
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Cover-Up of Adam Lanza Link to Psychotropic Drugs?

Books on autism, Asperger syndrome found in home of Newtown shooter but no drugs despite reports Lanza was on medication
Paul Joseph Watson
March 28, 2013
Books about Asperger syndrome and autism were found in the home of Sandy Hook shooter Adam Lanza, although search warrants released today made no mention of any medication being discovered despite reports that Lanza was taking pharmaceutical drugs.
Adam Lanza.
According to NBC News, the books found were “Look at Me: My Life with Asperger’s” and “Born on a Blue Day: Inside the Mind of an Autistic Savant.” The search warrant documents can be read here (PDF). Some sections have been redacted.
The search warrant makes reference to “medical papers,” but contains no information on any pills or other pharmaceutical products being found, despite the document making clear that “psychiatric records” and “prescriptions” constitute evidence pertaining to the charge of murder.
In the aftermath of the Sandy Hook school massacre, it was divulged that Lanza suffered from Asperger syndrome, an autism spectrum disorder characterized by difficulties with social interaction.
Although there is no cure, the symptoms of Asperger’s are commonly treated with Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), psychotropic drugs that have been linked with violent outbursts.
Almost every mass shooter in recent history was taking or had just come off one form of psychotropic medication, a connection that is routinely downplayed by the establishment and the media, who in the aftermath of the Newtown tragedy instead blamed the massacre on the second amendment.
Indeed, the primary media talking point to emerge out of the release of the search warrant is the fact that Lanza had a National Rifle Association membership certificate. The press has remained largely mute on any inquiry as to what medication Lanza was taking.
Court filings in the murder case against James Holmes released in January revealed that police seized four bottles of prescription drugs from the ‘Batman’ shooter’s home shortly after the Aurora massacre, although the identity of the drug was withheld and the press failed to follow up on the story.
In Lanza’s case, Louise Tambascio, a family friend of the shooter and his mother, told 60 Minutes, “I know he was on medication and everything….I knew he was on medication, but that’s all I know.”
The media’s obsession with blaming the Sandy Hook tragedy on gun rights has meant questions surrounding what medication Lanza was on and whether it contributed to his rampage have remained unanswered.
Another familiar culprit for mass shootings – violent video games – has also cropped up again in the details of the search warrant.
“An FBI report included in the search warrants said that Lanza rarely left home, considered himself a shut-in and was an avid gamer who played “Call of Duty,” a first-person shooter game,” reports NBC.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for and Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.
This article was posted: Thursday, March 28, 2013 at 10:29 am

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