
Sunday, May 26, 2013


Asteroids are in the news again, well, at least in Russia. That’s understandable, however, after the meteor explosion over Chelyabinsk recently. You’ll recall I had a few questions about that: the “coincidental” statements of Dmitri Medvedev the previous February, about Russia needing to deploy an asteroid defense system. Then came the Chelyabinsky meteor, which just happened to come soaring over a city in Russia with a strong nuclear industry, a city where video cameras just happen to be in nearly ever commuter’s car (for insurance purposes we were told), making sure that when the meteor streaked in when (another coincidence) everyone was commuting, it would be filmed…
…well, you get the idea.
Well, more recently, RT is reporting on two stories, as if to drive the point home: “We need a credible asteroid defense”:
Big Bang: Biggest meteorite explosion rocks the moon
And if that wasn’t enough to convince you “We need an asteroid defense system, and we need it now,” then try this:
Asteroid 9 times size of ocean liner approaches Earth
And I hope you caught the paragraph in that second article that underscored the need in the usual “mention it by not mentioning it” sort of social engineering way:
“Following the Chelyabinsk meteorite, which is the largest known space object to have entered Earth’s atmosphere since the Tunguska Event, NASA chief Charles Bolden gave advice on how to handle an asteroid that was on a collision course with Earth ‘if it’s coming in three weeks’: Pray.”
And just to underscore it more, a paragraph or two later:
“Meanwhile, mankind continues the search for ways to counter future space objects deemed dangerous.”
We’ll get back to that. But first, if you’re thinking “this sounds an awful lot like the Rosin Affidavit,” you’re right. If you don’t know the story, Dr. Carol Rosin maintains that shortly before his death German rocket scientist Dr Wernher von Braun with whom she worked at Fairchild industries, told her that he had learned what “the game plan” of the insiders was.  This strategy, according to Rosin,
“…was that first the Russians are going to be considered the enemy…”
(Ok, we’ve been there, done that)
“…Then terrorists would be identified, and that was soon to follow… Then we were going to identify third-world country ‘crazies’. We now call them Nations of Concern. But he said that would be the third enemy against whom we would build space-based weapons.”
(…ok, seems like we’re doing that now, especially that missile defense system to defend Europe against missiles from…er…Iran!?!? Forget about all those French submarine-launched ballistic missiles and British hydrogen bombs…they don’t count. Europe is weak and defenseless.)
“… The next enemy was asteroids. Now, at this point he kind of chuckled the first time he said it. Asteroids – against asteroids we are going to build space based weapons….”(Dr. Carol Rosin, cited in Steven M. Greer, M.D., Disclosure: Military and Government Witnesses Reveal the Greatest Secrets in Modern History[Crozer, virginia, 2001], pp. 255-256)
Well, now we have an article from RT emphasizing the need, once again, for such a system. And it had better be a BIG system, capable of blasting an object nine times bigger than an ocean liner; it has to be big enough to take out small planetoids.
Of course, that capability would imply a capability to do some serious damage on the surface of planet Earth, and additionally, if that capability were positioned, not defensively around planet Earth, but, say, on space probes, then we could conceivably do first strikes against those wandering asteroids long before they wandered too close to Earth. Preemptive strikes as it were…
And Dr. Carol Rosin. Oh yea. There was one more thing, according to her, on Dr. Von Braun’s long range strategy list for why we were going to have to weaponize space(and yes, I am aware of the peculiar way I phrased that):
“…And the funniest one of all was what he called aliens, extraterrestrials.”
I don’t know about you, but I’m not laughing, because any way you slice that last one, the scenario isn’t pretty. Was Von Braun listing the disinformation and deception techniques that the powers that Be would use to place horrendously destructive weapons in space? Was it, in other words, all a big scam and sham? Well, asteroids are real enough and the big one nearing Earth is a real rock. Which leaves another possibility, and I think you know what it is. The problem may not be that ET is real or not, but rather, that the proverbial “They” know that it’s a threat.
So you see, either way, I’m not laughing.


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