
Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Posted by George Freund on June 25, 2013
Today Google celebrates the 161st birthday of the famous architect Antoni Gaudi. He was termed God's architect by the church for many of the religious structures he designed. It is a very exemplary adulation from the Google clan that they opine a man who knew of the fourth dimension. Those with the abilities to control the second dimension secure any knowledge of higher realms. They Balkanize themselves in the third dimension or level commonly understood as the secret societies. As an architect there is a direct reference to the Great Architect which forms the basis of freemasonry a secret society of long standing repute. So the main clue is 911 a play on the 161. Gaudi turned some of his work on end.
It is also rather pertinent that the name Gaudi may infer Godlike aspirations of man as a creator. We are part of the creation. We are not in any way, shape or form the creator. Our attempts at changing or altering the creation will not be allowed to succeed. The seeds of our destruction are inlaid in the process. As we alter the food with genetic modification, we enter a realm where the seeds will fail to replicate the species. As they attempt to create the cyborg human they will doom the species to ultimate non-existence. Whatever we think we can create is only a decrepit copy that cannot exist in perpetuity. That could be why there are so many lost civilizations at the bottom of the sea. It has been tried before.

The nave in the Sagrada Familia with a hyperboloid vault. Inspiration from nature is taken from a tree, as the pillar and branches symbolise trees rising up to the roof.
This is the essence of the doodle primarily. We have progressed to the next level the fourth dimension. We cannot see its existence. We can describe it with mathematics and prove its existence. We can draw it as a three dimensional figure a shadow. You see that is the substance of it all. We are born in and dwell in a shadow world. Plato described it well in the concept of the cave. If prisoners were held in a cave where the only reality they ever knew were the shadows portrayed on a wall, then if they ever saw a reality outside the cave, they would deny its existence. Understanding this allows you to understand the propaganda matrix used on you every day. Plato wrote about this 2,400 years ago. Even such an old trick well described and well taught still works on the prisoners.

Common conical surface that we used to illustrate the math of the coming economic collapse

As an example, consider the following passage from Hawkins (2000):
...the velocity vectors always lie on a surface which Minkowski calls a four-dimensional hyperboloid since, expressed in terms of purely real coordinates (y_1,... y_4), its equation is y_1^2 + y_2^2 + y_3^2 - y_4^2 = -1, analogous to the hyperboloid y_1^2 + y_2^2 - y_3^2 = -1 of three-dimensional space.
Gaudi was also called the Dante of architecture as well. That opens the door to Dante's Inferno a concept we have observed before. It is the journey to the underworld which we stand at the brink of. Choices made today which are really choices made by the programming of our minds by the third dimension forces make us think we are free. They can be very subtle when applied like a slow form of cancer. I marvel at those in the second dimension at the mercy at the third while they malign an operator in the fourth. I see right through them. I can read the twilight language to the point where the future is before me. I see it again and again. As a case in point a show I was affiliated with had a guest with an army intelligence background speak on the merits of the Snowden revelations which are not revelations. That material was in the public eye for years. In 2011 three NSA employees actually sued the government over it. It was nothing new. James Bamford published a tome on it in March.
When an intelligence agency gives away a 'used' secret, it is for a purpose. It is to make you think something that isn't. It is not a leak. It is a sponge. It is a trap to lure the intended targets. From the very beginning I found Assange unreliable based on his background. His stepfather was associated from a cult called The Family that recruited blond haired, blue eyed individuals for advanced mind control programming. That was a major red flag. Julian was involved in a major film project in a country where a certain President was alleged to be born in another bigger red flag. He released a lot of previously known or stale secrets to lure better targets into the sponge. As a case in point one named Snowden contacted Assange and was exfiltrated to safety. Another named Hastings was killed in a car crash. He lived well in the second level, understood the third and was killed in the fourth.
The guest on the show planted a seed. He gave us a history lesson on the issues surrounding Turkey without telling us what is happening in Turkey. 'thegeorge' will summarize that up quite quickly. It is regime change as in the Soros colour revolutions. As a consequence Turkey is stopping the arms to the rebels - BIG NEWS! The agent planted a very deceptive seed that must have taken psychiatrists and PR people some time to invent. He told the history of the 1967 Arab Israeli War. He told us we spied on everybody. We knew Israel fired the first shot. He mentioned the USS Liberty. That is the buzz word to the alternative media front. The slow acting poison to made us conclude that even though the spying is wrong we must catch the boogie man in this case Israel red handed. It is Psychological Warfare 401 at its best. I refuse to use the accepted format in talk communications the 'expert' and the man in the suit. I can and will think for myself. You can listen to what I think. It is an insidious slap to your face. I cautioned that show even though they don't understand my point that they are sentencing America to death by walling me out. Even if you can't dance to the music of the fourth dimension, those that can cannot use it against you because they have been EXPOSED!

The travel magazine Conde Nest was the primary source of the key to the code. All the images are from the location of the works in Barcelona. 'G' is for Güell an architectural park on El Carmel. It has a serpentine terrace. Carmel is a major Biblical reference to events with Elijah and the prophets of Baal. We are still at odds. Fire fell on Elijah's sacrifice. Fire may fall here. A religious order called the Carmelites was established. Güell is located at Carrer d'Olot 5.
'o' is the corner of Passeig de Gràcia and Provença is Casa Milà the Quarry. It is located at Provença 261-265. This gives us a 9 and a 13. We may have a date 5/9/13. Of course the location is Barcelona times SIX.
The second 'o' is Gaudi's unfinished work Sagrada Familia. It is unfinished like the global government program and the cyborg man project. The anticipated completion is 2026. Of course the NASA war document ends with a 2025 completion date. Gaudi lies buried in the crypt there. The location is Mallorca 401. That reinforces the previous 5 and could reference the economy with the 401k.
The 'g' is for the Casa Mila stone chimneys an army of gargoyles that can't be seen. There are 28. Like the fourth dimension, it can't be seen. Their shadows can be seen though. They are read in the twilight language.
The 'l' is a reptilian shaped chimney of many shades of green at Palau Güell. It is made of dark stone and twisted. It is located at Carrer Nou de la Rambla 3-5. The reptilian issue is like a David Icke theory. The dark twisted side are supposed to have altered reptilian DNA.
The 'e' is another of the chimneys of Casa Mila. It was the model of Darth Vader and Sam the Eagle. Of course we all know Darth Vader was the dark side. Sam the Eagle tells us the U.S. is behind it. In summation there is an event horizon in September in Barcelona. There could be up to 28 involved. They are working to complete the 2026 plan.

St. Francis Branco
Gaudi worked with a light harmony of 45°. His scale models were a 1:10 scale. Of course we have a 9/11. He was a utopianist. The present Gothic style was defective. The Illuminists feel the same about the structure of society and the human race. They plan to destroy both from the shadows with their creation. Gaudi's creations are UN World Heritage sites. They are the new global society the UN. Gaudi did not fight in the Third Carlist War. We may not fight the Third Global War. Gaudi was the face used in a famous portrait of Saint Philip Neri. He is the hidden face of change here. Gaudi was ruined in a severe economic crisis as may we all. There were disease outbreaks of cholera and TB noted in his life. He was arrested and beaten by police for his political beliefs on September 11, 1924. This is another marked 9/11 pattern. He was thought to be a beggar when he died. India, Persia (Iran), and Japan feature in his life. Gaudi influenced the Munich Olympic Stadium and the memorial 26 Martyrs of Japan in Nagasaki. The martyrs were Christians executed by crucifixion. I think we are thoroughly aware of the list compiled by the NSA. It is Bible prophecy. There is no doubt. We bear witness to it at Conspiracy Cafe. Shouldn't you?

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