
Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Posted by George Freund on April 2, 2013 at 10:20 AM
Maria Sibylla Merian's 366th birthday
The Maria S. Merian Google doodle is a very important one. It is extremely esoteric while laying a blueprint for the manifestations of NWO desires. You see Maria was a renowned artist that is true. Her specialty was nature that is also true. The niche form of art she was known for was metamorphosis. That is a major key. The world is set to change by hook and by crook. It is the economy it appears that will be used as the catalyst for the rising phoenix an elite global village controlled my masters with a mass of improverished slaves set to be obliterated by that metamorphosis. It never had to be that way. There was always an opportunity for people to take control of their destinies and arrest the crooked development of despotism. However, that takes faith and daring. Those are rapidly depleting values in the human psyche. We see the masses clinging desperately to the branches of the vine. Some have morphed to moths and butterflies. Some have not. They will be consumed by the predator the lizard poised to strike.

If we take the situation in Cyprus as a blueprint for the world, we see the orchestrators of the metamorphosis have removed their money from the banks before the crisis was made public and laws about control of the money implemented. The banksters and gangsters as well as the political hierarchy safeguarded their assets by taking flight just like the winged insects in the doodle. The lizard swoops in and devours those not informed or able to see the impending catastrophe. It is the law of the jungle manifested here. The strong survive. The weak do not. An inability to think and reason among the predators may be popular, but it is not conducive to survival the prime skill required on this earth. In fact in a classic application of the twilight language we must understand Maria died broke. Her classic work Metamorphosis insectorum Surinamensium contains the location of her research Suriname a part of Dutch Guiana. You may not leap to a conclusion here like I, but we have been discussing Guyana avidly lately or at least the part known as Jonestown. This is a major part of the template for metamorphosis. You will be reduced to slave labour for a wealthy oligarchy that controls the assets of wealth that may very well have been yours. The people of Jonestown ceded their wealth to the People's Temple.

If there ever was a book that deserved to be required reading on the planet earth The Sovereign Individual is. It is the how to book on how to seize the wealth of the planet and convert it to your personal use. The authors Davidson and Rees-Mogg even laugh at how they can divulge their plans in the clear and people are so fascinated by great fiction that they will completely ignore the great game. I must agree. I found the book in a liquidation store and bought a good two dozen copies to give away. They were only a couple of dollars each. So not only does the book tell us that the economies will collapse, it tells us certain elites will seize the wealth of the planet and convert to their own use. They will also make themselves sovereign like a nation state. Humanity will be cast aside or consumed. Of course that made a determined patriot out of me, but like the insects about to be consumed, people are difficult to be made aware. And that is just the first part of the doodle. Aren't you glad I have an ability to see. The President of Cyprus removed his 21 million Euro fortune to London before the crisis was announced. He understood George's dictum the world moves at the speed of the predator not the prey. He wasn't the first captain to take off with the lifeboats either.
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In the here and now there is another facet to the doodle that heralds our attention. A German research vessel was named after her. She is at sea as we speak. She is sailing a course off Iceland on a journey across the Atlantic from Cork, Ireland to St. John's, Newfoundland. We can never forget that the waters around Iceland are quite strategic. They are the focal point of Russian fleets should hostilities ever raise a dark spectre on humanity. Iceland is a prime location for volcanic or other seismic activity. We must remember the research drilling ship Chikyu drilled the deepest ever holes in the earth's crust on the fault lines surrounding Japan long before Fukushima. We must remember only George said the activity would lead to disaster. We must be concerned that the Maria S. Merian is operating under cover for another purpose. In the deep, dark abyss that is history and knowledge the voyages of the brothers Zeno long before Columbus revealed this area as quite unique. There are mysteries here. The stated mission seems to involve plankton and currents of the Gulf Stream. We know that was a part of the metamorphosis of the earth after the Gulf of Mexico disaster. We wait with baited breath at the outcome.
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RV Maria S. Merian present day position

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Set voyage Cork, Ireland to St. John's, Newfoundland through some of the Atlantic's most interesting sea lanes. We wait with baited breath. The Maria S. Merian has worked in the company of drill ships before. So we wait. Maria was born in Frankfurt when it was part of the Holy Roman Empire. The Empire still is in play. It is the 366th anniversary of her birth ergo the classic number of the beast 666. Her insects were called beasts of the devil in her era. We must assume this has much to do with metamorphosis the rising of the beast and the anti-Christ system. They are still on the march to same whether we figure it out in time or not. See you Thursday night. All bets are ON!
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