
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

BREAKING, photos: TX abortionist impales, twists heads off live babies

EVERY AMERICAN in This Country ..Should Be FORCED 2  SEE !!!  ..what you NAZI (choicers )  are  REALLY Doing !!!    the Nazi's  had/have nut~tin  on u sick ,twisted fucks  !               ....LOOK!  at the PICTURES  ...u demons from the bowels  of Hell.         ah  oh yea's "just"  a fetus  ...right . 

BREAKING, photos: TX abortionist impales, twists heads off live babies

breakingnews2Operation Rescue and Life Dynamics have released photos, video, and witness testimony about a late-term abortionist in Houston, Texas, who routinely murders babies in horrendous ways after he aborts them alive.
Three former employees of abortionist Douglas Karpen (pictured below left) have come forward with shocking testimony, which they have corroborated with video and photos.karpen
In the video below Gigi Aguliar, Deborah Edge, and Krystal Rodriguez say Karpen aborts babies beyond the legal limit in Texas of 24 weeks.
The informants also say they witnessed Karpen routinely kill babies after they were born by puncturing the soft spot or impaling the stomach with a sharp instrument, twisting the head off, or puncturing the throat with his finger.
They maintain babies Karpen aborted babies alive and then murdered them “daily.”    
See graphic photos below taken by informants of two very late-term aborted babies (my guess is ~ 7 months), the first whose throat was punctured and the second whose head was nearly decapitated.
The informant, Deborah Edge, told Fox News she came forward after receiving a postcard from OR encouraging clinic employees to contact the group “if they suspected illegal activity at the clinic.”
Working with attorneys at Alliance Defending Freedom and Abby Johnson’s group, And Then There Were None, the three informanta submitted affidavits to the Texas Medical Board and Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott in 2012.
On February 8, 2013, OR received a letter from the TMB stating it was dismissing the case due to “insufficient evidence.”
It was at this point the decision was made to go public.
Ironically, late-term mass murderer Kermit Gosnell’s trial got in the way, and so release of the information was delayed until this week.
The abortion lobby and media have been claiming Kermit Gosnell was an anomaly, while pro-life activists know there are many more just like him. How can it not be that late-term abortionists blur the line between preborn and postborn?agga_smile
I urge the TMB and AG Abbott to reopen their investigation of Karpen, particularly in light of the fact that the U.S. Congress has now launched a probe into shoddy abortion clinics, late-term abortions, and live birth abortions.
By now Abbott, pictured right, has received a letter from the House Judiciary Committee inquiring how he is enforcing the federal Born Alive Infants Protection Act and how limits on late-term abortions are enforced.
Operation Rescue has many more details on this developing story, including video shot within the clinic.

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