
Friday, June 28, 2013

Whistleblower Reveals World Bank Corruption in New Interview

hehe Now it is the "tin foils" who 'believe' that at the HIGHEST LEVELS of Our Society & Gov.  ALL over the World that "they" DO NOT /HAVE NOT    ever, EVER !  had/have  the Best Interest's  of   the  People  !!!     now the only  "Q"    is what r the 6.5 +/-  Billions of US  gonna do about it ?    ~     A suggestion if I may ?   ....How about WE (6.5 +/- Billions)   ...kick their asses & throw em  out of their own party :o     

Whistleblower Reveals World Bank Corruption in New Interview

truther June 28, 2013
Joe Wright
Whistleblowers continue to endure an increasing level of targeting and prosecution by an administration that touts its commitment to transparency. Despite this, many brave insiders continue to come forward to reveal the extent of corruption at the highest levels.
Whistleblower Reveals World Bank Corruption in New Interview
Edward Snowden and Bradley Manning are taking center stage at the moment. Yet, former World Bank Senior Legal Counsel, Karen Hudes, seen in the video below with Sean Stone, and a new video interview with RT’s Abby Martin is revealing equally important information about corruption at the World Bank, and a tiny group pulling the strings of politicians and the media to suppress knowledge of their activities.
The World Bank is already notorious for its wide range of human rights violations, land-grab schemes, environmental destruction and economic attacks on sovereign nations and local communities. Hudes offers some additional details about what she asserts is one single group controlling world financial markets and media. She also offers names of people who were involved in blackmail surrounding a 2007 prostitution scandal. Hudes has been charged by Attorney General Eric Holder with trespassing after being arrested May 13th at an office of the World Bank. Hear the story that corporate media is ignoring….
Hudes’ bio highlights her 21-year experience at the World Bank as Senior Legal Counsel:
She worked in the US Export Import Bank of the US from 1980-1985 and in the Legal Department of the World Bank from 1986-2007. She established the Non Governmental Organization Committee of the International Law Section of the American Bar Association and the Committee on Multilateralism and the Accountability of International Organizations of the American Branch of the International Law Association.
It is worth noting that much of what Hudes discusses from her perspective shows the level of compartmentalization that takes place in large governmental organizations. For example, she states that she believes the World Bank is “finally fulfilling its mandate” by stopping the next world war. However, the deliberate destablization campaigns with subsequent destruction and reconstruction projects, as documented by other insiders such as John Perkins, call this idealistic view into serious question. Hudes maintains that it is exactly this type of corruption that is being rooted out, and why people like her are being targeted.
Regardless of one’s view of the World Bank as an institution, Hudes’ information highlights that there are people who get into this type of work with good intentions, believing the propaganda they have been given. At the very least, her assertion that there is a network of insiders that will continue blowing the whistle about World Bank corruption bears watching. Lastly, it is worth noting her comments on the possibility of martial law in America and the steps being taken to avoid it. Time will tell.

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