
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Boston Lockdown, Chechen Blowback & Illuminati Satanists Dean Henderson

The excessive and well-televised show of force in Boston following the Marathon bombing serves to bolster the US police state and the ongoing shredding of the Bill of Rights.  While much remains to be known about Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, RT news reports that their mother Zubeidat believes they were set up, stating that the FBI had been harassing her family for years. [1]
Veteran’s Today editor Gordon Duff revealed in an article for Press TV that the bombings were a false flag attack, and that high-level security officials believe the FBI was heavily involved in the bomb plot. [2]
Most likely the brothers were framed and encouraged to carry out the bombing. This explains why Russian warnings about Tamerlan Tsarnev’s connection to Islamists were ignored.
The days following the bombing included extensive use of security cameras, a no-fly zone, a city-wide lockdown, the glorification of an overwhelming and expensive security apparatus, and a decision not to read US citizen Dzhokhar Tsarnaev his Miranda Rights.
These precedent-setting jabs at the Constitution represent the rise of a techno-fascist state where privacy is vanquished and Big Brother is welcomed into our cities, neighborhoods and even homes.
The Ides of April
The April 16th date of the Boston bombings is significant, since mid-April is a time of Satanic Illuminati carnage.
Here is a short list from just the past 20 years:
  • April 19, 1993 – ATF sets fire to the Branch Davidian compound at Waco, TX – 76 dead
  • April 19, 1995 – Timothy McVeigh bombs federal building in Oklahoma City – 168 dead
  • April 20, 1999 – Massacre at Columbine High School – 13 dead
  • April 16, 2007 – Massacre at Virginia Tech – 32 dead
  • April 20, 2010 – BP Deepwater Horizon Blowout – 11 dead, Gulf of Mexico devastated
  • April 18, 2013 – Ferilizer plant explosion in West, TX – 14 dead
Before It’s News is reporting that the explosion at the fertilizer plant may have been some type of bomb. [3]
According to Biblioteca Pleyades:
“April 19-May 1 constitute a 13-day Satanic ritual relating to fire for the Illuminati.  Fire sacrifice is required on April 19th.”
Blood Sacrifice To The Beast, is a most critical 13-day period.  Fire sacrifice is required on April 19th.  April 19th is the first day of the 13-day Satanic ritual day relating to fire – the fire god, Baal, or Molech/Nimrod (the Sun God), also known as the Roman god, Saturn (Satan/Devil).  This day is a major human sacrifice day, demanding fire sacrifice with an emphasis on children. This day is one of the most important human sacrifice days, and as such, has had some very important historic events occur on this day.  Remember, the Illuminati considers war to be a most propitious way to sacrifice, for it kills both children and adults.” [4]
The CIA’s Chechen Rebels
Western intelligence agencies have made a habit of using Islamist jihadis to destabilize governments who will not allow the Rothschild bankers to control them. From Indonesia to Iran to Afghanistan to Libya and now Syria, this pattern has remained in place.
The breakaway Russian regions of Chechnya and Dagestan – from where the Tsarnaev brothers came – was no exception. If the brothers did receive terrorist training it most likely came at the hands of al Qaeda CIA assets.

(What follows is excerpted from Chapter 17: Caspian Sea Oil Grab of my book Big Oil & Their Bankers in the Persian Gulf: Four Horsemen, Eight Families & Their Global Intelligence, Narcotics & Terror Network):

“Ever since Russian Foreign Minister Yevgeny Primakov proposeda strategic triangle between India, Russia and China as a counterbalance to US global hegemony in 1998, US establishment think tanks have been scratching their heads at how to derail the idea.  The Harvard-linked Olin Institute proposed attacking India, the weakest part of the triangle.
Not content with the Polish Solidarist-led grab of Eastern Europe and the partitioning of Soviet Central Asian republics, the CFR/Bilderberger crowd now used mujahedeen surrogates to further squeeze Russia.
In 1994, 35,000 Chechen fighters were trained at Amir Muawia camp in Afghanistan’s Khost Province – the same camp Osama bin Laden built for the CIA.  In July 1994 Chechen Commander, Shamil Basayev graduated from Amir Muawia and was sent to advanced guerrilla tactics camp at Markazi-i-Dawar, Pakistan. There he met with Pakistani ISI officials, who have historically excelled at carrying out the CIA’s dirty laundry. [5]  The other Chechen rebel Commander was Saudi-born Emir al-Khattab.
The Chechen Islamists took over a big chunk of the Golden Crescent heroin trade, working with Chechen crime families affiliated with the Russian Alfa Group that did business with Halliburton.  They also had ties to the Albanian heroin labs being run by CIA-backed the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA).
A Russian FSB report stated that the Chechens began buying real estate in Kosovo in 1997, just prior to the US-led partition of Kosovo from Yugoslavia.  Chechen Commander Emir al-Khattab set up guerrilla camps to train KLA Albanian rebels.  The camps were funded by the heroin trade, prostitution rings and counterfeiting.  Recruits were invited by Chechen Commander Shamil Basayev and funded by the House of Saud Muslim Brotherhood Islamic Relief Organization. [6]
On September 20, 2002, after emerging from a White House meeting on Iraq with President Bush, Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov dodged all questions regarding another round of US harassment targeting Iraq.  Instead he stated that the al Qaeda-trained Chechen rebels still targeting his country were being given safe-haven by the closest US ally in Central Asia- the government of Georgia.  The Four Horsemen’s strategic Baku-Tblisi-Ceyhan pipeline was to run right through the Georgian capital Tblisi.
A month later Chechen rebels strapped with explosives entered a Moscow theater, taking hundreds hostage.  The timing was interesting, since the Russians were refusing to go along with Bush’s plans to invade Iraq.  Nearly 200 people died after Russian Special Forces stormed in to overtake the Chechens.  The US news media, fixated on al Qaeda’s every move just months earlier, ignored the link between the Chechens and their bin Laden-led cohorts.  Instead they blamed the Russians.
A week after the incident Chechen warlord Shamil Basayev claimed responsibility for the siege on a rebel website. [7]   Kremlin officials saw Basayev’s comments as a smokescreen to protect Chechnya’s elected leader Aslan Maskhadov, who was on his way to Sweden to take part in a conference on Chechnya.  Basayev was killed in Ingushetia in July 2006.

Dean Henderson is the author of four books: Big Oil & Their Bankers in the Persian Gulf: Four Horsemen, Eight Families & Their Global Intelligence, Narcotics & Terror Network, The Grateful Unrich: Revolution in 50 Countries, Stickin’ it to the Matrix and Das Kartell der Federal Reserve. To subscribe to Dean’s weekly blog, Left Hook, go to

[5] “Who is Osama bin Laden?” Michel Chossudovsky. 12-17-01
[6] Ibid
[7] “Rebel Warlord Takes Credit for Theatre Seige”. Springfield News Leader. 11-2-02
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Posted by on Apr 21 2013, With 4656 Reads, Filed under WarZone. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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