
Sunday, April 28, 2013

WTC “Boeing landing gear”: Lamest planted evidence ever?

The New York Daily News photo of where the “Boeing landing gear” was lowered by ropes and then “discovered” – in order to generate the New York Post “news story” reporting the “discovery”

You Just Can’t Make Stuff Like This Up (Or Can You?)

by Kevin Barrett

The Israeli Ministry of Propaganda’s (IZMOP’s) favorite New York newspaper (and they have plenty to choose from) is the New York Daily News, which recently reported the discovery of alleged Boeing landing gear – allegedly from one of the alleged Boeing 767s that allegedly hit the World Trade Center.
The lead sentence: “The horrors of 9/11 were revisited Friday when landing gear from a hijacked plane was discovered hidden behind the controversial ‘Ground Zero Mosque.’”
IZMOP’s carefully-crafted psy-op language casts the evil “Ground Zero Mosque” as a house-of-horrors, where monsters have “hidden” the bloody evidence of their awful crime.
The only problem: That piece of landing gear was obviously planted by IZMOP operatives. The Daily News saves the most important information for the article’s final sentence: “Cops were investigating how the gear got there, including the possibility it was lowered into place because a piece of rope was found intertwined with the metal.” (Emphasis mine.)
So that piece of landing gear didn’t just fall into the crack between the “Ground Zero Mosque” and the building behind it. It was lowered by ropes!
It’s just like the worst black-and-white B-grade horror films, where you can see the string that is moving the monster’s jaws. Here, in the final sentence of ISMOP’s genocide-propaganda “news article,” we can see the deus-ex-machina – the bloody evidence lowered onto the stage like the god who saves the day in an ancient Greek play. This deus-ex-machina is designed to save the 9/11 perps, and their genocidal anti-Islam myth, from evidence that no Boeings crashed at any of the four alleged 9/11 crash sites.
Obviously IZMOP planted the piece of landing gear precisely so it could be “found,” in order to generate this propaganda “news story” demonizing Muslims in service to the State of Israel.
This “Boeing landing gear” may win the prize as the most blatantly-planted piece of ’9/11 evidence’ yet, which is saying a lot. Other shamelessly-planted items of “9/11 evidence” include:
  •  The “hijacker’s passport” that magically floated down to earth beside the dustified Towers, to be picked up by an intelligence agent who managed to hand it to the authorities without being identified.
  •  The “Fatty Bin Laden Confession Video,” termed laughably “bogus” by America’s top academic Bin Laden expert. It, too, was magically discovered and handed to US authorities by someone – allegedly a US soldier – who has never been identified.
  •  The Shiite bandana allegedly discovered next to the empty, shallow fifteen-foot-diameter hole in the ground in Shanksville where the government claims a 757 completely disappeared into the soft earth.
  •  Mohammed Atta’s “magic suitcase #1″ discovered in Hamburg, Germany and delivered to police by a self-professed “good Samaritan burglar” who had discovered it, he said, during a burglary.  German police say the “burglar” was an intelligence agent, but won’t say which agency he worked for.
  •  Atta’s “magic suitcase #2” that magically failed to be transferred from the alleged Atta’s Portland-to-Boston flight on to alleged Flight 11, where it would have been annihilated had there been a Flight 11 that hit the WTC. This “magic suitcase” contained a laughably bogus “confession” to the crime of 9/11, the names of the 19 alleged hijackers (more than half of whom were alive after 9/11), and a hilariously fake “last will and testament” beginning with a botched version of the bismillah, “In the name of God, myself, and my family…” (Why would Atta have put his will in a suitcase destined for annihilation?!)
  •  ”Atta’s automobiles,” a.k.a. the Attamobiles, left at Maine’s Portland Airport AND Boston’s Logan Airport. How did Atta simultaneously drive to two airports, and leave two cars behind? Talk about over-planting your evidence!
  •  The piece of a Boeing Airliner that crashed in Cali, Columbia that somehow materialized on the Pentagon lawn on 9/11, and was photographed there in various positions in various places, with a piece of jungle vine still embedded in it.
There are dozens more examples of hilariously bad, obviously-planted “evidence” designed to reinforce the ludicrous official story of 9/11.
But the “discovery” of the “Boeing landing gear” that had been lowered by ropes in order to cast aspersions on the “Ground Zero Mosque” may be the very lamest of all the lame 9/11-evidence-plants.
Why did the IZMOP Daily News even mention the discovery of the rope indicating the piece of Boeing landing gear had been planted? Presumably as a warning to those who planted it that the cops are on to them. Now the evidence-planters can cover their tracks by whatever means necessary – bribes, threats, even murders…the same way they covered up the arrests of Israelis with truckloads of explosives trying to blow up New York’s bridges and tunnels on September 11th, 2001.
Don’t worry, the NYPD is never going to catch the guys who stood on the roof of the neighboring building and lowered the piece of landing gear into the narrow space behind the “Ground Zero Mosque.” Bernie Kerik will cover it up and send them back to Israel.  Wait a minute – Bernie’s in jail? Then whatever Zionist-mobbed-up NYPD honcho’s currently in charge will pick up where “jailhouse Bernie” left off.
The IZMOP Post appears to be guilty of conspiracy to obstruct justice as well as advocacy of genocide, conspiracy to commit genocide, and related crimes. Everyone involved ought to be lowered slowly from ropes, like the landing gear was, into the space behind the “Ground Zero Mosque.” And the ropes should be around their necks.

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Posted by on Apr 27 2013, With 3005 Reads, Filed under 9/11, Editor. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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