media in the tank for Obama and ignoring the news that matters.
Patriots prefer the Internet over the mainstream media.  The pentagon’s so worried about it that this is the headline on Drudge this morning: ‘Pentagon vows American people should hear it from us, not as scoop on DRUDGE REPORT’.
“On Thursday, the DoD bemoaned and the fact that, because of citizen journalists, social media and other online platforms reporting news in real time, the public is more quickly becoming aware of the constant patterns of contradictions and habitual lying by a government long ago captured by a group of corrupt interests.”
Ignore the government’s all too willing Ministry of Propaganda Mainstream Media by being your own media.  You know more about the news than the mainstream media because you have been living the Marxist Misery ever since Obama was sworn in on Jan.20, 2009.
Obama and Company need you to think that they’ve got you coming and going.  They’re reducing civil society to life in a goldfish bowl and the mainstream media reminds you where you are on a daily basis. 
The NSA, IRS, DHS, FBI, CIA are peering in at you, watching your every move.  Make that paid to peer in at you.  There is no longer any privacy in your not-so-long-ago-private vehicle,  and Big Government can both demand and get the password to your website.
Bumbling bureaucrats on Obama’s watch are more like the Keystone Kops than Double O Sevens.  More anxious to please their government bosses, bumbling bureaucrats lack the know-how about how to use mass data against their perceived enemies.  Carry on with your life as though they’re not there, because they’ll have to be gotten rid of before Obama’s replacement takes over.  Who will vote for an incoming president who carries on with the spying-on-the-masses NSA, IRS, DHS, FBI, and CIA?
It takes full time energy for politicians to oversee the world of spydom.  There’s no contest when it comes to running spydom smoothly or feathering their own nests. Count on the politicians being where you can always find them; in the back-room troughs counting the riches that unfortunately come with being an elected official today.
So the government now has the technology that can remotely explode your car with you in it.  Big Government can chase you into your own barn with one of its countless drones.
Like the television footage where the leopard finally catches up with the weakest member of the running herd, Big Government can only do it one at a time too.
They can’t go after the entire herd because they’ll be stampeded.
No matter how tough the going gets, always remember that more than anything else Obama wants a thoroughly demoralized America.
Don’t let him have it.
Retreating into a stony silence and wallowing in depression and despair is totally un-American and doesn’t cut it for future generations.
The Chattering Class of All Time can drown out Obama’s oft-repeated promise to “fundamentally transform America”  with one galvanizing chant: “USA! “USA!”

Copyright © Canada Free Press

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