
Saturday, May 4, 2013

The Boston Terrorist Attack (2)

The Boston Terrorist Attack (2)

By Michael Shrimpton

Even after further arrests the media are still not getting it.  Terrorism is a state-sponsored phenomenon and terrorists rarely act alone.  They normally need help from penetration assets in the target country – manifestly the case with the Boston bombers.  There is usually a support network in the target country and there always has to be someone to provide the cash.
Asking what the terrorists’ motives were is pretty pointless if the target is assigned by the sponsoring intelligence agency.  It was always likely to be the DVD at Boston.  There is therefore no need to ask why Chechens would attack an American target instead of a Russian one.
Since the FBI are penetrated by the DVD there is no great mystery as to why they were allowed to fly freely in and out of the USA and why the FSB’s warnings were ignored.   Further intel has come to light suggesting that the FSB had done really good work in monitoring this family and their associates.   Comparing them with Thames Valley Police is like comparing the US Marines with the Cub Scouts.
Since the FSB, unlike Thames Valley Police, know about the DVD, they will not have been too surprised that the attack was allowed to proceed.  Not the least shameful thing is that the families will be lied to repeatedly in the years ahead, like the 7/7 families were lied to in Britain.  That attack was of course sponsored by GO2, the German operation in London.  We are still lying to the families of the victims of IRA terrorism thirty years after we discovered that the Germans were sponsoring the IRA and that there was a covert German agency called the DVD.  I had a conversation with a minister in the Thatcher government, some years ago, who told me testily that we had known all about the DVD and the IRA in the 1980s.  I could have hit him – why didn’t we do anything about it?
Two comments about prevention of further attacks.  Firstly the usefulness of CCTV has once again been demonstrated.  But for store CCTV these terrorists would never have been identified.  The great thing about commercial CCTV is that retailers can just drop the tapes round to a local TV station.  Had they been official tapes they might have been suppressed on orders from a DVD asset high up in the Department of Justice.  I well recall how CCTV footage of Madeleine McCann in a transport cafĂ© (truck stop) near Montpelier was suppressed by Paris, once facial recognition technology had confirmed that it was her.  Where the DVD are involved you get official corruption you wouldn’t believe.
I know there are privacy issues but it’s the old public safety/privacy balance.  CCTV makes streets safer.   Privacy comes at a cost.
Secondly, the tragic loss of life has once again spelt out the human cost of our over-generous asylum policy in the West.  It costs far more lives than it saves, both in terms of the numbers of people who die whilst being trafficked and those who die in terrorist attacks carried out by asylum seekers.  The UN Convention on Refugees has been abused to the point where it has become a sick joke.  All Western states should withdraw, putting the emphasis on regional asylum.  Neither Boston terrorist should ever have been allowed anywhere near the United States.
There was a splendid obituary in the Daily Telegraph this week for Commander Vic Sirett of the Royal Navy, who sadly passed on March 31st.  A Fleet Air Arm helicopter pilot, who pulled off the RN’s first night-time rescue at sea by a helo, of a Sea Vixen crew, he flew with the US Navy at Key West from 1965 to 1967.  In that time he rescued two USAF pilots in the Gulf and a downed US Navy F-4 pilot off the Keys.  Knowing Americans as I do I am sure he was well thanked.
That is one of the nice things about working with Americans.  You’re the Good Guys.  If you supply intelligence to US agencies, as I have, they will usually find a way of covering your butt if the Bad Guys come after you, as they came after me after Operation Vulcan, screaming with fury because our team had forestalled a major terrorist attack.  I was just finishing up a conversation with a very nice admiral in Whitehall this week when an American intelligence officer held back and made sure he was between me and the door!   There was then a very fruitful discussion and I gather he cleared up some serious confusion in the mind of someone in Whitehall who had been running interference on me.  Thanks.  As allies we help each other out.  No American in trouble has ever had to ask me twice for help.  It’s really nice to be able to call in the odd favor in return and not have to ask twice.  Gordon Duff has been brilliant by the way, as have others on the Veterans Today team.
As I predicted the Coalition Government in Britain is in serious trouble. That nice man Nigel Farage’s United Kingdom Independence Party came within two points of matching the Tory vote in yesterday’s county council elections in England.  In the Parliamentary by-election in South Shields for the seat vacated by David Miliband the Liberal Democrats came in seventh.  They only polled about half the vote for the British National Party, possibly because the public don’t see them as being as nice as the BNP.  Their vote was about 1.3% and they are a Coalition partner.
The result is a disaster for Cameron, who will surely now be forced out.  A replacement has been lined up – he’s a very nice chap and very sensible.  Cameron is likely to announce that he wants to spend more time with his family.  They are welcome to him, no offense.
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Posted by on May 3 2013, With 827 Reads, Filed under Editor, Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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