
Friday, February 8, 2013


Posted by George Freund on November 25, 2012 at 8:40 AM

Space the final frontier, but what if they faked it? Virtually everything has been made from illusion. Wealth is created by debt. Freedom is an illusion if you ever try to actually practice it. As a case in point, Britain has taken the children away from parents who support Nigel Farage's UK Independence Party. Kazakhstan closed an entire newspaper for criticizing Tony Blair. The world as we know it has been a giant fake factory. Ideas are created for our minds, and we blindly accept them as gospel. It is like that with space travel. We have outed many aspects to the moon shot as being 100% manufactured. Stanley Kubrick filmed them under the guise of movie work. He was killed for it ultimately. Ironically the documentary was removed and is a dead link. I've posted another copy. The 'moon' rocks are rare Australian rocks the last version recently discovered to contain fossil remnants. So with all the other faults like wasn't the guy who set the camera up for Neil Armstrong's step the first guy on the moon? Where did the wind blowing the flag come from? Why do they fall at earth gravity not lunar, etc? The most conceivable answer is of course is it is a fake.

Astronauts Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Jim Lovell would have sat in this early simulator while they accustomed themselves to the surface of the moon
We have been conditioned since childhood by the fairy tale. Once upon a time they lived happily ever after. That is mind control. From the very beginning you were programmed. If any further programming doesn't follow that pattern, it is rejected outright sometimes with outright anger since this is a deeply rooted childhood experience. For the programmers it is a quantum stroke of luck. Some of us can return to our previous eras and reprogram our minds. Since we are really biological computers, it is easy. When faced with a difficult virus in the computer setting back the clock to a time before the attack frees the computer. It is like that with ours. We isolate the information by ignoring it. We relearn the truth, and carry on as if the other information never existed. That is extremely difficult for most people. It is the ultimate free will test.

The lunar surface for the simulator is laid out to be attached to the high rise board at the Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia
I'm a policeman by trade. I graduated top in my class at Police College. I'm self-taught in many subjects to a terrible degree. I understand the human mind with its strengths and weaknesses. I love history and find books the ultimate time machine to return to the past to study the ebb and flow of human experience. As a visitor to an era, I don't carry the excess baggage of emotion. I can observe what happened and extrapolate the trends that exist today and plot tomorrow. Nothing is ever really new. It is only new to those who don't know history. Item one is the elites shape our minds with propaganda or advertising as we call it recently. They set up a field of possibilities for us to choose. They know the data set is extremely limited so it precludes deeply seated truths. We will use our control program once upon a time they lived happily ever after in the selection. Anyone falling outside of the programming will be attacked as a heretic and even killed if necessary.

The surface of the simulators moon was perfectly detailed owing to the precise maps NASA had produced for the ambitious Apollo program announced in 1961
As a policeman, I would have to say one of the greatest crimes ever committed was faking the moon shot with a special effects masterpiece film. There can only be one major reason. That would be to abscond with the budget for the space program. No one will get to the moon to see the 'crime' scene. Further mind control involving the overused cranial reset button activated verbally by the phrase conspiracy theory puts any hope of exposure to rest. It violates the prime directive once upon a time. It causes great pain because we can't live happily ever after. However, the truth hurts. That's how we identify it. That's why a patriot can never be elected. He comes associated with pain the truth. It violates the master program. We pick the best liars because they come with the illusion we will live happily ever after.

Here a scientist at the Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia applies the finishing touches to the surface of the moon
You would never know I was trained in cult awareness and deprogramming. You see the stars, but your fingers touch the sky. The programming has been revealed. The mind is in a flux state. You have to choose. Do you remain with the illusion or accept the truth? While it will hurt for a while, it will liberate your mind and your soul. The truth will set you free. At that point you can truly live happily ever after. Master teachers have always known this. They were and still are vilified by the programmers. We will ultimately be destroyed by the lies. We must choose wisely. We are at the next crime scene Mars. Has it been done again? Master criminals use variations of the same technique. They include economic deception and war. In my they live happily ever after there would be no bust cycle or war. Yet we are reluctant to veer away from the programming no matter what.

Langley Research Center
We are told today we are on Mars. Yet another remote mine is in the news as a rehearsal area for the Mars shot. It is a mine in Quebec, Canada. At the Jeffrey mine the last asbestos mine in Canada, a group of scientists have been testing and filming a simulation of the search for methane on Mars. Perhaps the life on Mars possibility would be explained like the moon rocks as original earth elements. We have to blindly trust the master criminals who have their manners well refined with centuries of practice. That is a great act of faith. We are so well trained. We won't ask questions. If we do, then they destroy the crime scene like when they launched explosive missiles at the moon and buried the evidence in the lunar dust. Prying eyes will be wide shut for some time. The 'C' word will close the unprying minds.

A Mars Rover robot is tested in the pit of the Jeffrey Mine in Asbestos, Que. in this undated handout photo. Canada's last asbestos mine which is now winding down its operations, may have found a new celestial calling — as a stand-in for planet Mars. THE CANADIAN PRESS/HO-MPB Communications

The most powerful weapon the NWO has is illusion. The most powerful weapon we have is the truth. When asked about the project at the Jeffrey Mine, the mayor was completely uninformed. Why did they wait until now to tell us? Perhaps a little truth escaped with the methane. Then it's time for the cover story, and just like children when they're tucked in it starts with once upon a time and ends with they lived happily ever after. Now go back to sleep and dream of illusions still to come. Poor Kubrick we knew him well.

Sean Connery entering the site where they filmed the fake moon landings as James Bond in Diamonds are Forever (1971). And you thought he quit the role.

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