
Saturday, April 6, 2013

It No Longer Pays To Go To Work

by Dave Hodges -
dmvFor the first time in years, I recently entered the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) and was dumbfounded by what I saw. Presently, I live in a nice neighborhood and am employed in a highly educated and sophisticated environment. I was not prepared for what I saw on that day when I received much more than a drivers license renewal, I received a wake-up call.
I have subsequently come to the realization that the America that I live in is crumbling under my feet and I have no illusions that this country’s landslide into the depths inescapable poverty will eventually consume me as well. If you do not believe that this will not happen to you as well, you are self-deluded.
The moment I entered the DMV, I felt as if I had somehow taken a wrong turn and ventured into a third world country. Many of the people applying driver licenses did not speak English. In fact, I heard multiple languages being spoken and not that there is anything wrong with that, but these people were people of poverty, low education, lack of opportunity and gross ignorance. These people looked like cut out photos of people that I saw in National Geographic as a kid in which I was reminded of how lucky I was to be an American.
I asked myself, is this the new norm in America? The DMV does indeed represent a cross-section of America and that cross-section has changed. It is poor, uneducated and  is totally ignorant of the constitutional liberties being taken away on a daily basis by our criminal government which has been hijacked by the bankers.
In summary, my new realization of what America has become, based solely upon anecdotal data, is an America that is now a third world country. I pride myself on being a man with research based skills and I use these skills in my employment. Therefore, I know better than to trust my anecdotal perceptions (i.e. personal observations). Subsequently, I began to look at reliable national and personal economic indicators which would give me a more accurate picture and I did not like what I found. Not only is the present picture bleak, I quickly came to the realization that there is no hope of recovery under the present system. After you read this article, you will come to the realization that if you keep playing the game by the rules of the banksters, you will begin to look like the rabble that I saw that day at the DMV.
When we say that a country is a third world country, we generally characterize that nation as poor and having and economy which is severely distorted by personal sense of hopelessness and dependence upon government services. These nations also tend to have high rates of illiteracy, poor healthcare, exploding population growth among its poor and suffer under unstable governments. The following is the first part of a series which seeks to answer the question, has America entered third world status?

Where Did It All Go Wrong?

federal reserve child debtThe undoing of America has been a century in the making. In 1913, the most evil organization on the earth was created by an unconscionable act of Congress with the creation of the Federal Reserve. The United States national debt is more than 5000 times larger than it was when the Federal Reserve was first created. and this fact has served to turn nearly all of us into debt slaves with each of us vulnerable to the manipulation of the global elite.
The bankers who helped to create the Federal Reserve intended to permanently enslave the U.S. government to a perpetually expanding spiral of debt, and their plan has worked and their final victory is nearly at hand.

The Irreversible Course of America’s Economic Crash

poverty 3Boston University economist Laurence Kotlikoff, stated that the U.S. government is facing a “present value difference between projected future spending and revenue” of 222 trillion dollars in the years ahead. Where are we going to come up with 222 trillion dollars? The short answer is that we won’t.
In 2001, the United States represented 31.8 percent of the world’s economic activity.  By the end of 2011, that share had dropped to 21.6% in 2011, which means that America’s portion of the world’s economy is 32% smaller than it was a decade ago and it is declining more with each passing day. With economic indicators such as these, there is no way to climb out of the economic hole we have entered courtesy of the globalist inspired free-trade agreements (i.e. NAFTA, CAFTA). With these kinds of numbers, more Americans will be competing for a smaller number of jobs which are significantly declining in pay.

The Average American Is Taking a Beating

It is not just our nation that is taking a beating, our individual financial situations in this country has grown to a crisis level. America is no longer just in a depression. We have entered third world status, a kind of permanent depression, if you will. Yes, we have skyscrapers and modern technology, but only the elite control these resources and the average American’s standard of living is in a state of economic free fall.
povertyAccording to the U.S. Census Bureau, more than 146 million Americans are either “poor” or “low income”. Stunningly, more than 100 million Americans are enrolled in at least one welfare program run by the federal government, not including the massive entitlement programs of Social Security or Medicare. The number of people on food stamps has grown to 47.79 million Americans. In 2008, when Obama first took office, only 32 million Americans were on food stamps. Approximately, 20.2 million Americans spend more than half of their incomes on housing, which represents a 46% increase from 2001. Parents under the age of 30 experience poverty rates consisting of 37 percent. The number of Americans living in poverty has grown to one out of every six US citizens. Can you say “turn out the lights, the party is over.”

It No Longer Pays To Go To Work Anymore

Of all the facts that serve to describe the economic chaos, there is one fact that stands out among all others.
Ninety million unemployed Americans are no longer even looking for work. The next time you go into DMV, please realize that you are subsidizing a drivers license for about a third of the people. You are also paying for their health care, food stamps and shelter. And many of these lower class, poverty-stricken “Americans” are living a higher standard of living than you are and this is by design courtesy of Chairman Obama.
Gary Alexander
Gary Alexander
Gary Alexander, Secretary of Public Welfare, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania explained, “the single mom is better off earnings gross income of $29,000 with $57,327 in net income & benefits than to earn gross income of $69,000 with net income and benefits of $57,045.

Wayne Emmerich found that the family breadwinner who works only one week a month at minimum wage makes 92% as much as the breadwinner  grossing $60,000 a year. Emmerich’s stats demonstrate that by working only one week a month on can save a lot of money in child care expense. But topping the list is Medicaid, which is accessible to minimum wage earners and the program has very low deductibles and co-pays. In short, by working only one week a month at a minimum wage job, a minimum wage earner is able to get total medical coverage for next to nothing courtesy of you and I.
The middle class is not as  lucky as the $60,000 breadwinner pays out approximately $12,000 per year in health insurance costs with an addition $4,500 in co-pays. And if anyone in the part-time minimum wage earning family is disabled, SSI pays out an additional $8,088 per year. When one begins to calculate the expenses incurred by a typical breadwinner making $60,000 per year, compared to the part time minimum wage worker, coupled with minimum wage earners tax supported federal bailouts for these freeloaders, the poor have more discretionary income than those who pay the taxes that run the country. And if the part time minimum wage worker is willing to cheat and participate in the underground economy, they will have significantly more discretionary income than their hard-working $60,000 per year counterpart who actually works for a living. In short, if you are a full-time employee making above minimum wage, you paying for your own economic demise. The numbers here suggest that we’d be better off staying home and living off of the labors of what’s left of the middle class.
In short, for most industrious Americans, it no longer pays to go to work. This system is catapulting our country towards an economic Armageddon. Welfare pays and pays well, until the government turns off the faucet. Then we will have a revolution inspired by the 146 million Americans who can longer support themselves. We have all speculated on how a revolution will begin, well now you know why the DHS has acquired 2.2 billion rounds of ammunition and 2700 armored personnel carriers. They are waiting for the proverbial excrement to hit the fan.
Do you remember the scene in the movie Hunger Games in which it was illegal to hunt your own food? In Mesa, Arizona, their city government is trying to make it illegal to grow your own food by adopting several Agenda 21 mandates. Now what does the movie Hunger Games and Mesa, Arizona have in common? Both scenarios demonstrate why the government demands total dependence. The bankster controlled government wants to control you through the control of food. And when they decide to begin to depopulate through starvation and subsequent revolution, you and yours will be exterminated on their terms. The vast majority of us are living on borrowed time.
This bankster run system does not work for you and I. Again, take your money out of their banks, stop shopping in globalist stores like Walmart and begin to trade and barter and grow your own food. To do otherwise, is to continue to participate in a rigged game which will culminate in your destruction!

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