
Monday, February 25, 2013


Thursday, March 4, 2010


copyright 2003 Robert Livingstone

In the hours after the WTC attack, the magick number 11 was broadcast over and over in the media news reports. It is likely a trigger to deactivate mind controlled participants' knowledge of involvement in the attacks. MK Ultra and the Monarch mind control programs utilise DID, or Disassociative Identity Disorder, formerly known as Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD). This is induced through systematic, extreme trauma, usually from a young age. It was discovered that the mind will create amnesiac barriers around a traumatic event as well as become highly suggestible to programming. This is why people often can't remember traumatic experiences. It was found that multiple personalities could be created utilising these compartmentalised identities that would have no knowledge of the others.

Trigger codes are used to activate and deactivate different 'alters' or personalities. Alice in Wonderland and Catcher in the Rye are widely used. Both Hinkley (his family are close friends of the Bush family) and Mark David Chapman had copies of Catcher in the Rye. The 'lone nut' always "hears voices" telling him to "do it, do it". As soon as the lone nut is arrested, the spin on the public starts ("There was no conspiracy, he acted alone, I repeat...") and so does the spin on the lone nuts' brain. The lone nut will be immediately "interviewed" by a CIA psychiatrist who makes sure the patsy's software is working properly. If the software is faulty, you kill him with a Jack Ruby (fake blood stone).

The television news and entertainment are inducing DID in the public - Serial Killer Kulture.

The world is a vast mind control lab/satanic coven and we are its unwitting initiates/sacrificial victims.

The Washington Sniper Charade is the latest on programming software designed to alchemically transform an already jaded and DID'd public.

The sniper's car was bought at 'Sure Shot Motors'. Ha ha ha. Very funny. At the scene of one of the shootings the mind controlled sniper(s) or agent left a Death tarot card, the 13th card. Both the Tower and Death card are ruled by Mars, the planet of war. The Death card is an occult cue - it is a signal to initiates and a duh? revelation thrown to the goyim.

After sufficient trauma was induced in the public, Police Chief Charles Moose (personally appointed by Hillary Clinton) announced to the snipers " We have caught the sniper like a duck in a noose. We understand that hearing us say this is important to you" Hours after this post hypnotic trigger was broadcast over and over the 'sleepers' (standard terminology for mind controlled subjects) were caught sleeping by the side of the road right on hypnotic cue. The 'sleepers sleeping' is an inside joke, a masonic hoodwink, thumbing their noses at us stupid sheople.

Most will think it's ridiculous to suggest there are coded messages broadcast over the media but the Bush administration just announced it won't air the whole (fake) Bin Laden video because it could contain - "coded messages".

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