
Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Posted by George Freund on March 31, 2013 at 10:40 AM

Did you ever feel the squeeze? If you were a depositor in Cyprus, you know what we're talking about. If you are a depositor anywhere else, you will soon learn one day what we're talking about. The phrase the world has changed takes on an ominous meaning here because it has changed. You were told in official documents you most likely have never seen. It was printed out in plain language that you never were really permitted to read or comment on. You see it is best for the robbers if everything is done in secret. Perhaps one day you'll participate in an angry mob in pitched street battles over the small details that add up to your bank balance that also changed with the world. It will be zero. You snooze; you lose. This time you lost everything. So sure of ourselves have we been we can withdraw to the same opiate of the masses the TV that got us into trouble in the first place. Only this time it is watching back and recording everything about you.

As the taxpayer, you are the lender of last resort to the government. As a depositor in the bank, you are the creditor of last resort too. The only thing is the world has changed. You thought the money you put in the bank was yours. That was your first and biggest mistake. IT IS NOT! Of course no one tells you these little jewels as we go about our business escaping reality.
A joint paper by the US Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the Bank of England dated December 10, 2012, shows that these plans have been long in the making; that they originated with the G20 Financial Stability Board in Basel, Switzerland; and that the result will be to deliver clear title to the banks of depositor funds.
So we can clearly see that this has been a plan in the works for many years. The math has always been very clear. The politicians and the bankers have always known this. A proper illustration is the hyperbolic cone. We are in a massive economic contraction which is the lower portion of the cone. As the economy approaches ZERO where the observer arrow points we will implode. The laws of supply and demand will not disappear. The system of payment will have to morph into something else. One of the simplest systems is the barter one. An age old one is the use of precious metals. In an emergency like an economic collapse all rules are null and void. Panic may ensue and create unheard of realities. It is imperative to possess the necessities of life primarily a source of food, water, and shelter.

Basically you are an unsecured creditor to the bank. You have fronted up your money on conditions. The prime condition is that it will be returned on demand. It would appear that the system most likely collapsed in the Financial Collapse of 2008. To keep the dream alive, the governments and the makes created more money out of thin air by hooking the taxpayer's future earnings to bail out the system. That ability has been tapped I would say, and they know it. So the next scheme entailed putting laws and regulations into place to allow depositors to have their accounts seized partially or in total to pay for what is now being termed as a bailin.

The FDIC and the Bank of England decided the means to the ends would allow the accounts squeezed would be converted to stock in the deficient bank. Of course a bank of that nature's stock would be valued close to zero. If a miracle happened, you would get some of your money back. The depth of crisis is that the taxpayer couldn't underwrite a further bailout. So the banks need to get their most loyal creditors off the hook. That means the depositor. The funny thing is the depositor and the taxpayer is one in the same person. The beauty of their scheme is that after conversion to stock deposits are no longer insured. However, the Faustian bargain was their next ploy because they could never insure all or even most of the deposits anyway. So these maneuvers could be best described as a controlled implosion.

To rub salt in our wounds the banks have shifted liabilities onto the banks of the depositors as well. Investment banks take few if any deposits. Savings banks take the lion's share of deposits. They were meant to be separate entities in a more perfect world. Trust companies and insurance companies make up the other two pillars. The elitist bankers have merged all these institutions into one pillar where the global economy teeters on the brink. So get lessen the risk to get more into the derivatives casino many banks have funded the liability on the backs of the depositors' accounts. That involves trillions of dollars more than the global GNP. Taking savings will be the new norm in funding bank liabilities. You can pretty much assume banks have no deposit money to ever return to you. If you don't have it in your hot little hands, you don't have it anymore. All you have is a printout of what they owe you. That piece of paper is worth less than the stock they may give or perhaps not. Either was you got SCREWED BIG TIME.

There were many warnings to heed. However, the lies are so sweet and succulent they would lure the unsuspecting into the trap. Be your own man or woman. Be your own bank. With what time remains acquire hard assets FAST! It has been said many insiders were warned about Cyprus and got their money out. They probably just shuffled along the deck of the Titanic moving to the rear. We know that strategy isn't a strategy. Prepare and man your lifeboats outside of the banks before the ship plunges. That is a better warning than the insiders get. They still believe in the system. The system is GONE! It may have totally collapsed by 2009. They just didn't tell you. Or maybe they did, and you just didn't heed the warning. In the latest Canadian Budget on page 144-45, they announced that your savings can be tapped. You snooze; you lose. Don't snooze. Pension funds are not sacrosanct. YOU ARE WARNED!

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