
Monday, April 29, 2013


Posted by George Freund on April 28, 2013

Fathers may know best, but mothers are always right; and the mother of Tamerlan Tsarnaev, Zubeidat Tsarnaeva, says her older son is still alive. The above picture would tend to confirm her opinion. However, the police say it is someone else.
In the joy of the digital modern era there are cameras everywhere, most of them do not belong to the government in spite of the fact they have their fare share. The above frame is from a news camera filming at the arrest of Tamerlan Tsarnaev. The suspect is forced to strip naked and approach the police. He is arrested and taken away in a police. He is not Tamerlan Tsarnaev. He is the next best thing then or perhaps he is an actor. The state does not have a monopoly on them either, but they do have their fare share of them too.

The media captured pictures of this individual around the time of the Tamerlan Tsarnaev capture. He may very well have been alive at the time because he is in the classic spread eagle position. His fingertips are raised implying he still has muscular control and is not dead yet.

Some reports have suggested that this is the dead Tamerlan Tsarnaev, but we can clearly see it is not. His hair is brown not black. Color blindness was always important in police recruiting. It should be obvious he isn't one of the suspects. But...the big gunfight is about to go down.

Here are the two brothers taking cover behind the black Mercedes SUV and shooting towards Watertown Police officers. (Taken at 12:46:11AM)

The shooters were also driving the green sedan on the left. They had the back passenger door open and were going back into the car where they had additional supplies (assumingly, more ammunition and explosives). They also had backpacks at their feet where they also had additional supplies.

This is a view from the west-facing window in my bedroom and at the end of the block (Laurel St.) you can see multiple police vehicles. These vehicles were about 75-80 yards from the shooters. (Taken at 12:46:25AM)

Here it’s clear to see the brothers taking aim and firing on the officers. (Taken at 12:47:57AM)

This is a zoomed in view from the last image. The red circle highlights the pressure cooker bomb that was used just moments after this photo was taken. The use of this explosive created an enormous cloud of smoke that covered the entire street. While the street was still cloudy with smoke one of the brothers started running down the street towards the officers, while still engaging them in gunshots. As he got closer to the officers, within 10 -15 yards of them he was taken down. From my vantage point I did not see whether he was tackled to the ground or brought down by gunshots.

As the one brother was running toward the officers the second got back into the SUV, turned it around in the street and proceeded to accelerate at the vehicle barricade. This image shows the black SUV charging the officer vehicles. (Taken 12:50:57AM)

This is a zoom-in from the last image and the red circle highlights where one of the brothers was taken down and still laying in the street. The black SUV proceeded to accelerate towards the officers and drove in between the two cars at the top of the picture. The SUV side swiped both cars taking out doors and windows and ultimately broke through the vehicle barricade and continued driving west on Laurel St. This was the last I saw of the black SUV.

This image was taken from the east-facing window. As soon as the black SUV had left the street officers rushed toward the green sedan and the spot of the shooting. As soon as officers got to the vehicle they started alerting all others on scene that there were “IEDs” on the street and for everyone examining the scene to clear the entire street. Also pictured at the bottom of the image is a Watertown Police SUV that had crashed in our driveway at the start of the gunfight and had many of its windows shot out. (Taken 12:57:52AM)

At the bottom of this image is the blast mark from the pressure cooker bomb that exploded in the middle of the street. At the top of the image, the bright light is a bomb detecting robot that was moving toward the blast mark. (Taken at 1:20:10AM)

Here bomb squad personnel inspect the blast mark of the large explosion. (Taken 1:39:22AM)

Here heavily armed agents are still in search of the suspect on Laurel St. (Taken 2:14:54AM)
So in one of the greatest gunfights since the O.K. Corral, we are left with many questions in spite of the fact we have many pictures of the event available. A man who looks like Tamerlan isn't. A man who doesn't is treated like he is. Then there is the claim he charged the police down the road gun a blazing to be tackled to the ground, subdued and then run over by his brother Dzhokhar. That's an amazing story. However, I'm very dubious. Police responding to a major event like the one involved leave so many cars blocking the road a bulldozer would be required to get out. No copper is going to let a man approach gun blazing covering 75-80 yards of open ground without taking him out. Since virtually all of them have a high capacity magazine in an assault rifle easily able to take out a man size target at that range, I find it hard to believe he got around the cover of the car he was using. Why weren't there police at the other end of the street moving in on the Tsarnaevs? Why weren't there still more flanking from the sides. It doesn't pass the smell test that one unarmored man could do that.

When the infamous Australian Ned Kelly advanced on the police guns ablazing he wore a full steel body suit. The police still shot him down. In this drama the Tsarnaevs are invincible super villains. It doesn't wash. I suspect Tamerlan was taken away. The police could show us the double. But they won't. They can't. He isn't. The medical evidence is no better. We were told Tamerlan was so shot full of holes the doctor couldn't count them. I doubt that. Doctors can count quite high. The longer it takes the more they get paid. Those numbers aren't too daunting. Then they said Tamerlan was run over. The doctor said there were no wounds akin to that sort of injury. We have several completely different stories just from the authorities. They are at best half truths at best outright lies. We can expect no less from a false flag operation.

So in this purported image of Tamerlan's body we don't have to count too high to estimate the bullet wounds. There is serious trauma to the body. The doctor said it wasn't from a car, but then there was a witness that said it was actually the police that ran over Tamerlan which would make more sense. If he was shooting that would be justifiable. In fact I would suppose the advancing police cars would have done the demolition derby of the Tsarnaevs' vehicles to disable them. The lies just keep on coming. The only obvious conclusion I feel is mothers are always right.
Categories: New World Order

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