
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Eyewitness, CO Fires Being Set!

can you say "covert/black ops/art "  WAR   being waged ,among ???   nawwwwwww,nope ..just shit happens .        all right before/under OUR noses ?  yep           

Eyewitness, CO Fires Being Set!

Monday, June 24, 2013 11:10
Read the eyewitness testimony that follows this from the
Authorities in El Paso County said they are focusing on a very tiny spot in their hunt for the reason the flames erupted in the mature stand of Ponderosa pines. The fire moved quickly out of control and incinerated homes and people alike with temperatures up to 2,500 degrees.
“One thing that my investigators have given me the authority to state is that they have all but ruled out natural causes as the cause of this fire,” said Sheriff Terry Maketa. “I can’t really go any further on that, but I can say we are pretty confident it was not, for instance, a lightning strike.”
The causes for most forest fires are limited to electrical problems, campfires or grills that get out of control, accidents such as a car fire and sparks from chain saws or other back-country tools.
Those causes, to an expert investigator, are readily identifiable.
But authorities said they were focusing on a 28-foot square patch where they believe the fire started, examining some portions with a magnifying glass.
While I am writing this, our skies once again are so filled with smoke from forest fires that we can’t even see our beautiful Rocky Mountains. I am a native along with my dad and we have never seen anything like what we have seen the last couple of years in Colorado (always starting in June like clockwork). No matter what the media is saying…it’s more than…windy,hot and extreme drought that’s causing these extreme outbursts of fires in our beautiful state…IMHO. A friend of mine that works in the medical field was sharing a couple stories with me last night. First, she told me that her medical director works closely with Northcom and this person believes there is strong indications of terrorism in regards to the fires.  Second, she has friends just last week after the Black Forest Fire was started that experienced a very strange event outside their foothills home at 3:30am. They were getting up at this time to catch a flight and when they looked out the window they noticed a very suspicious vehicle that was not familiar to the area. They watched for a few minutes, when suddenly someone in the vehicle threw out something unidentifiable but what they knew for a fact is it created smoke(fire). Her friend use to work for fire dept and rushed to put it out. They called the fire dept and gave their story. How chilling to think there are people out trying to start these fires.  These people doing this definitely have an agenda. MARY FROM COLORADO
Repost re CO fires being set by foreign troops……
By Dr. Greg Evensen July 19, 2012
Most recently, I have received information from a retired senior commander who is in a network of “old school” senior officers evaluating the known intelligence concerning a two front combat theater of operations. To keep as much information available to an involved cadre of military and law enforcement agents/agencies, this unofficial, undirected, yet highly qualified working group, has arrived at the conclusion point as I will describe it here.
The “second” front is America itself. Combat troops from Russia and 14 nations, air assets, armor and artillery, fighter suppression through anti-aircraft batteries on movable platforms that can respond to changing air response grids as well as logistics, hardened communications and transportation hubs, compliment a training contingent that has masqueraded as “friendly forces.” The apparent use of some type of advanced accelerant in the massive western fires defies understanding or previous experience by firefighters in that region. “Almost nuclear” in its ability to spread fire and not be quenched by normal fire suppression methods suggests, but cannot yet be confirmed by scientific testing in labs, that intentional human complicity in the fires is virtually certain. Specific battle plans in war call for the destruction of natural and man-made infrastructure by fire, specifically calling for great monetary, human and technological assets to be used fighting the fires as both a distraction and a planned reduction of the area involved to produce or exist on a “normal” basis.
( Arizona says July 1 2012 at 11;39 pm :
I live in Colorado and talk to these firefighters and I keep hearing RUSSIAN military are setting these fires, one fire fighter told me they caught Russians setting off explosives six different times and the police would not arrest them so they came back home and said they ain’t fighting no more fires, well I guess they found something to keep all the Russian troops busy in Denver, SETTING FIRES……
July 23, 2012 (stevequayle website)
There have been numerous events around Colorado in the current weeks. Recently, here in my area. A good friend was at a shooting range on 7-21-12. He was there only a short time, and called me. He said there were 3 very “buffed” men at one end of the range, and that they were speaking both perfect English and Russian at the same time! (As I understand it, from talking to a gentleman who knows, you would have to start a child at 5 yrs. old to accomplish that.)
My friend spent quite a bit of time with them. Asked them what they were doing in the States. Said they were ”mechanical engineers” . My friend, former military and and an armorer, said he had never seen pistol shooting like that. 2 and 3 inch groups at 25 yards, rapid fire. He said, “You guys shoot pretty darn good for “mechanical engineers”! The younger of the 3 asked my friend if he would like to shoot his rifle. He said, “Sure”! After picking up the piece, he said he noticed it had a Red Star on the scope! He told the ‘ENGINEER”, “Hey! This is Russian military!” The Man said,” Really?” He also told me the ammo was not sold in the States. It WAS Russian military issue. He said the reticle was as good as he had ever seen. He then said, “You guys sure you aren’t Russian military!” At this point they got somewhat upset. He asked where they had been, The told him they been up in Canada, the younger of the 2, that is. They shot a little more, then left. Headed for the range office to check out.
Upon arrival at the range office, told the young lady in the office, “That was kinda weird, shooting with Russian guys with military gear. She said, “Oh, there’s lots of them!” My friend being stunned, said “What!’ She said, “Oh Yeah, there’s a lot of them that shoot here!”
Having said that, it appears we have a “Spetnatz Nest” in No. Colo. Very rural and isolated at this range. Not much out there.
Upon making some contact calls, appears I might have a possible place for where they are placed. Will do a little “road trip” soon.
Also, a longtime friend has been doing some “vacation time” in SW Colo. Spotted Russian troops, In Uniform down in Creed Co. 12 with European style motorbikes. Spotted a local Deputy, walked over to him. Said, “What are these “Foreign troops doin’ here?!”. The Deputy just rolled his eyes and walked off! My friend walked over to them and said, “Things are a little different here than in Mother Russia” They looked at him and just walked away.
A couple of days later, he was down by Wolf Creek, going to see the falls there. This was along Highway 149 going to Pagosa Springs. There about 3 mins., a Russian helo flew over their heads at treetop level, moving fast. We have seen 4 different Russian helos here in No. Colo.
Also, during the “Exercise” at Ft. Carson, a friend of 20 yrs. who is a documentary maker called live from the base. Said, “Guess what I’m Looking at” I said, “What?”. He said, “Black C-130′s with Red stars on the tails, doin’ touch and go’s”
That’s all for now, Steve. Will send more.
May 13, 2012 (stevequayle website)
A week ago I was at Fort Carson on business picking up surplus equipment for the town I represent under a government program that gives surplus military equipment to local law enforcement agencies.
We’re going into what is commonly referred to as a boneyard as a group of soldiers were coming out through a small gate. I accidentally bumped into one of the soldiers and he turned and apologized in Russian, I took a quick look at his uniform and noticed that there were no insignias of any type or name tags.
Being that he told me he was sorry in Russian I responded no problem in German and received a very dirty look. At that time a man that looked like a 1950s KGB agent walked up to him grabbing him by the collar and shook him as he screamed at him. “English, you idiot, English.”
By the time he finished yelling at him we were out of range and I couldn’t tell what else was said but this was a platoon size unit of young man that seem to be very fit and I would not doubt that there are members of the Russian special forces. I have a little experience in spotting soldiers as I was in the Army as a military police officer for 10 years.
Will return to the administration building I ran into someone I met after Hurricane Katrina and we began speaking as I congratulated him about his promotion “whose name and rank I will not divulge” he tried me to his office and we spoke for about 20 min. while our chief law enforcement officer was signing out the vehicles.
The conversation turns in the past and present as he was surprised to see me in the uniform I was wearing and I asked him about the Russian troops. He started to stammer and he said what Russian troops? And my reply was the one I bumped into that study excuse me in Russian and his KGB handler who start raising hell with him.
He broke in to remind me that KGB no longer exist, on my reply was that, yes the KGB’s gone, but they’re using another name now and they are still in business.
He acknowledged that there were Russian troops on the base by head nod and asked him are they training with the 10th Mountain division again all I had for an answer was a head nod, then I asked why in the hell are we training the Russians with our best troops and he whispered that we are not training them, wer’e training with them. At that point he said he was busy and had to get back to work, it was nice seeing me and get the hell out.
Rick Wiles, Aug 15, 2012    Spetsnaz Verification
All of us have heard over the years rumors of foreign troops in the USA. I’ve always been reluctant to mention on-air because I have no way of verifying the reports. I received a call today from a long-time trusted Christian friend whom I have known for many years. The couple is wealthy and well-connected to movers and shakers in the USA and Europe. Trust me, if they want to “name drop” it’s not an exaggeration for them. I was informed by the wife that they have a friend in DHS who promised to pass on anything significant that would be a sign for immediate preparation. That agent called yesterday. He is hearing talk inside DHS that thousands of SPETNAZ boys from that place connected to Alaska have been infiltrating from Canada into USA throughout this summer. He estimated the number so far exceeds 20,000 commandos. He advised my friends to take action immediately for food, water, ammo. I told her forget it! You need a plane ticket. The greatest shock to the American people will not be the invasion, but the merger of DHS with the invaders. Then they will understand the purpose of the 750 million rounds of hollow point ammo. Marxist Communist Valery Jarrett is the real power in DHS – not Napolitano. The nation has been compromised and sold out. Colonel Lunev told me in 1999 that the SPETNAZ boys will start arriving in large numbers months before the war.

(The Russian special forces are also responsible for the multiple underground explosions that occurred in Michigan on June 6, 2012, one of which was a mini nuke that set off radiation detectors in multiple states. The explosions were an attempt to set off the New Madrid Fault. When the attacks failed to achieve the objective the attacks were covered up after initially being reported by local media.
The following prophecy and the above eyewitness reports were sent far and wide across the USA during June to local and state governments, media outlets, and the general population. The NWO were aware of the mass mailing and as a result they were effectively shut down at the time. Our Saviour warned as well at the time, after the mailing, that the Russians were not going anywhere!   (What He will allow to happen, and what He will not, only He knows)
A Message From Our Saviour (June 9, 2012)  “Treason from within: the Russian attacks on America!”
My Blessed Child, I am your Father Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God! My Blessed Child, the alarm bells are sounding for this nation! Very great alarm bells! And, you, as a nation, are sleeping! For, a Trojan Horse has entered into this nation! You have widely opened your gates, and the Trojan Horse has entered in!
While you, as a nation slept, they worked; and still you are in the dark about their works. What is this Trojan Horse, and who are these, who have entered into your gates, whose works will have remained hidden?
I tell you that this Trojan Horse is the Russian Operation in your nation. Their true intents and purposes have remained hidden from you, the masses! And, their works have been in the dark; and sadly for you as a nation, the leader of this nation bowed to them! He broke to their demands and he opened wide the doors of your nation to these infiltrators.
Do not be naïve! The Russians, who supposedly came in for joint, military exercises, have not left; and their joint experiences have all been terminated, except for some very few.
Now, their experiences are known primarily to themselves and to a very few at the highest levels of your government. For, their collaborative efforts are to keep in power the one, who is in power over this nation. And, their combined schemes are to destroy this nation and to put it totally into the hands of your enemies. Do not believe that the Russian troops have left! They have only gone underground.
You will see more underground nuclear explosions, like the underground explosion, which was reported in and around the Indiana/Michigan area. You have also seen that this nuclear explosion and its radioactivity were immediately covered up. For, when the Russians came, they brought nuclear devices
Why would the Russians need to bring war planes into this nation; and why would you, as a nation, allow even one of their war planes to come into your nation?
When the Russians came, they brought nuclear devices. They brought explosive devices; and they intend to set off the New Madrid fault. They are viciously attacking the New Madrid fault zone with both nuclear devices and with their terrible weapons, which are known to cause earthquakes. They have also been busy setting fires and they plan to blow up nuclear power plants and to destroy dams.
They have been allowed into this nation for the sole purposes of destabilizing this nation! You will not recognize these Russian infiltrators. Their mannerisms and their training have been perfected so that they will neither be recognized, nor suspected as foreign. They are on your streets, in your tunnels, in your cities, in your subways, and in your countryside; and they have been brought in, brought into your nation by a few at the very top of this nation, particularly by your President. For, he will use their instabilities to get his iron grip on your nation. And, he will use their money to keep his place. Soon, devastating explosions will rip this nation from one end to the other.
You opened up and you allowed these troops and these many explosions to be brought in through Russian aircraft and vehicles. The plot is from within and the great treason is from within this nation.
I am showing you their works. I am not just telling you their plans; for their plans will come to pass in great measure. I am showing you their works: fires in New Mexico; fires in Colorado, nuclear explosions and various kinds of attacks on the New Madrid Fault lines. But, among their plans are planned attacks on your nuclear power plants, planned attacks on your dams and bridges, fires, fires all across this nation, many fires and explosions, and the planned release of poisonous gases! Yes, they plan to release the poisonous gases, and soon!
Now, you see! Now, you know! There is a president in this nation, who is a true Russian intelligence agent! He is one among them; and he has been one among them for most of his adult life.
Will one change the feathers of a bird? And, will this bird easily give up his power? He will not, for his controllers will not. And, his controllers are not just the Russians, but, as you know, his controllers also control the world’s wealth. Therefore, he will do as he is told to do; for he is Satan’s frontrunner, who controls the military and who will also bring this nation to its knees through the violence of this Trojan Horse; and also through the violence of the international banking cartel.
I tell you these important truths! For, soon, very soon, the poisonous gases will fill the skies and fires of all sorts will erupt all over this nation, fires and explosions, and a very great destabilization of the New Madrid Fault will take place.
And, you shall hear! Chicago is fallen! Chicago is fallen! Chicago is fallen, and so great are the numbers of the dead! For, Chicago is fallen and the city is broken, clean broken down! For, a very great earthquake will rip through Chicago!
Hear Me in this! The plans of their great works are to rupture the Great Lakes! See their evil works! See what they do! For, in this way, Chicago shall fall!
I am your Father, Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God!
As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 9th day of June 9, 2012     Linda Newkirk  www.prophecies org
Read the Obama Antichrist prophecies from Pastor TD Hale and Linda Newkirk.

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