
Monday, March 4, 2013

Brilliant Polemic Defends US Freedom ... and Demands Appropriate Incarcerations

By Staff Report
           Monday, March 04, 2013
Americans – Like Nazi Germans – Don't Notice that All of Our Rights Are Slipping Away ... Americans Are Acting Like Slowly Boiling Frogs ... The German citizens were boiling frogs ... the water heating up so gradually that they didn't realize they had to jump out of the pot to safety. Because the exact same thing is happening to Americans (fear of terror makes people stupid no matter what country they live in), let's remember exactly what we've lost in recent years ... – Washington's Blog
Dominant Social Theme: US freedoms are slipping away and they must be brought back again by the people themselves, using all due enforcement tools.
Free-Market Analysis: In another brilliant polemic, the famous Washington's Blog lays out a substantial litany of what the US has lost in terms of rights, and from this article's point of view it is mostly everything. It is an article containing both truth and sincerity.
We agree with it on numerous levels and are most in agreement with the idea that a kind Nazi fascism is overtaking the US. It began long ago but was immeasurably increased under the reign of George W. Bush whose family was enmeshed in Nazi funding until public rage forced the US government to strip the family of German investment assets in 1942.
Bush's efforts, nakedly pursued but rarely reported, included the leveraging of a police state, the creation of "Homeland Security" with its overtones of the Nazi Fatherland and the repositioning of the US's various intelligence and policing agencies as the sword of the state to be turned aggressively against the American people.
Under Bush, various trends noted by Washington's Blog were immensely exacerbated. Washington's Blog points out that currently the US government "is arresting those speaking out ... and violently crushing peaceful assemblies which attempt to petition the government for redress."
He also points out that the government is flying spy drones over the American homeland. "The domestic use of drones to spy on Americans clearly violates the Fourth Amendment and limits our rights to personal privacy."
And he adds, "Even without drones, Americans are the most spied on people in world history ... The American government is collecting and storing virtually every phone call, purchases, email, text message, internet searches, social media communications, health information, employment history, travel and student records, and virtually all other information of every American."
The article enumerates many other areas where rights are being lost, including the right to be free from unreasonable search and seizure and the right to travel from place to place without harassment. The end of the article provides a powerful summation, pointing out that "powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
Today, most Americans believe that the government is threatening – rather than protecting – freedom ... and that it is no longer acting with the "consent of the governed." And the federal government is trampling the separation of powers by stepping on the toes of the states and the people.
The article closes by reminding us that both the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency "competed to weaken federal regulation and [tried] to prevent state investigations ... against fraudulent mortgage lenders."
This is an odd close and not the summation we were looking for. It leads to our one question: If the federal government is over-reaching horribly, then why is it wrong to "weaken federal regulation"? We've noted this contradiction. We don't understand how one can be against the neo-fascism of the US Leviathan but still enthusiastic about bringing the US's horrible and corrupt criminal justice system to bear ... no matter the nature of the crime.
The prison-industrial complex, like the military-industrial complex, is a great US evil. It includes an illegally globalized FBI, an out-of-control civil policing establishment (at both the state and federal level) and of course, a penal-industrial complex that incarcerates more than half of those in jail around the world, increasingly in "privatized" penitentiaries.
Conclusion: Does not advocating its use – rather than its reform – perhaps undermine the very points that US patriots wish to make?

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