
Wednesday, May 29, 2013


There’s more news, some good, some bad, on the GMO battlefront. First the good news, because after all, the bad news is predictable(more government corruption and collusion with the corporate world. Remember what Honest Abe said: that government of the corporations, by the corporations, and for the corporations, shall not perish, etc etc and… oh, wait, he didn’t say that? How do you know? I read it in my American History textbook…what? You found the true version of his words online? Oh that’s just the internet, I don’t believe anything it says. I believe Congress, the FDA, SeeBS).
Anyway, here’s the good news:
Peru bans GMOs Read more:
That’s right: yet another “backward” South American country has enough common sense to realize that the whole GMO idea is just plain bad: there has not been adequate testing, and as the article points out, there’s another danger lurking in the wings that inevitably accompanies the allowance of GMOs, and that’s the lack of a diverse bio0culture:
“’They’re a big monoculture, which is why people usually end up using GMOs,’ says Chef Pedro Miguel Schiaffino about the detriments of factory farming, as quoted by Schiaffino owns two restaurants in Lima that serve clean, native foods, including many unique varieties found only in the Amazon rainforest. ‘[W]hen you have monocultures, the crops end up getting diseases, and you have to look for these extreme ways to fix them.’
“So to prevent the complete loss of a farming tradition that has long incorporated the diverse cultivation of a plethora of native and indigenous crops, Peruvians have decided to simply disallow the raping and pillaging of their rich soils with toxic GMOs. And in the process, this embargo will help perpetuate the native biodiversity practices that have sustained Peruvians since the days when the Incan Empire reigned supreme.”
To put it a bit more plainly and irreverently, the reason GMOs are bad can easily be seen by examining the marriage practices of the power elites, who marry into the same families over and over again, continue to go to the same schools, over and over again, joining the same secret societies and participating in the same naked wrestling in the mud initiation rituals over and over again, with the results of declining intelligence. Just look, for example, at the Bush family. Or look at the intelligence of yesteryears’ banksters, compared to the current generation.
But there’s even more good news. In the state Vermont, where people can apparently still read and think, a state GMO labeling law has been passed:
Actually, that’s probably not as good news as it may seem at first glance, for one can imagine what corporate screws might be turned if state agriculture departments started doing health studies on GMOs, or if they were to start banning targeted GMO products.
The bad news is this:
Or maybe that’s actually good news, in that it means that in the wake of increasing international concerns and mounting opposition to GMOs and the heavy-handed tactics and mercantilism with which they have been imposed thus far, it now requires an international army of lobbyists and payoff money to force them into “new markets”, i.e., new human bellies. Having introduced new health concerns, pharmaceutical companies can then move into the same markets and sell their “miracle drugs”. What is really of concern here is the following statement:
“In a cable sent from the Slovakian consulate in 2005, the State Department is told that the local post ‘will continue its efforts to dispel myths about GMOs and advocate on behalf of Monsanto.’”
That’s right, the agribusiness giant – and one can only assume its few competitors – has grown to the point that, like I.G. Farben, it can call on the Foreign Ministry of the Reich…er…the State Department, to exert diplomatic pressure. We can imagine what comes next: Heimatsicherheitshauptamt drones spying on people raising unregistered petunias or storing heirloom seeds, or raising an illegal tomato plant, patdowns for a bag of seeds.   Rest assured, if we can think of it here, they’ve already thought of it at Mon(ster)santo and probably discussed it at the Blunderberg meetings.


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