
Monday, April 15, 2013


Posted by George Freund on April 16, 2013 

This is the one we have been waiting for. The illuminists must show their hand. The stage is set for economic collapse and a major theatre conflict if not a major world war. What is concealed to many in the twilight language is revealed to me. Even as I brushed through the background material I knew prophetically what it meant. That starts the blood pumping and the hands shaking. We are at the crossroads literally, scripturally and prophetically. We must choose our path. Based on that decision we will cross a river of no return. For whatever reason the twilight language exists, this writer not only sees it but feels its echoes through his heart and soul like God himself is revealing the future. Fasten your seatbelts as we enter a universe of quantum thought and expression. It is appropriate our doodle is based on a renowned mathemetician Leonhard Euler. It is after all the 306th anniversary of his birth. It is the number of a man.

Leonhard Euler was born on April 15th 1707. This date is very important in North Korea because their founding leader Kim Il-sung was also born on that day. The world has waited with trepidation over whether that anniversary would entail the launch of a missile from North Korea and whether the response would include the shooting down of it. If that response escalated the end of the world prophecy, the road I have decoded will have been traversed. You see Euler ultimately went blind. Scripture has been clear on the end of the age by revealing the blind lead the blind. Here we seers see. So whom will you follow? In the past Pierre-Simon Laplace said, "Read Euler, read Euler, he is the master of us all." If we read Laplace, we get:

We may regard the present state of the universe as the effect of its past and the cause of its future. An intellect which at a certain moment would know all forces that set nature in motion, and all positions of all items of which nature is composed, if this intellect were also vast enough to submit these data to analysis, it would embrace in a single formula the movements of the greatest bodies of the universe and those of the tiniest atom; for such an intellect nothing would be uncertain and the future just like the past would be present before its eyes.

—Pierre Simon Laplace, A Philosophical Essay on Probabilities

So we deduce the past and the present are before our very eyes. If there is any credence to the holographic theory of the universe, all portions contain the whole. So by even studying a portion we can see far more than we ever dared. Laplace's equations are called harmonic. If there is a key to the universe, it is of course harmony. Leonhard was born in of all places Basel, Switzerland. If there is a focal point on the planet Earth Basel is it. That is where the central bank to all the central banks is located - the Bank for International Settlements. That tells us the problem facing the world was also born in Basel. The Euler (which means oiler) family later moved to Riehen, Switzerland. He studied at the University of Basel. They were friends with renowned mathematician Johann Bernoulli. He won the Paris Academy Prize problem many times. In his first attempt he came in second to another man who was the father of naval architecture. That implies our 'problem' in the future will have a very serious naval element. Leonhard was graced upon the ten franc Swiss bank note. That reveals an economic element to our future. The Euler number e is a mathematical constant used in two very unique areas involving exponential growth or decay of compound interest or half lives as in nuclear isotopes.

I think you know now why the heart races and the blood pumps hard. We could be faced very shortly with an exponentially collapsing economy and a world where released isotopes start their deterioration in what are termed half lives. Some are quick. Some take a long time. All make you very, very sick. e is also irrational like our leaders. Perhaps e is referring to Kim Jong-un. Perhaps it refers to the bankers and their vassals. The BIS is NBC capable as buildings go. Perhaps they've seen the future in a dream. e is also called the Napier constant after John Napier. He was fascinated by the Book of Revelation and tried to reveal a day. He erred. No man may know the hour and the day. We can, however, see the road as we will reveal and decide whether to proceed. Napier attended Gresham College. Gresham's Law states bad money always forces out good. There is always a money angle to war and conflict. John entered into a contract to hunt for treasure. I fear that is an unpublished aspect to both the Korean and Vietnamese wars. The Japanese were stranded on both and may well have left sizable fortunes to fight over. Napier said, " his utmost diligence to search and seek out, and by all craft and ingine to find out the same, or make it sure that no such thing has been there." We do.

Euler studied Newton and worked on his second law that tells us an object's speed and motion are altered when a force is applied. The same can be said of thoughts and ideas which are more energy than object. If someone had the idea to start a nuclear war and we deduced the true perpetrator, we could alter the future by applying a little force to change the speed and motion. I would suspect the Euler (oil) would be best applied in Basel over Korea. We see Riehen is illustrated with the windrose cross. This cross is the NATO emblem showing they are the military arm of the Basel bankers. It symbolized the headings of the wind currents in the sailing ship days. It may also invoke the divine wind the Japanese culture espouses.

In our painting Leonhard is resting his arm upon a cannon barrel. He paralleled the work of another famous scholar René Descartes. This is the main chapter of the interpretation of the doodle. Descartes was the soldier. He fought in the Battle of the White Mountain for Spain as part of the Holy Roman Empire in November 1620. Of course you've made a 9/11 out of that already. He was raised by the Jesuit Order for some time, but his academic works were forbidden fruits. The previous year on November 10-11, 1619 René had three very powerful visions while holed up in a place with an overheated stove. These dreams are the crux of the future. They hold great significance over the issue with the Korean Peninsula as well. Descartes is said to have sold all his property and invested in bonds. That might not be so prudent today. He derived the expression cognito ergo sum I think therefore I am. He found perception unreliable as a means to gauge reality. He preferred deduction. We agree. He also opined that the mind or soul do not follow the laws of nature. The dream state reveals that to all.
These dreams occurred while he was a young soldier billeted along the Danube River in Neubourg. He falls asleep under the intense heat of the stove. The first dream involved Descartes walking streets where phantoms appeared. He tries to flee but is laboured by weakness on his right side. He must lean to the left to continue. A force spins him around several times. He forces himself to walk and comes upon an open door at a College. He passes a friend and tries to turn to speak to him. The wind pushes him away. A voice from the College's courtyard calls out. “Would you be kind enough to carry something to one of our friends?” It is a melon from a foreign country. He walks with difficulty while others do not. The wind subsides and he wakens.
The wind is a byproduct of the melon that has a half life. It may well herald the nuclear weapon brought to Korea by a foreign country. Descartes was duped into carrying it just like Kim Jong-un.

The second dream involves hearing a sharp, explosive noise. He wakens to see sparks and fire about his room. He returns to sleep having the third dream. He finds a book a dictionary before him and a book of poetry. The poetry book is open to a page that reveals “Quod vitae sectabor iter?”: “Which path in life will I choose?”. An unknown man appears with a poem Est et non (what is and is not). He cannot find it in the book. There are pages missing from the dictionary. The man and books disappear. He feels the dreams were sent from heaven and tries to understand them.
The explosion is the weapon unleashed with sparks and fire. The books reveal we have choices or paths. If we choose the wrong path, we will be doomed to the fire. We may choose what is or what is not. That involves the choosing of life or not. Kim Jong-un has chosen to not launch a missile today. That was the correct choice.
The doodle shows the equation -1 = eiπ. A google search takes us to many sites in Greek. One of them is the site for the Ministry of Finance in Cyprus. This is the epicenter of a nightmare. The doodle tells us to be prepared for the exponential decay from the compounding interest. What does it profit a man to profit from interest to lose his fortune. Releasing people from debts extols the power of the blessing on the system and stops the implosion. It is not part of the banker's lexicon hence the boom and bust cylcles. Gresham's law has the banker's money push our good money out of the system.

Euler worked on a puzzle called the Seven Bridges of Königsberg. It was a simple brain teaser. There are references to seven bridges in Korea. There are seven main bridges across the Han River is Seoul. In total there are 27 bridges. The main bridges are known for their cafes. This Cafe is known for its conspiracies.

The Seonimgyo Bridge is on the island province of Jeju. It is known for seven nymphs. I would look at that place as a location of safety over the mainland. The other seven bridges had seven prime contractors. It is the Busan–Geoje Fixed Link from Busan to the island of Geoje. I think it's time we need to get off the mainland. These would be the right roads in case our leaders choose the wrong road.
X = V - E + F = 2 is the Euler polyhedron formula. The doodle highlights the Tetrahedron and the Icosahedron it appears. The icosahedron can be constructed from the tetrahedron by a rotation of the triangular faces, inserting pairs of new triangles in place of the original 6 edges. Perhaps we can surmise big problems can arise from smaller issues depending on how we react to circumstances. The fact they are placed in the 'GO' may imply a go order to the windrose cross - NATO.

There are prophecies in the mountains of Korea. Perhaps Descartes' time in the Battle of the White Mountain bears significance. We wrote about the splitting of Heaven's Mountain when Kim Jong-il died. It is all a matter of deduction because our perceptions are skewed by our prejudices. The end game of course are the targets. In 2004 Google set up a company to raise $2,718,281,828, which is e rounded off to the nearest dollar. They placed billboards in a few key places. I heard Joyce Riley of The Power Hour mention two this morning. They were Seattle, Washington and Austin, Texas. Cambridge, Massachusetts and Silicon Valley were the others. We're just wondering Comrade Google. If anything happens, well know where to point the finger.

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