
Thursday, February 7, 2013

You'll Have To Take My Guns From My Cold, Dead Hands Sandy Hook father, Bill Stevens delivers an epic speech to politicians everywhere

You'll Have To Take My Guns From My Cold, Dead Hands
Sandy Hook father, Bill Stevens delivers an epic speech to politicians everywhere

Newtown resident, Bill Stevens addresses a gang of CT politicians. His 5th grade daughter's friend was murdered on 12/14/12 'when 911 and lockdown were not enough to protect her from an evil person, not an assault rifle – an inanimate object, an evil person.' He then attempts to educate the group on what the CT constitution and the Bill of Rights say about the right to bear arms.
In closing, Stevens says: 'Criminals and tyrants beware: Lockdown is not an option at the Stevens' residence. 911 will be dialed AFTER the security of my home has been established. And finally, 'YOU will have to take my ability to protect my Victoria from my cold, dead hands.'
Please listen to Mr. Stevens' entire epic, inspiring speech in the following video and please pass it on to others. (2:54 min.)             

Sandy hook dad you`ll have to take my guns from my cold dead hands

Comments open at YouTube.
February 7, 2013
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