
Monday, April 22, 2013

Hear the Incredible Account of an Eyewitness Who Saw the Boston Bomb Suspect Running Over and Dragging His Own Brother to Escape

One of the few eyewitnesses to the pre-dawn police shootout between the Boston bombing suspects and police delivered a chilling and very raw  account of the drama in a surprise call Friday morning to SiriusXM’s Opie & Anthony radio show.
The hosts seemed very skeptical at first (they get more than their fair share of prank callers), but as “Mike from Watertown” continued to relate what he saw — with some very specific details not yet heard or seen on the news — both Opie and Anthony felt that his story was not only legit, it was one of the very few eye-witness accounts.
Here are some of the incredible comments from the Watertown, Mass. resident:
 ”The sergeant was yelling — “Get down, get down!”   “He’s got a bag of grenades! He’s got f**kin’ grenades!” “There’s a live ordnance on the streets!”
Apparently the police engaged in two different gun battles. “One on my neighbor’s side yard, and one right in front of my house….between obviously each brother and different cops.”
“Cops were shooting hundreds of rounds.”
Confirming what many have speculated about, the first bomber suspect was not dead when his brother (bomber suspect #2) ran him over. As the still-excited Mike from Watertown explained:
“The older brother got shot out front…he went down, the cops ran up to him, hit him in the face with a MagLight because he won’t stop movin.”
“The told him, ‘don’t move, don’t move…or we’re gonna shoot you in the f**king head.”
“They were both over him (two of the police officers) and the SUV came speeding down the street, going like 60-80 miles and hour…and the cops jumped right at the nick of time and he f**king ran his brother over.”
“It was a black SUV, it was like 2 in the morning, it was right in front of my house!”
“Saw him get run over, dragged him like 30 feet. He was a mangled mess. His pool of blood is right in front of my pickup.”

Gregg “Opie” Hughes pressed Mike , asking him if he witnessed any grenades actually going off. He continued:
“Absolutely, absolutely. I saw two small ones and one big one, right in my neighbor’s yard.”
“My truck probably has bullet holes in it.”
“The second guy, who got away, was shooting it out with the cops. I guess they didn’t hit him. He yelled something, yelled something at the cop and  threw some bigger explosive device. Big f**king orange fireball in the air.
“And then the Bomb Squad came in and picked up the unexploded ordnances.”
Here’s the entire audio from the call, uncut. Warning: extremely raw language and graphic descriptions of what happened on the streets of Watertown. 
H/T – @OpieRadio – Opie Radio on YouTube
Front page photo credit: Getty

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