
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Global Geoengineering Fueling Venus Syndrome

Global Geoengineering Fueling Venus Syndrome

What Is “Venus Syndrome”?
Venus syndrome” is not a metaphor, it is a scientific scenario. The term should be self explanatory, but just to be clear, Venus syndrome is a scenario in which climate and atmospheric feedback loops are triggered that can’t be switched off. Under this scenario, as greenhouse gasses build up, and cause planetary warming, yet more greenhouse gasses are released which causes still more warming. This trajectory does not end in a balmy tropical resort Earth, but rather a planet that is closer to hell. Like Venus, Earth would become a pressure cooking inferno with virtually no life.
Feb 26, 2013 Dane Wigington                

There are a great many contributing factors already pushing Earth toward this scenario, but one stands out above the rest. Based on all available data, if the ongoing global geoengineering programs are allowed to continue, “Venus syndrome” will be the likely end result for our planet, and sooner than almost any can imagine. Any that confuse this information with the rhetoric and hypocrisy of Al Gore and his carbon credit scams is making a mistake. What we face is real and has little to do the long list of self proclaimed “environmentalists” and “environmental” groups who have all chosen to turn a blind eye to the most dire and immediate challenge faced by all life on Earth short of nuclear catastrophe, global aerosol geoengineering.
But Venus Is Much Closer To The Sun, Earth Could Never End Up In The Same State, Right?
Wrong. Venus has many more similarities to our Earth than most realize. Venus is close to the same size, and a similar composition to Earth. Though there is still ongoing debate, the most recent science data suggests that Venus once had an atmosphere and oceans, not unlike Earth. All things being equal, Venus would not be so much warmer than Earth, but something went horribly wrong on Venus.
So What Happened?
Venus underwent a “runaway greenhouse effect”. There are a number of likely contributors to this effect which are similar in nature to what is taking place on Earth at this time. Like the sun shining through the glass on a greenhouse with no vents, the thermal energy gets in, but it does not get out. The “balance” that once sustained our planets life support systems are lost. As the scale then tilts to one side, warming, the “runaway effect” begins to feed itself. Once it progresses far enough there is no turning back, no stopping it. In the case of Venus, the average temperatures due to the “runaway greenhouse effect” are over 800 degrees.
What Is Tilting Things So Far Out Of Balance?
Though there are many contributing factors which are negatively effecting Earth’s natural systems at this time, based on all available data one outweighs all others combined, global weather modification/geoengineering programs.
Geoengineering is the “elephant in the room” that is completely ignored or outright denied by nearly all climate change/environmental groups and organizations. It is of course a given that all governmental organizations deny the glaring reality of the ongoing geoengineering programs. This is in spite of the fact that the very same agencies and administration officials are actively proposing global geoengineering programs be implemented immediately, again, as if they have not long since been fully deployed.
Atmospheric saturation with geoengineering nano particles, and the ever more apparent jet stream manipulation with ionosphere heater facilities like HAARP, are literally decimating Earth’s life sustaining systems.

Why Are They Geoengineering If Its So Destructive?
Because they can. Because there is no one to stop them. Because, at least for the short run, geoengineering is a weapon of unimaginable power (until atmosphere implodes from these programs).
Too many people fail to consider that we are not dealing with reason or sanity in regard to those that run these weather/modification weather/warfare programs. This is the same power structure that has detonated over 1800 nuclear weapons around the globe. The same power structure that sprayed its own soldiers with agent orange in Viet Nam. The same power structure that has cavalierly used depleted uranium in ammunition in conflicts around the globe. The same power structure that has routinely done biological testing on innocent civilians again and again, there is no sanity in this equation.
The stated purpose on most geoengineering patents is to deflect a percentage of the suns thermal energy in order to slow global warming.
The reflective (and toxic) metal particulates create artificial cloud cover which increases the Earth’s “albedo” (reflectivity). Aside from the fact that the elements being sprayed are highly toxic, so far so good, right? Mission accomplished? Not exactly. The long and dire list of negative consequences from geoengineering exponentially outweigh any perceived benefit. Ozone depletion, completely disrupted hydrological cycle (drought and deluge), poisoned and sterilized soils and waters, massive resulting forest and species die off, altered wind and ocean currents, triggering of catastrophic climate feedback loops which threaten all life on Earth, to name a few of the consequences.
So let me clarify, as here is the rub; they say geoengineering is nessesary in order to increase the Earths albedo (reflectivity) in order to slow runaway climate change. Available science states Venus already has an albedo over 2 times greater than Earth. Fully 70% of the suns thermal energy is reflected away from Venus due to the albedo of its atmosphere as apposed to less than 30 % for Earth. Venus is very bright in the evening sky due to its already high albedo. Has this high albedo helped Venus cool down? Not at all. Again, the temperatures on the surface of Venus are 800 degrees plus. Hot enough to melt lead. The surface pressure on Venus is nearly 100 times that of Earth.

Clearly there is much more to a life sustaining planet than simply having a more reflective atmosphere.
If “cooling” the planet was truly the primary goal of the geoengineering programs, their method is insane at best. The “pharmaceutical” approach, applying a “cure”  that is exponentially worse than the ailment it was meant to treat. It is increasingly evident that much more straight forward goals are being carried out with the weather modification, weather warfare programs. Ultimate power and control are inevitably at the root of such programs. All available data indicates, if the geoengineering programs continue, this “power” over the weather, and earths inhabitants, will very soon be at the cost of all life on Earth. Geoengineering can and does create large scale cooling events by blotting out the sun on an immense scale and with artificial ice nucleation of clouds and storms, but it comes at the cost of a much worsened warming overall. In addition to the consequences listed above, simply stated, geoengineering particulates and the toxic atmospheric haze they create traps more heat than it deflects. They are making our already dire situation worse by the day.
Where Do We Go From Here?
Geoengineering has already  helped to trigger catastrophic climate feedback mechanisms like methane mass expulsion in the Arctic. Our planet is now changing at blinding speed, and not for the better. All available data makes clear that the climate altering programs have been increasingly ramped up for over 60 years. The Earth and its life sustaining natural systems have been increasingly hampered by these programs, till at this point, the effect of the massive global geoengineering programs are so total that our planet is literally in a “straight jacket”.
Humanity has decimated the biosphere in countless ways, there is no rational argument to deny this fact. This being said, the single greatest decimating factor far, based on all available data, is the ongoing global weather modification/geoengineering programs. A decimated ozone layer, completely disrupted hydrological cycle, altered wind and ocean currents, triggering life threatening climate feedback loops (methane release), the loss of our once blue skies and photosynthesis, and the literal poisoning of all life on Earth from the fallout. This is their “cure” for the climate disruption largely caused by the geoengineering programs to begin with.

It is now becoming ever more difficult for those in power to hide the all to visible global geoengineering programs and the decimation they are causing. The corporate/military/industrial/media complex will soon be much more active in their attempt to spin the reality and horrific effects of these programs. To “sell” them to the public as necessary mitigation for the increasingly destructive weather we are all witness to. The “Weather Channel” will increase their already ongoing propaganda campaign on Febuary 28 with a new series, “Hacking the Planet“. It is important to remember that virtually all major weather modeling and forecasting agencies are now owned/controlled by the same players that are conducting the climate/weather modification programs. Their job is to explain away the ever increasing climate anomalies and disruptions largely caused by the already ongoing geoengineering.
It is the responsibility of each and every one of us to help in the effort to bring the lethal geoengineering programs to light. We must be out in front of the propaganda effort to sell the globally decimating geoengineering programs to the general public. Educate yourself on this dire issue, get credible materials to hand out, and educate others. Examples of information flyers can be found at “”. Get a copy of Michael Murphy’s “Why In The World Are They Spraying”, then make copies, and hand them out.
If we can just reach critical mass of public awareness, we have a good chance of stopping the spraying. At that point those who actually carry out these programs would realize they are literally slow-killing themselves and their families along with the rest of us. Many if not most would likely choose not to participate. Public awareness is growing by the day, we must do everything possible to not only maintain, but increase this momentum.
If geoengineering/weather/climate modification is not stopped, and the planet not allowed to respond and recover, available science points to “Venus syndrome” as the likely future for us all.
“Enlightenment is a destructive process. It has nothing to do with becoming better or being happier. Enlightenment is the crumbling away of untruth. It’s seeing through the facade of pretence. It’s the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true.” -Osho

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