
Thursday, June 6, 2013

Massive pedophile network busted, bizarrely dressed ringleader arrested

hey we had a "ring" like that here in PA, yea up in 'loin'  country ???   um ah oh yea ..that was 'just' crazy jerry !          kinda like some of the 'same' people out there in  'franklin' wink. wink.  ...that 'showed' up in 'loin' country ? wink .wink .        

Massive pedophile network busted, bizarrely dressed ringleader arrested

By Benjamin Fulford 2013/06/06
International law enforcement officials have raided a massive secret arctic facility and made scores of arrests including of a man suspected of leading the world’s oldest and largest pedophile network. The suspect, who was caught while wearing ritual satanic dress, denies any wrongdoing. However, he was found with detailed plans for illegally breaking and entering into children’s homes in multiple countries with the intent to carry out pagan satanic solar rituals.
In addition, authorities have taken an undisclosed amount of what they believe to be child workers into protective custody. The suspect, known by several aliases including Chris Kringle, Sinter Klaas and St. Nicholas, insists the laborers are members of an alien humanoid race known as “elves.” He further insists that he bought them “fair and square and an inter-galactic slave market” and has the ownership papers to prove it.
Nonetheless, the suspect admits to “loving children,” the very definition of a pedophile. Although he denies any sexually inappropriate behavior, multiple witnesses have come forth to testify that they have seen him publicly fondling under-age children on his lap and offering them “presents.” Prosecutors laughed in derision when he said he gave presents to children “out of the goodness of his heart.”
Experts say the suspect, known to members of his cult as “Santa Claus,” would probably be confined indefinitely to a psychiatric hospital where doctors will try to cure his pedophilia using a combination of chemical castration and selective neurosurgery. “Parents can breathe a sigh of relief knowing their children will from now on be safe from ritual satanic abuse during the winter solstice,” said a task force spokesperson.
While the above is obviously satire, it does serve to illustrate the moral difficulties that can be encountered in dealing with pedophilia and sexual abuse of children. Although it is often portrayed as an absolute evil, pedophilia can range from on one extreme, the rape of a two-year old boy (a case my mother dealt with as a psychologist) to another, a 17-year old boy arrested for having a 15-year old girlfriend.
This issue matters now because of the growing demand for a crack-down of elite pedophile networks. The Jimmy Saville case in the UK and the multiple cases involving the Vatican are two prime examples of widespread, institutionalized sexual abuse of minors by people in power. However, there are reports of massive witch hunts using child pornography planted into target’s computers to carry out systematic arrests of political dissidents in the US and elsewhere.
The Sabbatean mafia has long both bribed and blackmailed power elites by using under-aged sexual partners. Dealing with this issue carefully will be a key to removing the cabal from its grip on power in the West.
For example, former UK Prime Minister Edward Heath was blackmailed by the Russians for having sex with a 16-year old boy. The stigma surrounding this apparently consensual relationship became a massive security breach for the UK government. Then there is the ongoing attempt to incriminate former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi because he allegedly had sex with a 17-year old who said she was 23.
The whole subject is a moral minefield but it needs to be brought out of the closet and dealt with openly and to some extent with forgiveness.

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