
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Pentagon: Al-Qaeda Did Not Carry Out Boston Bombings

looky ,looky The American People R  the 1's who did !!!             

Pentagon: Al-Qaeda Did Not Carry Out Boston Bombings

Tuesday, April 16, 2013 11:54

From Anonymous:
#BREAKING: Pentagon official says there is no indication of al Qaeda or any foreign connection in #Boston bombings.
If the Pentagon is saying that then what they are also saying but haven’t said directly is that this was a homegrown plot.  That makes this event even more suspicious because for months and months now the US security apparatus has been turning their sites inwards towards Americans.  People who support the 2nd amendment, christians, survivalists, etc. DHS, SPLC, FBI, etc. have all been keeping tabs on american, demonizing Americans or straight up ooking up bombplots to make americans look like terrorists.
On the other side of this, if it is a homegrown plot, who is surprised!?!   Americans are fed up and pissed off at our government, its people and policies.  The only thing is bombing the Boston marathon makes absolutely no sense if your pissed off at the government.  That should bea tip of the hat to you because why would an anti-government person bomb something that has nothing to do with the government?  They wouldn’t.  This bombing was carried for maximum damage, maximum psychological effect.  These bombs were made to maim and wound, not to kill.  These bombs exploded horizontally, not upwards and out.  One thing i havent seen anywheres else is the fact that these bombs were made to take out people’s legs at a running event where people use…  yup, their legs.  So far thats the only motive i see.  Maybe we have a pissed off runner or something.
Whether or not the government or CIA or any of them had anything to do with this.  They will certaintly take advantage of the aftermath.  -Mort
“You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.” – Rahm Emanuel

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