
Sunday, June 2, 2013


Posted by George Freund on June 2, 2013       me) r     always finding NAZI'S  in there,somewhere???

Welcome to the MATRIX. You will be absorbed in the name of fear. It is a pattern that has worked since time began. In fear mode all rational thinking is caste to the winds. Yesterday marked a milestone in the development of the MARK OF THE BEAST SYSTEM. In a low key affair a Toronto City Councillor Maria Augimeri sent out her usual information letter with an unusual addendum. It was the MASONCHIP kit. Yes indeed the conspiracy theory that garnered the most audacious snickers in years past is being offered to your children on a voluntary basis for now. I'm sure as the ground gains firmness, it will be mandatory to attend a government school. There you have it in dribs and drabs the MARK OF THE BEAST system is beginning.


So what is there to fear about this microchip implant. Surely the government would never mean us any harm. They only lie and steal. That is such a openly accepted duty that we reward them the title Honourable and give them pensions. In exceptional circumstances they will receive the Order of Kanada for the deceptions. Of course you never read IBM and the HOLOCAUST. You see a company called IBM (I Burned Many) made the first mechanical computer. It was called the hollerith machine. It sorted data cards like the later electronic computers. The cards carried a series of numbers. Those numbers were your TATTOO! It detailed you value to the state in skills and education. It recorded your religion so the inferior races could be dealt with according to LAW!


You see now there is nothing to fear because the TATTOO is electronic. It is invisible to the eye. How quaint. However, the effect is still the same. Skills and abilities can be recorded for later assessment. The beauty is those who don't even know the history of the holocaust actually volunteered their children. I wonder if they asked their religion on the form to isolate the Jews first and finish the job IBM started so very long ago now. It is brilliant strategy isn't it? Perhaps Maria with not be rewarded the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves. Perhaps she is just what is termed a useful idiot. Although they are only useful in limited contexts before they are retired.

In the United States we are actually teaching the children to flee to and embrace the FEMA camps. An Australian billionaire, Gina Rinehart, states we should sterilize the inferior creatures. History does seem to repeat itself. No wonder they need to know where the guns are. They want your children in the MARK OF THE BEAST system. Hand them over like the good sheeple you are.


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