
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Secretum Omega: Inevitability Incarnate

Secretum Omega: Inevitability Incarnate


In conspiracy circles there are always dots that are connected that lead to great conspiracy of a dark order that has all of the secrets about just who is in charge of the planet. There are theories about ‘dark brotherhoods’ who receive their information by channeling the power of demons and there are other investigators that have shown that for millennia mankind has been directed by overlords that can only be compared to extraterrestrials.
We are now at a point in time where we weigh impossibilities and inevitabilities. It seems to be a never-ending paradox. The world, at the moment, seems unreal as we now understand that uncertainty is a certainty and that change can cause great upheavals that can affect us for years or even lifetimes.
A week ago, while the words of war were being given from North Korea, I was bold enough to stand my ground and say that while war and rumors of war are titillating subjects, I was certain that we needed more than anything to somehow allow ourselves the moment to somehow own the fact that all things in heaven and the earth needed to be observed and that data outside the realms of war would produce breakthroughs from space that would be dismissed outright because it is no longer politically expedient to care about the affairs of what is going on above us.
Let the warning go forth that the words “As above, so below” is something that should be remembered and that even if your government has decided to adhere to a war flat form the signs and wonders in the sky continue to appear to the average “joe” and that there is also a number of secrets that are being revealed by religious orders and others that are being put on the back burner for the incredible warmongering and fear mongering for reasons of establishing a New World Order.
At a recent banking conference, Vice President Joe Biden called for the creation of a “New World Order” with new financial institutions, updated global rules, a level playing field and a prosperous China.       

If you look up the phrase New World Order on the internet, sites like Wikipedia will report that its purely conspiracy theory about the rise of a totalitarian world government. This should be corrected and amended to say that it is no longer a theory and that it is an agenda that has been gradually being pushed in what has been called the “Open Conspiracy.”
When H.G. Wells, a Fabian socialist, wrote his books he was revealing in the fictitious accounts what he saw for the future. Everything from wars fought between men, to speculating on the conquering of space to control the earth from the air, and the final battle between extra-terrestrial beings setting out to colonize the Earth.
It is imperative to realize that Wells was very much part of the elite that knew of the structuring of the New World Order and how it would be accomplished. It would be done so using artillery and scientific marvels on land, sea and space.
He especially was forthcoming in his book “The New World Order” where all aspects of his fictions were seriously brought into reality in nonfiction where nothing was out of the question in bringing forth the totalitarian state including the changing of religious belief in order to sustain beliefs in extraterrestrials and a new form of collectivism or statism that will be used as way to create a new order for a new generation that will be ready to accept all things that we see as outrageous and unbelievable.
Wells, in his book “The New World Order,” was quoted as saying “Countless people will hate the New World Order and will die protesting against it.” Wells said that the eventuality would be that the Earth would be ruled by an oligarchy of enlightened elites that would be under the control of a shadow brotherhood that carry out their affairs with an intercession between beings of an unknown origin.
We would be reduced to nothing more perpetual children under the governorship of the daddy state or a religious collectivism under a new faith towards a different god – or perhaps no god at all.
The process would be undertaken for generations in order to insure the collective thought to embrace that which was once seen as abhorrent:
A sturdy and assertive variety of the new young will be needed for the police work of the world. They will be more disposed for authority and less teaching or creative activities than their fellows. The old proverb will still hold for the new order that it takes all sorts to make a world, and the alternative to driving this type of temperament into conspiracy and fighting it and, if you can, suppressing it, is to employ it, win it over, trust it, and give it law behind it to respect and enforce. They want a loyalty and this loyalty will find its best use and satisfaction in the service of world order.” — H.G. Wells
In the book ‘Childhood’s End‘ by Arthur C. Clarke, the same type of philosophy was being illustrated with the announcement of the arrival of the alien Overlords. These mysterious emissaries were instrumental in creating a New World Order and gradually condition the people of the world to accept them. The young were taught a different science and a new religious dogma to accept the image of the overlords. The image of course was what we would call demonic. Horned winged creatures were now accepted as deliverers and that young were the first to accept them.
H.G. Wells hinted at how religion would evolve into a new faith that would be part of the New World Order where differences would vanish with a faith in a new pantheon. He stated that it all would be replaced by new, collective belief. He stated that collectivism would kill religion by replacing it as the new religion, a new faith and philosophy.
The only way it could be secured is to find ways to put programmed leaders into religious and political positions so that they can convince the consensus to accept a new collective faith as the replacement for religion.
When we discuss a new faith, we may be thinking that the New World Order is expecting a faith in things of the earth. We see that the idea of climate change and resource management has become a nearly religious endeavor.
We have discussed the so-called Pactum De Singularis Caelum or the “covenant under one heaven”. It is the attempt to solidify a nationalist dictum providing a solid ecumenical backdrop for a religion that is all encompassing and strong. Their agenda is to bring about a “global spirituality,” one that appears to be Christian, but mingles Luciferian concepts.
The new spiritual model of unity and diversity holds that Jesus is only one of many religious ways. The themes of the new global spirituality include “All Things Are One” and “As Above, So Below“– terms that are associated with Hermeticism or ritual Magik. Basically meaning there is no external god. God is man, god is earth, god is nature. All is god and that we are not alone in the universe. It is proposed that we are guided and influenced by powers and principalities of unknown origin.
The stage is being set for the greatest politico-religious revolution that has ever been seen in history.
There has to be an event in history so bold that the newly formed ecumenical faith can mandate its power over civil governments. At this moment in time many people would say that this would be impossible. However, if some great event took place that would scare the flock into clinging to the new faith, then this ecumenical religious government could rise up and rule through intimidation and fear.
Energized by the statement by the head of the Vatican ’s observatory that there was no conflict between the tenets of the church and belief in extraterrestrial life, adherents of UFO investigations have contended that the Vatican has known about alien life since the 1950s even though earlier priests and astronomers secretly believed that beings existed in the skies an theorized that they were of the realm of demons and angels.   

Recently, there has been a number of books and documentaries that have reported that Pope Pius XII decided to “create a secret information department with a structure similar to the military intelligence departments of the United States and Britain.” Its purpose was to gather all possible information regarding the activities of the alien entities and information acquired by the U.S. Air Force in its investigations of UFO reports. The codename for this program was said to be “Secretum Omega.” It was reported on a documentary series called ‘Unsealed‘ that skeletal remains resembling space aliens had been excavated from the basement floor of a centuries-old vault under the Vatican library. According to this report, the discovery occurred because the library was undergoing a major restoration to its underground vaults, containing dirt floors that had not felt a human foot in more than 500 years.
The skulls were elongated and similar to many skulls that have been excavated in Egyptian tombs. However the facial structure was different and the eyes sockets and lack of teeth indicated that the skulls may or may not be human. After requests were made of the Vatican to release the identities of these remains, the Vatican reserved the right to comment.
The documentary presented an impressive, enlarged and technically-enhanced photograph of a purported UFO hovering near the dome of St. Peter’s Basilica, taken by a Polish tourist in St. Peter’s Square literally asking the question “if aliens were in communication with the Vatican.”
While attentions at the moment are focused on the war reports and the issues of gay marriage and immigration have made noise again in the mainstream, there was an announcement that there is a film that is set to be released April 22nd, 2013 that will actually show a remarkable being of “unknown origin.”
The alleged entity appears to be dead and only six inches long. There have been X-rays taken of the entity and many are certain that the being is an extraterrestrial life form.
The humanoid being of unknown origin was found in the Atacama Desert, Chile. It is now being examined and DNA sequencing is taking place to try and determine what the small creature or being might be.
In an article for the British newspaper The Guardian, director of the Beyond Centre for Fundamental Concepts in Science at Arizona State University, Paul Davies, wrote that the key to establishing conclusive proof of life from soil tests could be found by studying Martian-like environments on Earth.
As the driest place on the planet, Davies posited the Atacama as the ideal place to undertake that search – and he isn’t the first.
For years, astrobiologists have been sifting the soil and sand of Northern Chile, “looking for hardy microbes able to eke out an existence in the hyper-arid terrain.
After much research, the consensus was that nothing could survive the harsh conditions at the heart of the Atacama. Then in 2006, Jacek Wierzchos of Spain’s Universidad de LĂ©rida made a remarkable discovery.
Davies explains: “Projecting out of the parched dusty surface of the desert are countless natural sculptures made of common salt. Mr. Wierzchos broke one open and was puzzled to find a distinctive dark layer inside. He dissolved the salt rock and found the coloration was caused by several new species of microbe living inside.
The small, humanoid-looking being was found by a family who visited the area and scientists are saying that whatever the being is it seems to be at least 7 years old.
While some may speculate that the being is a dried up neonatal fetus, many scientists are saying that with scans and other tests it is determined that the being may not be human.
Either way, the topic should go viral with the release of a new documentary called ‘Sirius‘. The film is being released through Dr. Steven Greer’s Disclosure Project and was directed by Amardeep Kaleka. Kaleka’s father was shot and killed at the Wisconsin Sikh Temple shooting. Satwant Singh Kaleka, 65, was shot while trying to tackle the gunman as he opened fire.

Many people have speculated that due to the controversial nature of the film that Kaleka’s father was the target. However, there is no proof to substantiate the claim – only a tragic coincidence. There is also growing speculation that all of what is happening is a carefully staged psy-op being used to prepare the world for an outside threat that really does not exist. There are many people who point to history and conclude that the most successful way of legitimizing what would otherwise be a clear abuse of power is to create monsters in the minds of the public.
Once again, we have to go back to the writings of H.G. Wells and his book ‘War of the Worlds‘ and remind everyone that in 1938 a broadcast of a radio play based on the book panicked the United States.
Hundreds of thousands of people thought the play was real – despite announcements before, during and after the show indicating that it was just a dramatization. People stocked up cars, stashed food, drove hundreds of miles to loved ones in order to flee the alien attack. A couple of people even committed suicide.
Could all of these announcements be the beginning of the ultimate Hegelian dialectic being carefully constructed for the benefit and security of a New World Order?
It appears to be inevitability.

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