
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Dead Ducks And Viral Statistics

Dead Ducks And Viral Statistics


Back in 2008, I had the opportunity to be briefed on a report that was distributed to the Department of Homeland Security that projected a possible nuclear or terror threat on the Unites States ‘homeland’ in 2013. This was not some clandestine or exclusive report. It was available to journalists and, even though I was not on the air at the time, my online presence and public appearances afforded me the ability to receive some information about this possible threat on the United States.
The report was from the Commission on the Prevention of WMD Proliferation and Terrorism and they were quite clear that there was a definite danger of a biological attack in 2013
I had prepared several Ground Zero shows both online and when I presented the Ground Zero Lounge show called “Toughening Our Emotional Skin.” The show focused primarily on preparedness and the possibility of isolated bio or nerve gas attacks that could prompt the government to reinstate the Model State Health Powers Act.
This act was first issued after the anthrax attacks on the United States outlining what powers the government would be allowed to have in the wake of a bio attack. The powers would include; search and seizure, forced medical treatments and inoculations and mass detainment if necessary to contain a contagion.
Elected officials were also briefed that in such an event, funeral homes, cemeteries and mortuaries would be overwhelmed should millions of Americans suddenly die in a tragic event. There must also be allowances for survivors of such an event.
There was a need proposed at the time for a health care database that would be easily accessible to authorities to weed out anyone that may be a carrier of a disease or a contagion. There were plans to have isolation detainment areas in airports and pharmacy lounges that could be used as “quick use” doctor’s facilities that can be used for inoculations.
When these types of facilities popped up in Wal-Mart stores there really weren’t any detainment facilities that I was aware of being set up in airports.
I figured that the expediency had died down and the thought of a bio-nerve gas attack on the United States had also reached its nadir that the reports were much ado about nothing.
However my interest has been renewed in the subject because of the massive pig slaughter reported in China while at the same time there were questions as to whether or not Syria had engaged in nerve gas attacks on its own people.
It is now apparent that more than pigs are dying in China. Now ducks are also victims of some cull and still the Chinese government in not gibing too many answers to the press.
The BBC reports that more than 1,000 duck carcasses were pulled from the Nanhe river in China’s Pengshan County in the southwest province of Sichuan, Liang Weidong told China National Radio on Sunday. The ducks, found inside more than 50 woven bags floating in the river, have since been disinfected and buried in a designated area. Authorities also emphasized the dead ducks pose no threat to livestock or the safety of local drinking water, state news agency Xinhua reports, but the cause of death remains unknown.                  

In a past Ground Zero show, the audience members were unanimous in thinking that China could be involved in testing a genetically altering bio-agent that can be used in war time and that perhaps these biological weapons have been shipped from China to both Syria and Iran. Now we all know that the ducks and pigs that have died by the thousands and there is no real explanation as to why. Many are suspecting biological testing with a weapons grade agent. There is only the cloud of doubt that perhaps we are not safe from a biological attack on our homeland and that we need to be aware of a possible strike on a U.S. city this year.
Biological weapons and the use of bio-terror is one of the greatest terrorist threats that the United States faces. Biological attacks have the potential to make substantial numbers of individuals sick at one period of time, and if left untreated can result in death.
The National Security Council estimates that a biological attack could place hundreds of thousands of people at risk of death and cost the U.S. more than $1 trillion dollars. According to a New York Times report, the U.S. is inefficiently prepared to respond to a biological attack due to severe weaknesses in its defense capabilities. Issues due to lack of funding, competing agencies with different priorities, and an overall lack of urgency all contribute to a deficit in countermeasures to combat biological agents.
On March 15th, 2013, a report was issued that the United States is stockpiling cures for various maladies that could be weaponised. One such disease is smallpox. The New York Times reported that:
The United States government is buying enough of a new smallpox medicine to treat two million people in the event of a bioterrorism attack, and took delivery of the first shipment of it the beginning of March 2013. But the purchase has set off a debate about the lucrative contract, with some experts saying the government is buying too much of the drug at too high a price. If it is being debated over why and why so much, isn’t it a little off that just out the blue there is a contract set up to buy up small pox vaccines when we know of no immediate threat to the country? Since the September 11th attacks, the U.S. has increased its stockpile of smallpox vaccine from 15 million doses to 300 million doses. Arestvyr, on the other hand, is a drug meant to treat viral infections.
The drug hasn’t been tested on humans suffering from smallpox infections, but it has successfully treated smallpox and monkey pox in monkeys and smallpox-related viruses in humans. The FDA has approved the drug for emergency use only.
A US commission has advised that anthrax vaccination trials be carried out on children. The board gave strict guidelines for testing to put infants at no more than “minimal risk,” but critics accuse them of using children as guinea pigs.
The presidential commission described the necessity to test the vaccine on children because, in the event of a mass bioterror attack, a large proportion of the victims would be children. It advised to start the testing of the vaccine on young adults aged from 18 to 25 to first understand the risk before progressing on to younger participants.
Since the election of Barack Obama, there has been an increase of bio-terror table top drills in America which have conditioned first responders, law enforcement and military for an upcoming bio-terror attack and subsequent pandemic.
Most of these drills and exercises have been using the meme of the so-called zombie apocalypse as a way to soften the fear of any attack on the United States. However, Hollywood has increased the exposure of thematic propaganda in films and television about terrorist activity and zombie attacks.
World War Z‘, a movie based on the Max Brooks novel about an outbreak of a plague from China, is due in theaters this June. This film, if it is anything like the book, will illustrate how a plague can be used as a tool to install a totalitarian rule from a United Nations multinational force that establishes reeducation camps and tries to terminate subversives who begin rebelling after the outbreak.
Is all of this biological terror paranoia warranted?                  

The zeitgeist is now fully entrenched in the zombie metaphor and there seems to be a lot of facts to back up the paranoia that not only is shared by the government but by its people. Also since the election of Barack Obama, there have been more reported bio-terror plots that have allegedly been subverted. In most cases, individuals were been arrested for biological or chemical related crimes that never came to fruition. Despite the ever growing number of high-profile bio-terror plots and patsies, the historical record indicates that 99% of all bio-terror plots, attacks, “tests”, “accidents” and drills are conducted by the government who has the means, the motive and the opportunity for a bio-terror attack.
Since last year it has been determined that there has also been an increase of biological attack close calls in America. A bio-terror scare is essentially a live bio-terror event except that the public and most of the authorities are unaware that there is no real bio-terror danger. Generally, once the incident is over, the news is broken hat there was no real threat. Bio-terror “scares” enable authorities to gauge real time reactions to bio-terror and allow for better understanding of how the public, law enforcement and first responders will react in a real bio-terror emergency.
There have also been have been many “mystery disease” outbreaks in the world. There have been reports of diseases or maladies that have demonstrated symptoms of Tourette syndrome, inflamed encephalitis, and fungal forms of spinal meningitis.
While some of the mystery diseases may have been legitimate outbreaks, most if not all of them appear to be generated man-made outbreaks with the overall goal of convincing Americans and the world that it is on the precipice of a major pandemic. Much of what we are seeing is actually a result of negligence in vaccination preparation, and intentional tampering of steroidal and pain preparations.
Totally inexcusable and unlikely lab “accidents” have been occurring recently at BSL labs which are bio safety level labs within the United States and around the world. It appears that a majority of these “accidents” were done on purpose with the overall goal of convincing the medical community and the public that a lab “accident” could in fact lead to a global pandemic. Should a bio-terror pandemic arise, it is possible that a lab “accident” may serve as the scapegoat and source of the deadly pathogen.
On March 25th, 2013, USAToday reported that a research facility in Texas is reporting that a vial containing a deadly Venezuelan virus that can cause hemorrhagic fever has gone missing from a research facility in Galveston.
The virus is known as Guanarito and the CDC says that the virus is not known to be transmitted person-to-person and poses no public health risk, according to officials. In the limited area of Venezuela where the virus is found, it is transmitted only by rodents native to the area and is not believed to be capable of surviving naturally in rodents in the United States.

That is only by itself; however, something like this could be synthesized as a binary component to a much deadly pathogen and used for a terror attack. Lower level biological laboratories are proliferating across the world and regularly working with new biological materials, genetically engineered viruses, nanomaterials and other biological materials. In high containment laboratories, genetic engineering has the potential to revolutionize biological warfare. Through techniques of genetic analysis and modification, steadily increasing in sophistication since the creation of the Human Genome Project, scientists now have the ability to modify deadly disease-causing agents to enhance their resilience and d force multiply their intensity.
We cannot even fathom the possibility of citizen scientists and labs that are designed for what is called bio-hacking. Labs that were once used to create meth are also being used to create diseases and viruses that can be force multiplied and tested secretly and quietly without anyone aware of the attack.
It has been the agenda by the elite to cull 2/3rds of the world’s population. Agenda 21 and the meetings of Bilderberg and Club of Rome have all placed at the forefront programs and ideas to promote global sustainability.
The biggest secret of all is that with the human genome projects and other genetic programs that are used to make designer pathogens, the elite can kill at will and also control the birth process through programs of eugenics, abortion and forced vaccinations.
Government seems to thrive on a manufactured crisis to justify its existence and its policies and to stop its approval ratings going into freefall. This is very disturbing considering the idea of crisis was first proposed in the Project for the new American century in order to create a need for an expanded military.
The paper was written prior to 9/11 and proposed that the American people needed a “catastrophic and catalyzing event like a new Pearl Harbor” in order to expands the military for first strike capabilities. The paper also favored the idea that biological weapons would be a very interesting prospect for an event.
Advanced forms of biological warfare that can “target” specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool” –PNAC
A biological threat or perhaps a crisis that includes that fear of infection and contagion seems to be the big secret that most authorities are keeping close to their vests.
It makes you question your own stability when you consider that perhaps there are crisis talks about what kind of manufactured crisis is to be initiated and when it will be carried out. The manufactured crisis must also have maximum impact in order to create a climate of fear and absolute urgency to create a fear based consensus that will demand a solution as easy and as fast as possible.
Aristotle commented that “From time to time it is necessary that pestilence, famine, and war prune the luxuriant growth of the human race.
It is no coincidence that we are now getting a health care surveillance apparatus. It is no accident that the elite of the world are talking about culling the planet to keep resources in tact. It is no coincidence that the numbers all fall conveniently in line with political magic and psychological warfare aimed at preparing the populace with an open and frank dialogue about the revelation of the method. There is definite “cause and effect” with regard to the new changes in policies that attack our liberties. We are now realizing that there are powers far greater than us, giving clues and triggering mechanisms to nudge us into a full and horrific Armageddon.
There is an organized escalation of the eschaton, and those who are responsible are counting on our predictability and our trust. If we are too trusting it seems that we will be sitting ducks in the hunt.
It is time to be informed and prepared for what is coming.

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