
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Communumbers II: Fluid Transmission



As we were wrapping up our coverage of the North Korean crisis, we were left with the impression that the United States had found itself in a bit of a military industrial guilt complex with regard to how far this had gone. They were actually admitting that maybe they went too far with their war game activities and the ratcheting up of war rhetoric.
There was, of course, a report that all this was a misunderstanding and a misinterpretation of the so-called declaration of war by North Korea. Over the weekend it seemed that North Korea was not going to calm down from their threats and actions of mounting a preemptive strike against their perceived enemies.
We are horrifically close to entering into a war of potentially global proportions. The comedy of errors in this entire exaggerated situation is that no one wants it to happen. However, no one is being smart enough to avoid it and so it goes on. Now the mainstream media has a hold of it and – what’s the first thing they sell the public? Crisis, tension, fear and a whole bunch of other hypothetical war scenarios that people can’t differentiate from the real thing.
Polls from out of nowhere and being conducted by CNN are now showing that North Korea’s recent belligerent and irresponsible rhetoric is scaring a lot of Americans. However, we still do not have any word about how the president wishes to respond. So far what we have seen are nothing but counter threats and a virtual staring match that can be compared to a silent Cuban missile crisis.
American policy now it seems is not to ignore North Korea. It seems that we are holding out the hope that Kim Jong Un will behave better and avoid his nuclear programs.
Maybe what should be done is to analyze the real threat to the United States and its allies instead of one hand saying that North Korea can and will use nuclear weapons on the United States and in the same breath laugh it off as if Kim Jong Un is a little boy without any direction.
The truth is: The leader of North Korea is no child. He is a 30 year old man who is showing his teeth because he feels that his people are being threatened by war games being carried out by the United States.
Here is the weirdest part of all: China, who is just aching to be the model state of pain free communism and the government we will be more like in the future, is angry at North Korea for ramping up Armageddon. They see no real value of a Korean peninsula reduced to rubble and rotting, charred carrion. South Korea has no interest in providing a Korean barbecue party for its citizenry consisting of them as the mains course.
The United States is broke and just wrapping up our little lie called the war on terror. We are tired of war, we are wiped out and we really have no no interest in fighting a war in which success will be measured in how much parking lot space will be left and whether or not people are willing to park in a radiated parking lot that used to be North Korea.
However, this isn’t stopping the forward motion of this out of control psy-op.
North Korea warned that foreigners in South Korea should look for shelter or consider evacuating because the Korean Peninsula was on the brink of nuclear war. But the South Korean president, Park Geun-hye, said she remained determined not to succumb to the North’s efforts to escalate tensions to extract concessions from the South.
Japan has deployed Patriot missiles in its capital as it readies to defend the 30 million people who live in greater Tokyo from any North Korean attack. Two Patriot Advanced Capability-3 surface-to-air missile launchers were stationed at the defense ministry in Tokyo.
Itsunori Onodera, Japan’s defense minister said “we are proceeding with measures including deployment of PAC-3 as we are on alert“. Local reports said batteries would be deployed in another two locations in the greater Tokyo area.
During this time of scrambled up news rumors of war, one of the great moments of being in the radio business is receiving reports from ham radio operators about radio activities and some remarkable theories about what might be happening behind the scenes. A Ground Zero listener in Ohio named Tim sent us a recording of a powerful technical data blast that appeared on the same frequency as a Cuban numbers station and the broadcast of the Voice of Korea. The message to me at first was not all that impressive but after enhancing it by 200 percent I noticed that there were several broadcasts happening on the same band. I was hearing French, German speech along with the broadcast of the Voice of Korea. There is a sequence of Spanish numbers beings broadcast and then a loud blast of data that I felt was a bit weird.
I received a call from Olav Phillips asking if I was able to determine what was happening and I told him that all I could tell is that a carrier from a numbers station was blasted as far as the midwest and I wondered where it was from or who it was meant for.
Olav believed that the number station carrier was sending encrypted data to North Korean Sang–O submarines that were reported to be missing by South Korea. I told Olav it would be an opportunity to monitor shortwave and see if there is anything interesting on the radio. It was an opportunity to listen to the haunting sounds of the numbers stations, stations that are believed to be broadcasting intelligence data to operatives.
Since World War I, it is believed that the numbers being broadcast are secret codes that are sent to agents who are told to listen to a frequency to get their orders. When traffic is especially heavy on the radios, it is believed that some major event is about to take place whether it be a coup or a full on war.
In June of 2010, the FBI arrested 10 people for allegedly serving for years as secret agents of Russia’s intelligence with the goal of penetrating U.S. government policy-making circles. People, I am sure, were shocked about this. It sounds like something straight out of a cold war blockbuster.
They were asked by Russian intelligence to learn all they could about our nuclear weapons and where they are positioned, policies about Iran, White House rumors, CIA leadership turnover, the last presidential election and the Congress and political parties.
What was the tool they used to receive their orders? It was a shortwave radio. It wasn’t sophisticated or high tech it was just a simple 1920’s era technology. The spies would sit down in front of their radios with spiral notebooks and write down a series of numbers. The most important thing to remember is that these numbers can be heard by anyone in the United States. All they have to do is find the frequency in the spectrum that according to a report was somewhere near the BBC reports and Radio France broadcast. You just wait for a beep, buzz, tone or music indicator and jumping from one continent to another is your home of smooth classic espionage without any commercial interruption. Spies don’t even have to be caller nine to get their prize. The information they get is in numbers, dots and dashes. All they need to do is decode it.
A lot of people may say that the Russian technology is way behind if their spies are forced to sit around a stone-age shortwave radio to get their information. However, the Russians are not the only ones sending out numbers codes. MI6 in the United Kingdom has number stations relays all over the world. Israel has been known to use the some methods and the United Sates does as well.
What better way to get intelligence? You need technology that doesn’t leave an electronic footprint. We all know that phone calls can be traced and that internet IP addresses can also be located. Numbers stations give some anonymity and they can easily be picked up and decoded. Those who hear the numbers don’t have a clue as to what they mean and what they are for, so it is a brilliant concept. Radio enthusiasts call the broadcasts spook communications or spook broadcasts. They hunt up and down the dial to find numbers stations and some try to crack the number codes.
The numbers stations are eerie. They have a paranormal nature about them. They play a signature music selection, a few beeps and then the monotone voice of a person counting.
One thing that these numbers stations do is allow spies or agents blend in with the average person. The idea that crackdowns and measures at the airports by the TSA or border surveillance does any good to keep unwanted spies or terrorists out of the country is completely without merit. We are being watched, studied and – at times – manipulated by skilled foreign operatives.
Meanwhile, U.S. counterintelligence efforts face serious challenges in keeping up with that spy threat. When Homeland Security says that they are hearing chatter about possible terrorist threats all they are hearing is the number station frequencies sending off random numbers that may or may not be the code numbers for detonating a dirty bomb or blowing up a shopping center.
The stations are hard to find and they are unlicensed. The biggest cover up of all is that no one ever admits to running one or making the broadcasts. This lends credence to the idea that the stations themselves are automated and move from location to location to avoid detection.
In an article featured on the Conspiracy HQ and Intellihub news sites entitled, “Secret Transmission Detected from North Korea, There’s MORE!”, Olav Phillips makes the argument that the data that is heard in 15 seconds of an intercepted numbers station broadcast may be meant for those missing submarines.
He asserts in the article that the reason this numbers station broadcast is so important is because of the proximity in timing to the disappearance of the Sang-O class submarines, as well as the digital transmission. He goes on to say that the Sang-O submarines in question were effectively purpose built for covert insertion of small teams of North Korean Maritime Commandos who are part of North Korea’s much lauded Special Operations Force. So at this moment he believes that there is a covert North Korean force apparently heading for South Korea.
According to Phillips, “What is more significant is the digital signal at the end of the transmission. Digital transmissions such as this one may indicate the presence of a burst transmission which contains a compressed and encrypted message bound for some covert force, somewhere.
Typically a burst transmission is used to minimize the download time at the end point to prevent discovery. The unusual part of this potential burst transmission is being attached to a numbers station as well as the length and the power of the broadcast. Normal burst transmissions are in the one second to two second range. This transmission was in the 10 to 15 second range which is almost unheard of, unless the end point is a submarine.
According to the New York Times, “South Korean officials and analysts said North Korea was extremely unlikely to start a war. Rather, they are implying that what is happening is a lot of psychological warfare aimed at heightening a sense of crisis to rattle investors’ confidence in the South’s globalized economy and force Washington and its allies to return to the negotiating table. In that vein, the North may launch a medium-range missile this week, they said.
Once again, this may trigger a harsh response from the United States. The chatter on the various radio shortwave stations has been amped up as an intelligence station in South Korea was airing some heated ranting from the military about the behavior, both in the north, as well as Japan, China and the United States have been sending coded messages in the form of secret emergency activation messages that are precautionary; however, if the codes match and there is someone given to go ahead to attack we will be watching the beginnings of a nuclear war.
The fluid transmissions and communications are absent and listening through the prism of static can have our imaginations engaged.
However, the messages being sent by the agents involved in the number stations phenomena are really not meant for us. We can just listen to their haunting message and speculate about intent.
Right now, all of the frequencies are heating up with tension and concern and maybe soon the mainstream will get the hint and begin to take seriously their jobs of informing the public instead of forcing them to go scrying thorough static communications that may or may not yield the smoking gun.
It is best to take preparations, because the logic at the moment seems fuzzy.           

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