
Saturday, June 1, 2013

911 operator tells woman about to be raped that no police are coming: 'Ask rapist to go away'

Originally published May 31 2013


911 operator tells woman about to be raped that no police are coming: 'Ask rapist to go away'

by J. D. Heyes

(NaturalNews) For every absurdity committed, the offending person rationalizes it away by shifting blame, refocusing the argument or just ignoring basic facts about human nature and the cold, hard realities of life.

Such is the case with a 911 operator in Oregon who - no, I'm not making this up - told a frantic caller who was about to be sexually assaulted to "ask" her assailant to simply "go away," because no police were available to help her because of budget cuts.

According to CBS Seattle and Oregon Public Radio, an unidentified woman called 911 as her ex-boyfriend, one Michael Bellah, began to break into her place. The call was placed over a weekend in August 2012.

The woman's call was forwarded to the Oregon State Police because lay-offs at the Josephine County Sheriff's Office only permitted the department to remain open Monday through Friday.

'It's unfortunate you guys don't have law enforcement'

"Uh, I don't have anybody to send out there," the 911 dispatcher said. "You know, obviously, if he comes inside the residence and assaults you, can you ask him to go away? Do you know if he's intoxicated or anything?"

It is cases like this that make it absolutely essential to oppose any and all attempts to limit our Second Amendment right to bear arms. More on that in a moment.

Reports said the woman told the 911 operator that Bellah had attacked her before - an assault that left her hospitalized and which took place just a few weeks prior to the latest incident. The operator remained on the line with the woman for more than 10 minutes before the sexual assault took place.

"Once again it's unfortunate you guys don't have any law enforcement out there," the dispatcher said, according to Oregon Public Radio.

"Yeah, it doesn't matter, if he gets in the house I'm done," said the exasperated and frightened woman.


Bellah was eventually arrested by Oregon State Police, but only after the sexual assault, in which he choked the woman.

"There isn't a day that goes by that we don't have another victim," said Josephine County Sheriff Gil Gilberson, in an interview with Oregon Public Radio. "If you don't pay the bill, you don't get the service."

The reports said the department had to cut 23 deputies and a complete major crimes unit when it lost a multi-million dollar federal subsidy. Now there are only six deputies on staff.

No word on whether the county or its citizens have tried to raise new funds to provide for themselves for a change.

What's more, the "advice" the department gave to victims of domestic violence was as pathetic as that given to the hapless women by the 911 operator. The sheriff's department did not advise victims to, say, obtain the means to protect themselves. No.

Don't be a victim on purpose

In a press release the department warned victims to "consider relocated to an area with adequate law enforcement services" - as if deputies could be in all places all the time, even before the massive cuts. Ludicrous.

I'm not sure what is worse - the lousy politically correct "advice" these people gave out, or the expectation that those of us in harm's way should just expect to be victimized because we aren't expected to take care of ourselves anymore.

I will give you that having a firearm for self-defense may not be for everyone. Some Americans truly do not like guns and that is there right.

But in cases like this, those of you who have firearms aversion have to ask yourself what is the better option, and ultimately, what outcome do you want to see in these situations? Because asking someone bent on harming you or your family to simply "go away," or expecting you to pack up and move because there aren't enough other people around to protect you, is nothing more than meek acceptance of the victim mentality.

And when you accept that mentality you will be victimized, pure and simple.

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