
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Facebook wages censorship war against moms of autistic children who protest GMOs: Exclusive interview with Andrea Lalama

hehe you give your INFO 4 free & "they"  monetize it !!!  

Originally published May 28 2013

Facebook wages censorship war against moms of autistic children who protest GMOs: Exclusive interview with Andrea Lalama

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

(NaturalNews) When Facebook suspended the account of a mom of two autistic children who held anti-GMO signs at the recent rally, it became national news. Drudge Report linked to our Natural News story which documented Facebook censoring multiple accounts for sharing a photo Facebook absurdly called "abusive."

That photo, it turns out, was nothing more than a picture of two children holding up hand-made signs at the March Against Monsanto. One of the signs read, "Biopesticides = Autism, Say No to GMO" and the other sign read, "Organic Food It's My Medicine, Label GMOs" (see videos, below).

This defiance against GMOs was apparently too much for Facebook to tolerate, so it took immediate action to censor the account of the mom, Andrea Lalama.

In an exclusive interview, I spoke with Andrea by phone, where she provided more background about her autistic sons, her research into the causes of autism (vaccines and GMOs), and how Facebook's outrageous act of censorship has actually multiplied global awareness of the corporate conspiracy against moms who seek the truth about autism, vaccines and GMOs.

Here are the first two parts of the interview:

Thanks to Ginger Taylor for the above graphic. She also adds, "Just what is the relationship between Monsanto and Facebook? When mom's like Joni Abbott Cox are having their facebook accounts censored and restricted because they posted pictures of their children at the Millions Against Monsanto March, you have to start asking question. Is Monsanto paying Facebook? Is Monsanto threatening Facebook with legal action? Why is this happening?"

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