
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

CHILLING EVIDENCE: Gang of 8 Immigration Bill Was Designed as a Get Out of Jail Card for Obama... 'Investigate For Yourself...'

Did anyone notice that this amnesty bill decriminalizes:
  1. ‘Falsely representing or knowingly using a Social Security Number obtained with false information’
  2. ‘Falsely claiming citizenship on Form I-9′
  3. ‘Knowingly altering a Social Security Card’
  4. ‘Document fraud to prove eligibility for employment’
If you believe the allegations of Social Security, foreign student and birth certificate fraud by Obama, don't you find it incredibly convenient that the list above just happens to be exactly what Obama is guilty of?
Ramming the amnesty bill through is not only essential to preventing Americans from reading the actual bill, much like Obamacare, but it also seems to have the goal of heading off any legal challenge to Obama’s identity theft, fraud, etc.
Just say'n...
 The Washington Examiner

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