
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

FBI Fumbles As It Tries to Cover Up False Flag Asset Tamerlan Tsarnaev

truther April 23, 2013 3

The Boston bombing suspect allegedly killed by police last week, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, travelled to Russia where he underwent “some radicalization,” the chair of the House Intelligence Committee, Rep. Mike Rogers, told NBC’s Meet the Press on Sunday.
FBI Fumbles As It Tries to Cover Up False Flag Asset Tamerlan Tsarnaev
“It would lead one to believe that’s probably where he got that final radicalization to push him to commit acts of violence and where he may have received training on what we ultimately saw last Monday,” Rogers said.
Rogers said the FBI stopped tracking Tsarnaev after an unnamed foreign intelligence service failed to cooperate with the agency’s investigation.
Members of Congress have criticized the FBI for not placing Tsarnaev on a terror watch list after it was allegedly discovered that he had embraced radical Islam. South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, an outspoken supporter of the war on terror, accused the FBI of failing to follow up on Tsarnaev.
“Once you’re brought to attention by a foreign government, I think you should have a red flag put then, to be taken off later,” Graham told CNN on Sunday. “The ball was dropped in one of two ways — the FBI missed a lot of things, [or] there’s one potential answer [that] our laws do not allow to follow up in a sound solid way. There was a lot to be learned from this guy. He was on websites talking about killing Americans. He went overseas… he was clearly talking about radical ideas. He was visiting radical areas.”
Graham later provided the FBI with an excuse for its supposed failure to track the alleged terrorist. On Monday, he said the FBI did not know Tsarnaev went on a six-month overseas trip in 2011 because of a clerical error – his name was supposedly misspelled.
The “radical areas” in question undoubtedly include Dagestan, the Russian republic located in the North Caucasus region. The impoverished country was invaded in 1999 by Muslims from Chechnya led by warlords Shamil Basayev and Ibn Al-Khattab. The two warlords were U.S. intelligence assets trained and indoctrinated in CIA sponsored camps in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The Chechnya jihad also has links to British intelligence. For more details, see Boston Bombers: Role of CIA in Chechen Terror.
The FBI, Graham, and neocons in Congress are apparently bereft of all creativity. They have decided to fall back on the old “intelligence failure” canard to explain why the FBI allowed Tsarnaev to visit Chechen terrorists with documented links to the CIA and British intelligence.
Additionally, they have not addressed a report released by Channel Four news in Britain that states the mother of the suspected Boston bombers has claimed that FBI officials contacted her eldest son after the bombing had taken place and before the shootout that allegedly claimed his life.
TIME Magazine, however, argues that Tsarnaev did not visit a CIA sponsored terror camp in Dagestan. “So far there appears to be no evidence that links Tamerlan Tsarnaev to any of the Islamist militant groups that have long fought Russia in Dagestan and neighboring Chechnya, but his time there last year is coming under increasing scrutiny, as investigators try to piece together what motivated the brothers,” the magazine reports. TIME says Tsarnaev was in the country to help his father fix his home.
Graham and Rogers, of course, did not mention that the FBI is at the forefront of creating terrorist plots. Due to this, the agency’s role in events surrounding the terror attack should be rigorously examined.
Moreover, numerous past terror events have suspicious connections to intelligence services that are completely ignored by the establishment media.
For instance, a mountain of evidence, virtually ignored by the corporate media, revealed that the 2005 terror attack in London was a staged event like the Boston attack. The London bombing occurred at the same time a terrorist bombing drill was occurring. It was later discovered that the alleged terrorists were associated with a Muslim cleric who worked as an informer for British intelligence. The alleged mastermind of the attack, Haroon Rashid Aswat, also worked for British intelligence.
The 2004 Madrid, Spain train bombing that killed over 190 people was a government-run false flag event. Like the Tsarnaev brothers, the Madrid bombers were under surveillance. The explosives used in the attack were procured by government informants and one of the bombers had a link to the Spanish government bomb squad.
On the one hand, the Mockingbird corporate media is peddling the official government generated Boston bombing narrative – which is a work in progress – while on the other hand attempting to discredit all who offer an alternative explanation. Numerous inconsistencies and revisions in the storyline over the past week reveal that the government is no longer capable of effectively staging covert false flag events. In lieu of competency and as a result of hubris and arrogance, the establishment has embarked on a campaign to discredit and slander those who refuse to accept the absurdity of the official narrative.

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