
Sunday, March 31, 2013

“Judge Orders Man Whose Child Was Kidnapped 5 Years Ago to Pay Kidnappers $23,000!”

WHAT IF you picked up this Sunday’s newspaper and it read “Judge Orders Man Whose Child Was Kidnapped 5 Years Ago to Pay Kidnappers $23,000”? OR, “Victim Ordered to Pay Criminal who Kidnapped His Son and Held him for 5 Years!”?

Even children whose fathers are in jail for murder get to go see their dad once per month!
If children whose fathers are in prison get to go see their dads once a month, WHAT in the world have I done to forfeit ever seeing my son – my only child whom I have not seen outside of court for many years?! This boy’s grandparents have not been allowed to communicate with him for this many years also! WHAT did they do to be forbidden to have a relationship with their grandchild?
FOLKS THIS is what has been done by Judge Howard Tygrett, Ruth Blake, and DFPS/CPS Kaufman County, Texas. These are brazen public enemies, a danger to society. Beware!
What would be your reaction? Would you be outraged? Would you be incensed?
What has happened to me in the Kaufman County 86th District court is exactly as this headline states! This is exactly what has happened to me over the last several years in this evil system of injustice in Kaufman County, Texas! If this headline hit the papers there would be a massive outrage. This type injustice is rampant in the Kaufman County system of IN-justice and the emails we get from this site testify to such as we have been contacted by numerous defrauded parents and otherwise.

Eric Williams: Kingpin Operative of Organized Child-Thieving Ring in Kaufman TX

Eric Williams has just been convicted of 2 felonies and has another worst one still pending. Regrettably, with the help of other child thieves still allowed to operate in the Kaufman County legal system, Eric Williams has been stealing children from their parents for years. This is exactly what he did to my son and I. Find out who else is involved in this child-thieving ring below.
HYPER-JUSTICE which is clearly injustice! In the corrupt Kaufman County culture, every person accused is “GUILTY until proven innocent” instead of “INNOCENT until proven guilty.” There is a “they MUST be guilty” toward any person accused. With this unprofessional, unethical, illegal, and immature mindset, the judges, counselors and prosecutors mete (deal) out undue, harsh judgment upon anyone who is merely accused, regardless of whether or not there is proof or evidence to prove they are guilty. Regrettably, never is there seen a judge in this filthy corrupt Kaufman system who stands up to so much as rebuke the false accuser and person who is abusing the judicial system – using it to hurt another person unduly. The minions who operate in their darkness inside the Kaufman INjustice system thrive on attacking people – Tax paying citizens of the USA. Beware!

I was accused of the “crime” of 1) praying with my son, and 2) reading the Bible to my son!!!!  This is officially on record and was stated as being abuse in this wicked courthouse! The judge did nothing to rebuke this foolish, unfounded, protected accusation. The silence of those evil minions who run the corrupt Kaufman County system of INjustice are destroying vital family bonds by their silence.
This is a web of deceitful workers. Once the Kaufman County Cast of Clowns take a disliking to their victim, they arrange the “facts” and manipulate the law to see that person “in contempt” of court or “abusive” or otherwise for not being able to reach an impossible order these clowns set up and charge their victim with. In other words, they find a way to make that person they are victimizing guilty. These clowns are completely unprofessional and quite immature. They don’t rule with bias and according to the law but rather by their own personal likes, dislikes, and personal vendettas. That’s not what they swore on the Holy Bible to do. That’s not what the tax-paying citizens of Kaufman County are paying them to do.

Well the Judgment Junkyard is filled with Littered Lives here in this corrupted system of injustice and I suspect there will be more going there due to their insistence upon working evil instead of doing justly to their fellow man. You see, the only real Judge, the One who holds the life-breath of every man, sees exactly what these people are doing and He rewards the unrepentant wicked both here in the earth and in the eternal prison of fire.
The evil minions of the corrupt Kaufman County court system continue to deal unjustly and are perhaps under divine condemnation (details below). Their personal lives will not be blessed. They are under a curse for destroying family bonds unjustly. Dividing a child from his/her father comes with a specific curse (Malachi 4:6). It’s on open record in God’s Word – the One who designed the family unit.
The curse of the LORD is in the house of the wicked: but he blesseth the habitation of the just.” Proverbs 3:33
As you will see for yourself below, this “curse” from the Almighty has and is coming on all those involved in the Kaufman County courts who are not deliberating justly.
Not one stitch of evidence of abuse against me has ever been presented in the courtroom – because there is none. And yet, I have not seen my son alone in over 5 years! This will be brought to the light and the LORD is judging the evil doers responsible for this! He is “send(ing) forth judgment unto victory.“~The Son of God, Matthew 12:20
It’s a matter of time. The LORD will have the last say in this and concerning the individual personal lives of those who rage against Him by destroying families in Kaufman County (Ps. 7:13). To date, below are some of the things we are aware of that the Almighty has done to some of the family-destroying perpetrators in the Kaufman County courts.
After and while ruling/acting corruptly and unjustly in this case, the following 6 people experienced …..
  • Kathy Sayles: The CPS case worker on this case was beaten severely with a weapon. (Kaufman CPS Monsters)
  • Sandra Harwood: The head CPS attorney suffered life-altering injuries to her neck and spine in a car crash.
  • My son’s grandfather – his mother’s dad, prematurely lost his mental capabilities and functioning due to being the hate mechanism behind this whole ordeal for the first few years of its perpetration. He has not recovered. He is still a young man. He also suffered a broken hip.This man was behind the hate.
  • Judge Howard Tygrett’s 40 year old son died mysteriously on Christmas day for unexplained reasons. This is an evil judge who has destroyed numerous family bonds and even turned over cases to Kaufman CPS which is a gustapo of dikes.
  • Linda Duggan: Duggan was the court-appointed counselor in my case. Linda Duggan of Forney Texas was appointed by judge Howard Tygrett who is accountable for this gross injustice and many others. Linda Duggan took bribes from the child’s mother and also systematically sought to turn my son against me. In April 2011, under duress for so many official complaints against her, counselor Linda Duggan resigned her counseling license with the Texas board of examiners. This she did after wrecking dozens upon dozens of family relationships which will never been restored and that the evil doers who run the Kaufman courts refuse to make right.  Linda Duggan surrendered her license April 15, 2011 and is no longer allowed to practice her witchcraft on the families of Kaufman  County, Texas.
  • Eric Williams was arrested and jailed for burglary and theft crimes in May 2011. He was suspended without pay and then fired as a judge. Then, Eric Williams was arrested on yet another charge of stealing monies by deception from Kaufman County. Eric Williams’ Second Felony Arrest
    The Latest is below: “For the third time, a motion by the defense team of suspended justice of the peace Eric Williams was denied. 422nd District Judge B. Michael Chitty denied a motion to throw out video evidence showing Williams taking computer monitors from a county building. He also denied suppression of the search warrants connected with searches of Williams’ vehicle and office.”
    Source | The Forney Post Coverage of Eric Williams’ Trial and Conviction

Precedence for Expose’

Exposing those who are unrepentant after being told of their fault and warned, is a divine/biblical mandate, especially when they hold places of influence over the lives of others. Is there not a cause?
Parents and children’s lives are being forever altered by the evil minions operating in the Kaufman County system of in-justice:
—– “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove (expose) them. 12 For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret. 13 But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light.” Ephesians 5:11-13
We are commanded to expose darkness and I believe that is for the purposes of: 1. To bring darkness into the light so as to convict the violators so they can repent (2 Timothy 3:16), 2. To protect and defend and vindicate victims and not have respecter of persons toward the perpetrators, sinning by caring more for those few beguilers than their many victims. The Greek work here for “reprove” means to convict and rebuke and confute.

BREAKING NEWS: Eric Williams guilty on all charges-Guilty of 2 Felonies | The Forney Post Coverage of Eric Williams’ Trial, Conviction, (WOW) | Eric Williams Sentencing

“Witness Jones testified that he knew of the argument between Eric Williams and John Burt because an angry Williams had referenced it and while referring to Attorney Burt, stated, “I’ll kill him. I’ll stab him and his wife and kids, and burn his house down.”
Do you think this father, who was robbed of his son, is surprised at the burglary and theft convictions brought upon Eric Williams? Not one bit. I have been suffering at the hands of this thief for many years now and it’s all been done in and through the vicious wolves who currently run the Kaufman County, Texas court system. But judgment is falling one by one they are being destroyed. Remember Haman’s gallows (book of Esther). Reaping is occurring, just as the LORD told us it would (Galatians 6:7-8). No one escapes His all-seeing eye or His harsh judgment for the wicked (Ps. 9:16-17). Williams is one such recipient of what he has sown by destroying familial bonds for money as he has worked with the Kaufman CPS gustapo who gets paid PER CHILD THAT THEY REMOVE FROM THEIR PARENTS! CPS does not get paid gov’t money if they return the child to the parents to whom they belong! IT’S TIME FOR A CRACKDOWN IN KAUFMAN! TAKE YOUR POST GENTLEMEN AND AIM, FIRE, AND JUDGE THIS WICKED CHILD-THIEVING ORGANIZATION IN YOUR COUNTY! God is watching to see just who will stand up and rid this county of these child-thieving wolves and who will ignore this call to justice (Ps. 94:16).

My ex-wife (a Kaufman resident), her pig attorney (Michael Mowla), and Eric Williams (the criminal) repeatedly attempted to get me thrown in jail. In their blood thirst, they spent thousands of dollars and had no concern for the child, but only used him as a pawn to attack me (his daddy) using the ‘good ole boys’ network of the Kaufman system of INjustice. Their attempts to get me thrown in jail failed every time.  Yet, while they tried to get me thrown in jail, one of them (Eric Williams) is now going to jail on 2 felony counts. Remember Haman’s hanging gallows that he constructed to hang the Jews with and then he himself was hung on them? (Book of Esther) The gallows these wicked doers set up to hang me on are now hanging them, one by one. God saw it all and He never sleeps or slumbers.The Kaufman Herald reports the following after Eric Williams’ conviction on 2 felony counts:
“I’m ecstatic,” District Attorney Mike McLellan said after the verdicts were announced. “It shows the community that elected officials should be, and are, held to a higher standard. It’s not the old system over here any more.”
“The Good Old Boy Network is gone.” Source Page
God bless this DA!!!!! We have been waiting a long time for this to begin. There is MUCH MORE cleaning up to do though. That animal judge Howard Tygrett stole my son from me 7 years ago with NO evidence of abuse whatsoever! I STILL CAN’T SEE MY SON DUE TO THIS GOOD OLE BOYS NETWORK. SO PLEASE DON’T STOP HERE!!!!! Judge Ruth Blake is now scratching Tygrett’s back by carrying on with his unjust ruling with absolutely no evidence of abuse! ALL my rights have been stripped. I can’t even call my son! Ruth Blake comes across as a caring woman but is actually and in reality a traitor, an unjust pubic servant who cares more about pleasing her thug boss (Tygrett) than executing justice!
More on Eric Williams, typical corrupt Kaufman judge/attorney…. From the prosecution:
“Clear and to the point, Prosecutor Hasse said, “The Defendant’s actions are incredible beyond belief and stupid. Do we really need to do an official County memo that says do not steal from the County. Do not circumvent the county’s security measures. And the letter to Judge Wood that he hands him directly, hoping that Judge Wood will be a crooked official like he is, and asking him to use his influence to intervene in the investigation.”
More from The Forney Post Coverage:
“Williams still has another charge looming in the future. He was indicted in June 2011 for theft by a public servant in connection with his administration of the county’s law library fund. The two charges he was found guilty for on Friday are state jail felonies, punishable by a maximum of two years in a state jail facility. The outstanding theft by a public servant charge is a third degree felony. If convicted, the charge carries a punishment range of not less than two years, nor more than 10 years, in a Texas Department of Criminal Justice prison, if probation is not considered. Hasse said that elected officials are held to a higher standard. ‘I think the pictures … clearly paint Eric Williams as evil,’ Hasse said. ‘You give him keys, access to a building, and he steals from you.’” Source
Now that Eric Williams has been rightly judged for the burglar and thieving wolf that he is, it begins to come clearer that judge Ruth Blake is simply out to do favors for her political buddies at the expense of the citizens she is attacking and persecuting. Judge Ruth Blake is participating in this evil child theft ring in Kaufman County. Ruth Blake is a child thief just like Eric Williams. They are both kidnappers and destroyers of familial bonds. Eric Williams is going to jail after he many times he attempted to have me thrown in jail for not paying him for his “services” which was nothing more than destroying my relationship with my only child, a relationship that is still destroyed due to Eric Williams. Judge Ruth Blake is a participant in this thuggery and betrayal of justice as she ordered me to pay this animal (Eric Williams) $5,000 for the “service” of destroying my relationship with son! To this I stood up and told her he would never see a penny from me, come hell, high water, or her stupid jail cell! Make no mistake: Judge Ruth Blake is an evil-hearted woman who has done great harm to families using her position as a public servant.
“Assistant District Attorney Mark Hasse was not having any of that portrayal of Williams.
“This guy sitting over at the end of the defense table is an elected official who is nothing but a thief and a burglar,” Hasse said.’”

CPS Kaufman – Child Thieves – Legalized Kidnapping Using YOUR Tax Dollars!

CPS Judge Virginia Schnorr – Wicked women who is knowingly receiving false testimonies about parents in her courtroom in order to steal children from their parents without warrant. In fact, it’s all pre-rehearsed and planned. Schnorr works in concert with her CPS case workers etc. to get and keep children away from their parents with no due cause whatsoever!  This woman is evil at best!
While this is good and a good start, I pray that Mike McLellan, and Mark Hasse  and respective staffs, and others will continue to clean the poison out of the Kaufman pond. Such child-thieving criminals as judge Howard Tygrett and Ruth Blake are still left to be removed. Kaufman CPS Monsters Wolves travel in packs (judge, guardian ad litem, counselor, CPS). God is with you gentlemen and so NOTHING or NOBODY can stop His justice! “If God be for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31) Go forth with all confidence as you have already begun to do! God will bless your efforts to uncover the great harm that has been done to families in Kaufman! The people of Kaufman County are with you! Imagine not having your child(ren) when you did nothing wrong or that would constitute forfeiting them! Imagine going to bed tonight without even being able to contact or ever talk to your own child having done nothing to abuse your child! Imagine being indefinitely forbidden to communicate in any way with your own child because of evil judges like Tygrett, Blake, a greedy and evil, counselor, and CPS Kaufman.

The biggest tragedy here is that much has been lost by evil thug judges like Howard Tygrett and Ruth Blake who for years allowed Eric Williams’ testimony to mean something in their court rooms, all while he was robbing the county of money and robbing county residents of their children!!!! Judge Howard Tygrett, by his brazen negligence, is responsible for the destruction of familial bonds. He said from his stand after one court hearing that he nearly never does anything except for that which Eric Williams recommends! How tragic!

Neither of these scoundrel judges made the slightest attempt to heal a family relationship that should never have been broken!

These things are sad and are only the things we happen to be aware of. There may be more. Are all these things mere accidents? You decide.
These people were all warned and snubbed their noses at those warnings.
It is my estimation that every single person that has worked deceit in this case, is under divine a curse and that their personal lives will continue to plummet downward until they repent and make amends/come clean. Why do I believe this? Our Maker and Judge of our eternal souls made each precious child to be born into and remain in a family unit consisting of a father and mother (Ps. 68:6). All who break such a bond come under His direct wrath (Malachi 4:6). Keep reading ….
More on Eric Williams and the facilitation of such a man in this 86th District court under judge Howard Tygrett and Ruth Blake. It may be of note to you that after being robbed of the last 5 years with my only son with no evidence of abuse ever given to this wicked court, I was ordered by judge Ruth Blake to pay attorney Eric Williams $5,500 and am past due on paying it. I will not pay it! I told judge Ruth Blake that I will not – ever – be paying this man because to do so would be to agree with the travesty he has perpetrated in destroying the relationship between my son and I. I told the court also that Eric Williams gets paid by the hour – he bills out by the hour – and that he perpetuated and dragged this whole process out for years now in order to exploit a destroyed family and father for money. Eric Williams knew there was no abuse in this case and made that known to my then attorney after a court hearing. He saw no abuse in this case and he said that and there simply is none. Eric Williams never, not once, suggested or told my son to call or make up with his dad because there is no abuse. He never hinted to my son that there should have never been a separation between him and his dad. Why? it’s simple – Williams gets paid by the hour. Eric Williams is immoral. He could care less to restore families or bring healing. He does not lose of wink of sleep after destroying family bonds. This man has no conscience.
Judge Ruth Blake also ordered me to pay the opposing attorney $17,500, not a penny of which he will ever see. This is an unthinkable order, given that I pay $900 child support per month (for 1 child) and have a hard time paying that. Ruth Blake knows that. On top of this, the child’s mother earns more money than I do and is the one who hired the attorney. Unreal!
The whole court case is and has been for years nothing but an attack on what is right and just in the eyes of the Judge of all judges but God is judging the wicked and will have the last say.
Eric Williams, the court-appointed guardian ad litem (my child’s attorney), has undermined and subverted my parental place and authority as my son’s father. Eric Williams did NOTHING to bring healing or to bring back together this now destroyed father/son relationship that was wrongly divided in the first place. Why? – Because Eric Williams gets paid by how many hours he bills out AND astoundingly judge Ruth Blake has ordered me to pay that full amount to Eric Williams – $5,500! She has ordered me to agree with what Eric Williams has done to perpetuate the ungodly breach between my own son and I – his daddy!
As bazaar as it sounds, this is exactly what judge Ruth Blake has done! Ruth Blake was appointed in the 86th District court by the corrupt judge, Howard Tygrett. Regrettably, thus far, judge Blake is following his evil ways. She has found no abuse of any kind in this case and yet, refused to restore the relationship when given the opportunity. Instead, she allow the opposing attorney, a real dirt bag, Michael Mowla of Duncanville, to deceive and manipulate her decisions. Judge Blake doesn’t like me because I simply speak forth the truth and also am from outside of Kaufman county.
So, I have been cheated out of being a father to my only son by Eric Williams and Michael Mowla and judge Ruth Blake is ordering me to pay for that! This woman has obviously seared her conscience.
These are the burglars, child-thieves, and drunkards who kidnapped my son and Ruth Blake is ordering me to pay them for their evil deeds! Instead of standing in the way of this vile and unthinkable injustice, Judge Ruth Blake has obliged/assisted these brazen, immoral animals!
Kaufman’s Corrupters Do Not Like the Light Shining on their Darkness
This darkness is and will continue to all come to the light.
“Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known. 27 What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops. 28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.”~Jesus Christ, Matthew 10:26-28
Notice the last part of this verse – “A bruised reed shall he not break, and smoking flax shall he not quench, till he send forth judgment unto victory.” Matthew 12:20
God is going to bring forth judgment unto victory in this situation …. He has begun and He will continue to judge until He has destroyed the wicked out of this situation – even those who have shaken their wicked fists in His Almighty face!
I wonder why the opposing attorney can constantly read and bring forth things that are not related to the case and Ruth Blake never protests, questions the relevancy, or stops him? And yet, Judge Ruth Blake refused to allow me to read the following Bible verse in her courtroom. I wonder what she has to hide or what she is afraid of hearing? What I attempted to read and was stopped from reading is from the highest and eternal Law of God – the Judge of all judges. Here it is – It’s the Bible verse that buffers between the Old and New Testaments – “And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.” Malachi 4:6 (KJV)
I attempted to simply read this above Bible verse in Ruth Blake’s courtroom and she would not allow it. Ruth Blake laid her hand on a Bible – God’s Word – when she took the oath of office and now refuses to allow any part of God’s Word to be read in the courtroom. The LORD saw it all.
I have a friend who is also a Texas judge. Would to God all judges and public officials served with integrity, honesty, and fairness as he does. An email I recently received from him will show you why I say this:
“Re: God’s Word and Warning to me and all other “judges” today:  Psalm 2:12″
“Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth. 11 Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling. 12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.” Psalms 2:10-12 (KJV)
Stay tuned – this site will be updated by myself and/or others. We are going to shine the light on the corrupt, evil workers in the Kaufman County court systems. Their dark deeds will be brought to the light on the internet and media.
My Letter to Judge Ruth Blake

Kaufman County Observer More corruption in the Kaufman County legal system exposed here.
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Concerning the corrupters of the Kaufman County Texas system of in-justice, one resident responded this way on the Terrell Tribune website:
“This is real typical of of “Honorable” Judge Tygrett’s 86th district court personnel’s actions. There are now several people under his watch and who appear in his courtroom daily who now have been in trouble with the law. This guy is a thief. Albeit not as bad as Kaufman Co LPC Linda Duggan who has 3 DUI’s and who’s license to practice has been ousted due to her not reporting child abuse as well as practicing without a license. What is going on in this County? This guy needs to just go away. He’s dirty and definitely NOT honorable. There are too many loving parents without their children because of Himself, Linda Duggan and Belinda Burkhart. They all have a past history of putting children with the parent or even non-parent who has the most money. I unfortunately have the displeasure of being a party to witness a trial that is going on presently in his court where Linda Duggan has testified on the behalf of a minor who’s custody is in question at the present. Tygrett took her “expert opinion” and that child is now with his wealthy aunt and uncle while his mother sits frozen out on the sideline. These injustices have to stop. The 86th district court has ruined too darn many lives. It’s time for a news crew to go in there and tear it up….my next mission.”
Email Us Here | Victim’s Voices – SHOCKING Injustice | Kaufman CPS Monsters
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Posted in Assistant DA Mark Hasse, Assistant DA Mark Hasse Kaufman, Assistant District Attorney Mark Hasse, CPS Monsters, DA Mike McLellan Kaufman, Eric Williams Arrested, Eric Williams found Guilty, Framed in Kaufman County Texas, Howard Tygrett, Judge Howard Tygrett, judge ruth blake, judge ruth blake kaufman county texas, Judge Ruth Blake participating in evil child theft ring in Kaufman county, Kathy Sayles, Kaufman County Court Records, Kaufman County Courts, Kaufman County Texas, Kaufman County Texas Courts, Kaufman County Texas CPS DFPS, Kaufman County TX Courts, Kaufman Courts, Kaufman Good Ole Boy Network, Kaufman Texas, Kaufman Texas Courts, Kaufman TX Courts,, Melissa Hobbs, Sandra Harwood, time to fire these animals, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


  1. Yes, all an attorney and plaintiff have to do with people like judge Casey Blair is to act like the other party owes them something. Blair won't actually look into the matter but rather will just rule in favor of the complaining party. He does not understand what the word or concept of justice is.

    Kaufman County is totally corrupt.

  2. The Tea Party here in Kaufman is now receiving very concerning information about judge Casey Blair (86th District Court Kaufman Texas). It seems he is carrying on this same injustice in his court instead of dealing fairly. The man, the father who is the subject of this case has already over-paid child support and Casey Blair is to throw him in jail again for a debt Blair could and should easily wipe out, knowing it's already been paid. We are watching Blair closely now.

  3. As a member of the Republican party activities in Kaufman Co., I can now tell you that we are watching Casey Blair after recently being notified about this situation.
