
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Donald Trump Thinks The Extradition Process Is Too Slow, Suggests Just Killing Edward Snowden

from the oh...-so-that-hairdo's-called-an-'asshat' dept

I'm not sure at which point Fox News' "Fox & Friends" decided Donald Trump held a valid opinion on anything beyond bankruptcy proceedings and divorce settlements, but the hosts went ahead and let the man talk (about current affairs, no less).

Trump has no time in his busy life for due process or anything else we Americans take for granted in our justice system. There's only one way to deal with a "spy" like Edward Snowden.
"You know, spies in the old days used to be executed," Trump said. "This guy is becoming a hero in some circles. Now, I will say, with the passage of time, even people that were sort of liking him and were trying to go on his side are maybe dropping out… We have to get him back and we have to get him back fast. It could take months or it could take years, and that would be pathetic."
At this point, we're still dealing with the rhetorical. Trump thinks swift justice is the best justice and allowing Snowden to roam the earth somewhat freely is "pathetic." The severely wounded pride of the Republic can't bear the weight of another leak. Trump goes back against his first statement with his followup.
"This guy's a bad guy and, you know, there's still a thing called execution," he went on. "You really have to take a strong… You have thousands of people with access to material like this. We're not going to have a country any longer."
It no longer sounds like Trump wants Snowden taken into custody. It sounds more like he'd prefer someone to put out a hit on him. Again, Trump's concern for this glorious nation of ours drives his soulful plea to kill an American citizen who's only been charged with embarrassing his betters espionage and "theft" of government property.

Of course, Trump doesn't have the power to see this action carried out. But, then again, neither does the government. Snowden isn't a "spy" and hasn't been charged with treason, one of the few federal crimes that includes execution as a punishment option. So, this is just Trump fantasizing about putting Snowden down because he doesn't like what he's done.

As for "not having a country any longer," does this mean Trump is happy with the status quo? The country we have currently is the country we want? Snowden's leaks exposed the government for what it is: a complicit entity that carries water for security agencies and g-men. This is a country whose citizens' rights are being sacrificed on the cross of safety. We hardly have a "country" as it is -- at least not one that would be easily recognized by the founding fathers. And this is what would be saved by the death of Edward Snowden? This is what would be preserved by spilling blood in order to stem the flow previously suppressed information?

If so, who wants it? I know I don't. But if Trump feels this sort of thing is necessary to "protect" the nation, then it's certainly the country he deserves.

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