
Thursday, April 11, 2013


This has been a banner period for interesting news from the mainstream that has huge implications for the themes and concepts long followed and advanced in the alternative research/truth community, and many of you sent me this one. Last Tuesday, for example, I blogged about the fascinating article about the possibility of an encoded “ET” message existing within our DNA. The article was submitted to the prestigious scientific journal Icarus, and as I indicated Tuesday, if subsequent scientific research confirms the findings, then it will be more grist for the mill of the physicists studying the Anthropic principle, it will be even more grist for those astronomers and biologists who have long argued for a panspermia hypothesis to explain the spread of life throughout the galaxy… and of course, that in turn has huge implications for those of us who, on the basis of looking at certain ancient texts, argue that they might be talking – albeit in garbled language – of some sort of ancient contact between Earth and extraterrestrial life.
On the other side of the coin, if one looks at human origins from the twin perspectives of genetics and ancient texts, the idea that humanity emerged from the deliberate mixing of a hominid native to earth and a hominid from somewhere else may be entertained as a hypothesis. In this perspective, it has been assumed by both mainstream and alternative researchers that modern man and Neanderthal man coexisted at some point, and that they may have interbred. Indeed, according to some scientific studies, there may be as much as 4% Neanderthal DNA in modern human DNA, indicating precisely such an interbreeding of hominids. It isn’t exactly what the ancient texts indicate, but it is an interesting context from which to view them.
In that light, consider this interesting bit of news:
First love child of human, Neanderthal believed found
The statement that leaps out in this article, is this one:
“The genetic analysis shows that the individual’s mitochondrial DNA is Neanderthal. Since this DNA is transmitted from a mother to her child, the researchers conclude that it was a ‘female Neanderthal who mated with male Homo sapiens.’”
Now for those who have looked at the ancient Mesopotamian texts will recall, those texts indicate that in the gods’ engineering of mankind, they took an already existing female hominid on earth, and a male from their own “divine” population, and “mated” them.  Granted, the article’s statement is not really confirmation of the ancient story, but it is a loose corroboration that we are looking at a very large picture.
I would therefore argue something else: that it is confirmation of a methodological assumption that I and many others have advocated, namely, that a true solution of the question of human origins will have to be a genuinely interdisciplinary one, encompassing science, to be sure, but also an approach to those ancient texts that tries to find points of contact and reconciliation between them and scientific findings. Careful sifting of such points of contact may aid critical scholars in shedding further light on the editorial agendas behind each ancient tradition.  Perhaps that is why so many object to the whole enterprise of looking for such points: agendas, even ancient one, might be exposed.  

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