
Monday, April 8, 2013

My Personal Experience With Obamacare

Monday, April 8, 2013 8:32

This Beforeitsnews reporter has learned that Obamacare is affecting people's lives in a way that will only hurt millions of Americans.  This is a story I am sure is being echoed across America.  This is also a personel story because its affecting my family whcih is how I am learning about this.

According to my source, Working class Americans working at a certain convenient store chain based out of Connecticut is cutting back hours for everyone employed except for management positionsto 27 hours a week at the most.  This is to take effect on the 18th of April.  So anybody who wasnt management and working 30-40 hours or more a week, who relied on that income to support and sustain their alrady hard lives will now more than likely have to take on second jobs or whatever to keep from falling into poverty.  As we all know, that is no easy task these days.  Just finding a job, let alone a job to be able to live on, is quite a feat.  

My source is lucky, 'she' happens to be an assistant manager, however that has its setbacks too.  'She' will now be working 40+ hours a week because 'she' has to fill in the time that will be cut and taken from the others.  This means less time with family, less time to relax, more stress, more physical hardships on the body, etc etc.   Nobody wins.

This is the reality of Obamacare.  Its also come to light that while they cut these people's hours, company executives get bonuses 4 times a year and throw parties every weekend.  Such is the reality of this capitalist, Socialist, Fascist police state utopia called America in which we live.  Good luck people..  -Mort

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