
Saturday, March 2, 2013

A "Nobel Torsion Message" Over Norway?
Part I

By Richard C. Hoagland
© 2009 The Enterprise Mission

On the eve of the President of the United States, Barack Obama, receiving the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo, Norway ... a remarkable, almost unbelievable appartition appeared over Norway's northern skies--
And no one ... really ... has a clue.

According to early news reports coming out of Norway, just hours ago ... a vast, rapidly expanding "spiral" suddenly appeared in the pre-dawn skies over its northern-most town, a fishing center called "Tromso" (above). Moments later, a corkscrewing "blue beam" seemed to emmanate from the exact center of the spiral toward the ground ....
Then, as rapidly as this "glowing spiral" and central "beam" appeared ... the bright core of this rapidly rotating spiral abruptly disappeared ... to be immediately replaced by what could only be described as --
A pitch black, rapidly enlarging circle (below) -- looking eerily like "an expanding black hole ..."

Within a few more hours, these extraordinary Norwegian videos and digital images were being picked up by other on-line news services, wire services and internet sites ... all over the world.

Another "indispensable wonder" of the 21st Century Internet ....
Initially, this visually spectacular event was thought by experts looking at those videos and images to be "just another Russian naval missile test"--
Until the Russian Navy denied it was responsible!
But then, in an abrupt public reversal, the Russian Defense Ministry suddenly claimed that this was, indeed, "a Russian rocket launch ...."
This belated (and 180-degree) lagging Russian "admission," unfortunately, has all the appearances of a hastily-ordered cover-up--
Of something "far more interesting" ....
The possible demonstration, on the literal eve of Obama's arrival in Oslo, of a blatantly public "Hyperdimensional/Torsion Physics technology" ... somehow, also connected to President's Obama's imminent acceptance of his Nobel Prize--
In conjunction with a carefully re-scheduled Russian missile test ....
Is it another "coincidence" that, just over the hill from Tromso, lies a high-tech Norwegian "HAARP antenna farm" -- the EISCAT Ramfjordmoen facility (below) -- specifically designed to broadcast powerful beams of microwave energy high into space ... thereby also creating blatant HD/torsion side-effects in the Earth's highly-electrified upper "plasma" atmosphere (ionosphere)? The facility is officially supported by Norway, Sweden, Finland, Japan ... China ... the United Kingdom ... and Germany.

A technology which -- with minor engineering effort -- could just as easily be turned into an almost unimaginable "torsion interferometry weapon" of mass destruction ... which, in a stroke, would usher in an even more terrifying "arms race" for the entire world ... if militarily deployed!?

Is this astounding apparition, in fact, a "Nobel message" to Obama ... as the most visible and currently powerful Peace Prize nominee in decades ... to alert him to the necessity of reining in these "even more horrific 'torsion weapons of mass destruction'"--
While there's still time?
A torsion weapons technology which -- if utilized inside the Earth's electrified atmosphere -- would appear just like the mysterious "vortex appartition over Norway" ....
Stay tuned.


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