
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Hundreds of Gunowners Show up in Temple, TX with Loaded Guns At the “Come and Take it” March ..... hehe fucking NAZI'S

Hundreds of Gunowners Show up in Temple, TX with Loaded Guns At the “Come and Take it” March

This past weekend Hundreds of Gunowners staged a successful armed march in Temple, TX with Loaded Weapons At the “Come and Take it March”.

Photo: Temple Daily Telegram
Photo: Temple Daily Telegram
June 4, 2013
A week ago this notice was posted by concerned gun owners in the state of Texas:
We will be gathering for a legal armed open carry march to raise public awareness of gun laws in Texas. It is partially in response to the Temple Police Department violating the Second and Fourth Amendment rights of Active Duty MSGT Christopher J. Grisham HERE. Please join us all. We will be exercising our rights as free men and women. Be part of the solution. All permits and armed march route has been approved and coordinated with the city and local authorities. Come out for music, great speakers, food and a march around the police station and town square.
When: June 1st
Where: Temple, TX
Venue: Community Market 212 S. Main St.
Time: 10:00am-4:00pm
“While out hiking with my son through backcountry roads to help him earn his Eagle Scout rank, I was illegally arrested and disarmed without cause. I was thrown in jail and my lawfully owned weapons were confiscated without receipt or notice,” -Grisham
That’s right! Get your guns and get to Temple, TX. They forgot we have rights and we must remind them. If we don’t stand up for fellow Texans today then we will stand alone when it happens to us in our hometown. Just a reminder on legal open carry in Texas: It must be a long gun and can be strapped or hung on your person. Holding it could be considered “calculated to alarm” and this will be a peaceful march. We will be taking up donations for the 2nd Amendment Legal Defense Fund for Christopher J. Grisham.

The march ended up being successful and peaceful, as a local news channel reported:

Army Master Sergeant Christopher J. Grisham was stopped and arrested March 16th while hiking with his son in Temple for carrying his semi- automatic gun.
He says, “I had my son record the arrest because it just became so egregious to me. It was wrong to begin with and I wanted people to see what was going on.”
Since the video has been up, it has gotten thousands of views and comments from supporters.
Co-Owner of and event organizer Murdoch Pizgatti says, “I’ve seen the stop and frisk videos in New York and heard about things like that but this was stop and frisk, it was disarm, handcuffed, it was the arrest and it was right down the road here in Texas. You know that shouldn’t happen here, that is way to close to home. That was my line in the sand and I knew it had been crossed at that moment so I got up and did something.”
Protestor Josh Toles says, “There’s a lot of stuff that’s going on and people think it’s out of our control but it’s not. We’re the people, that’s why the constitution was written for us.”  
Grisham says the march sent a message to both Temple Police and the public.
“Not only is one man with a riffle or a weapon not any cause for alarm but hundreds of people with weapons are no cause for alarm. The reality is and the message that I think got through quite well to the Temple Police Department is that an armed society is a polite society and that a person with a gun isn’t someone that you need to fear,” said Grisham.       
Pizgatti says because the day was a success is now working to organize armed Second Amendment marches in cities across the country.                   

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