
Thursday, April 25, 2013

Breaking: Third Bomb Explodes in Boston

“Al-Harbi bin Laden, Osama’s son – Running to (or from) America “

America’s Government Betrays its People once Again

Dear Readers: This story will be updated during the day as we sift through what we are finding and begin to piece it together more.

… by  Jim W. Dean, VT Editor

Update 12:55 pm: We have new information that Al-Harbi could not have been back doored into the US without presidential authority. Bypassing a 3-B terrorist watch status is not something an ICE supervisor could have initialed through. We know someone who sponsored an East European nursing student for a visa. The cost? Posting a $1 million bond.
The Bush family has had long and intimate business dealings with the bin Laden family. They bailed George W. out of his short stint in the oil business. They came in to buy out Harken Energy, where it’s subsequent demise went on the bin Laden family tab and was technically off George W’s  future presidential resume. Left unresolved was a $50,000 loan to GW which was never repaid, nor reported as income as a forgive loan.
How could Bush have done this back then? Easy…a few lines written into a house budget bill could have said any member of the bin Laden family was granted automatic visa status per presidential request, and approved by Congress via hiding the lines in a big bill.
Yes, folks…this kind of stuff is done whenever they want to. That’s why up and coming hustlers want to join the ranks. There is a lot more to this. We will keep posting.  Jim Dean.

They say he is the spitting image of his father
Oh, no…don’t say I tricked you with the title. This is a news bomb if there ever was one. The Saudi national that Glenn Beck has been making a big fuss over is…Osama bin Laden’s son, Al-Harbi.
But this is just for openers. His nick name is the Crown Prince of Terror, and has been reported to have vowed revenge on the US for killing his father. While we don’t have confirmation of his nickname and threat, we do know he has 3-B status…terrorist.
Yeah…it kind of upset my morning, too. Dear folks, this is what we get when we have a system of government where 90% of what they classify is for no other reason than to hide from us what they know we would have them hanging from light poles if we knew they were doing.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, they want to be able to hit a few keystrokes and know everything about us, past and present, even if you are the shoe shine man. I wrote in an article on  King Abdullah II, of Jordan’s police state, that you cannot even set up a shoe shine stand there without a security clearance.
When I want to bed last night after working on some other emerging bombs on the Boston bombing, coming soon…I was taking some more time to review again what the local media took a pass on with their extensive reporting.
With Intel analysis you always follow a dual track…what you can see, and what you can’t that you should be able to. The later shows you that someone has stuck a wedge in the door and there has to be a motivation to do that. Often you can unravel a complicated conspiracy by pulling on this one thread.

It appears bin Laden’s son Al-Harbi has the gift of ‘good connections’ like is dad.
One of the notes I made was why didn’t local media follow up on the story of the guy running aways when the slide show captured of his jumping up and running off in his tattered clothes from the bombing site, when no one else did.
It as an obvious story to follow up on as to WHY he ran off.
There was the report of the cops picking him up, and the story left off where it was assumed he was a panicked survivor. Now we know why he was running.
He was here quietly going to school, but on a student visa to Finley Ohio. He has been in Boston for six months.
Homeland Security can track any of you reading this down in a jiffy if they want to, but it seems they can’t keep up with  someone tagged with 3-B status…terrorist.  Or could they?
Somebody walked him through folks. The whole thing is so bizarre that we may find out that the kid is getting survivor’s benefits for his father having worked for the CIA, as Tim Osman, during the Soviet-Afghan war.
Al-Harbi is the son of Osama’s third wife, Kahiriah Sabar. He was not present at the Abbottabad raid. Letters confiscated there revealed that Al-Harbi was being groomed as his father flag bearer.
Technically ICE has stated that Al-Harbi was never considered for deportation. But sources claim that the deportation file was created at 4pm on Tuesday for Abful Rahman Ali Al-Harby, by and official with the National Targeting Center, a counter-terrorism sub agency of the US Customs and Border Protection and DHS.
The file indicated that that Al-Harbi was linked to the Boston bombing and was to be processed for revocation of his visa on national security grounds, the congressional source said.
But what does not add up at all is why would anyone in the government want to process anyone to leave the country that was linked to the bombing, with no mention of any investigation clearances, which given, would have removed the need for his removal. The only possible reason might have been that someone realized that a screw up was made granting him a student visa when he was a 3-B.
We will be posting more as we find it. But this is just the tip of the iceberg folks. The US involvement with the Saudis is a scandal, especially the terrorism side of it.
And the Bush family involvement with them, personally and financially reflects a completely out of control situation where even past government officials and anoint themselves as unprosecutable and they market that in the business world to anyone that cuts them in on a deal.
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Posted by on Apr 25 2013, With 2886 Reads, Filed under Editor, WarZone. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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