
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

US Pressure Cooker

Dmitriy SEDOV | 24.04.2013 |
The Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. The first video reports showed a two meter hole in the building. The big plane left no debris. The posts were deleted from Internet afterwards, the firemen made the wall go down. The US authorities still refuse to comment on the incident. They tried to post a video, which was shot from the neighboring gas station, showing a bolide hitting the Pentagon, but bloggers jeered it away. The bolide’s size was more of a soccer ball than of a plane. Has the vanished aircraft become a «flying Dutchman» and is still ploughing the airspace or was it hit by US Air Force fighters? The US officials are not in the know. The most amusing thing about it was the story telling that the passport of terrorists’ leader was found among the remnants of the twin-towers. According to investigation, the passport fell out of his pocket at the moment the tower was hit, it was gliding in the air for a long time coming down to land among the buildings ruins. 
The US fiction offers captivating episodes to make one laugh, if it were not for the death toll of three thousand. The US authorities are not aware of many details related to the twelve year old tragedy. They never respond to the queries of many public organizations. But the whole world knows the Afghanistan adventure launched in response to the 9/11 events has become a profit maker for the Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld families and the like. 
The US citizens understand they were subject to monstrous deceit, but there is nothing they can do about it. But those, who don’t, welcome the operation Enduring Freedom, which results in watering the Afghan soil with oceans of blood shed by US soldiers.
Now it’s clear the Boston marathon event is just another theatre play as the 9/11 provocation was. The way the events unfolded from the very start makes think there were invisible playwrights. In a masterly fashion the special services found the Tsarnaev brothers in the large crowd, though they wore no signs identifying then as terrorists. A number of explosions were prevented and the evil perpetrators were chased. 
But a play is just a staged event. It always has evil doers playing their parts as well as they are taught to do it. Slip ups happen. The videos assessment done by bloggers testified to the fact. Fake traumas, fake blood, artificial wounds painted on the run, people behaving in a very unusual way while lethally injured – all these things are already being commented by Internet bloggers. 
Tomorrow the US authorities will block the posts, but the bird is already out of the cage. Like in the case of 9/11, the pictures will spread around in Internet to show the world that Washington is ruled by a clique hidden behind the curtains. The lives of their own citizens, law and order mean nothing for these people; it is all just the things that cover their political interests. They are ruthless, inhuman, nothing will stop them on the way. 
It’s no brainer that there is no way the exposing material will have any affect on the US powers that be. They will continue to go on with the intrigue. We don’t know as yet what consequences it will lead to. 
Back then experts thought the conspirators involved in the 9/11 plot didn’t share their plans with then President Bush Jr. because of his intellectual faculties. In other words, he could let it out. Barack Obama is different. He is a man of common sense and it raises the question, if he was aware of the monstrous Boston adventure. If he was, the world is in for trouble. The scenario is obviously destined for the consumption outside the United States…
The Tsarnaev brothers are a good material for any versions. Even if the younger brother would make it through, he is deprived of ability to speak, so there is nothing he can say to investigators. Now he can die. 
There is something that gives food for thoughts. For instance, what was behind the recent visit of Chuck Hagel, the new Pentagon chief, to the Middle East, when he threated Iran with war? Russia did not confirm the theory of existing connection between the Tsarnaev brothers and Chechen terrorists. Then who is next? The Lebanese Pro-Iranian Hezbollah? Or anybody else? 
The United States is leaving Afghanistan. It’s a dishonorable pull out, no victory achieved. These are the times the country’s military expenditure is down. Accustomed to get big profits, the financial and military-industrial circles are dissatisfied. They want more and they want it now. They have put all the needed ingredients into the US pressure cooker and are cooking up a new dish.
Does it mean a new war tomorrow? 

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