
Monday, May 27, 2013

Yesterday´s tornadoes a work of evil?

May 21 2013


I do not publish stories like this, but something happened with regard to yesterday´s tornadoes that is too weird to pass up

I have a Mexican friend who has been warning me for approximately a month that a great work of evil that will take place as an environmental disaster has been planned and that it will happen soon. These warnings have been coming in dreams. So obviously, when the nuke went off in Syria I thought that must be it, but when presented with that info the Mexican friend said no, that is not it. Last night when I was going over the forum before the end of the day, this mexican friend started shouting, telling me to come quickly. I got up and ran to see what it was about, and this friend was petrified with fear, pointing at the TV set. The tornadoes were on the news, and my friend said THAT IS THE DISASTER I KEEP HAVING IN MY DREAM, IT IS THE BEGINNING.
I dug for details, to be sure and said, Are you sure those are man made, and the answer was "YES, and it is ONLY THE BEGINNING, That was caused by evil people. The worst evil." I said "Are you sure this is just the beginning" and the answer was YES.
I do not publish hearsay as a matter of course on this web site. Everything that goes up has either direct links, math, or scientific proof of one sort or another, which makes this web site an analysis site that does not have a "secret inside contact", "communication with angels and God" or "word around the Kremlin today" form the base of what is here. But this friend has been hounding the issue for a few weeks, that there is a massive disaster being intentionally planned to be faked as mother nature by the worst of people, mentioned at least once every three days. This friend is very intelligent and well educated.
This friend knows nothing about haarp, weather modification, or any other conspiracy. So where are these dreams coming from, about evil people causing environmental disasters that appear to be natural?

And on that note, the other part of the Cell tower report

This is fairly easy to explain, much much easier than the mind control via EM manipulation that Les Majeste so nicely nailed yesterday. I am just going to cut to the chase - What we call cell towers are absolutely not needed. They are often heavily fortified, are always fed at least 50,000 watts, often fed half a million watts, and typically spaced four miles apart, to give a signal radius of two miles per tower. Something is wrong with that.
The proof of how powerful they are is indicated by the size of the transformers feeding them, which are often 500KVA and Farganne even photographed and sent me the picture of one that had to be at least a megawatt.
WLS in Chicago transmits with five percent of that - (50,000 watts,) and can be heard clearly for over a thousand miles at all hours of the day with a reasonable radio, and often comes in clearly nationwide. So why do what we call "cell towers" often get fed 10 TIMES THAT to talk to a cell phone two miles away? When I was a kid, I had a set of walkie talkies that could talk to CB radios in a neighboring town when out in the open and on top of the hill (approximately two miles distant) and could even talk to a CB while transmitting out of the back seat of a car fairly predictably at up to about a half mile distant. These walkie talkies had only half a watt, and that´s not even mentioning wireless N routers which can sometimes connect at half a mile with milliwatts.
So if WLS can reach nationwide, and a kid´s walkie talkie with a laughable output can connect at two miles, why then do cell towers often get individually fed enough juice to dwarf the output of WLS, when a kid´s walkie talkie can hook up at the same distance a cell tower is rated for with the power? It would be understandable, for the purpose of penetrating the thickest walls and the darkest cellars to equip a cell tower with 100 watts, and then give that cell tower a fantastic receiver so it could hear the much weaker cell phone. But over that? NO WAY.

Is Haarp right in front of us, in plain sight?

There are over 200,000 cell nodes in America alone. Let´s just assume that half of them are not part of any clandestine system. What about the other half? Well, to be on the conservative side, let´s just say they get the minimum 50,000 watts. 50,000 watts X 100,000 "cell towers" equals FIVE BILLION WATTS. Haarp in Alaska is rated at less than 100 million. So obviously then, the cell towers have a lot more kick. And that is a conservative guess - the actual number should probably be based on each cell tower having 250,000 watts because I have never seen a cell tower with a transformer smaller than that here is what a 250,000 watt (250 KVA) transformer looks like.. A transformer of this size, as small as it looks, can furnish 5 times the power that WLS broadcasts with. A small pad mounted knee high transformer in a local neighborhood can more than feed a 50,000 watt transmitter. But a big number is a big number any way you cut it, so it is probably irrelelvant.

A cell tower should not need it's own transformer. If you see one with a transformer like this, that transformer is NOT for cell service. This one is 300,000 watts.

I always thought it a little far fetched to think that Haarp in Alaska could affect the weather anywhere in the world, because the earth is curved, and to affect the weather in another location you would need to depend upon ionospheric bounce to get your signal to it´s destination and that is not predictable. However, I certainly can buy into locally produced weather, where every cell tower in a region is fired up in a symphony of madness to cause it. THAT would be believable, and if Haarp can tap the ionosphere with 50 million watts, to trigger a much larger cascade from the virtually limitless power the ionosphere contains, then the cell towers in a region certainly have enough power to do it. At 250,000 watts each, which is most probable based on what I have seen feeding most of them, it would only take 200 towers to rival Haarp in Alaska and do it locally, right where the action is supposed to be. And why stop at 200, when there are at least 100,000 available? For just about any disaster in any region, there will be over 2,000 in close proximity that can team up to get the job done. Need a bigger disaster? Fire up more. I am not going into the over 95 percent of people´s heads concept of wave steering via synchronization of antennas, but it can be done - you can cause one transmitter to steal the energy of another and throw that energy in one direction via proper phase synchronization, so with computerized control you can get ALL towers in a region to focus their energy right where some evil bastard wants it. Perhaps the heart of an F5?

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