
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Power Hour Radio Show: Shepard Ambellas Talks About the Sandy Hook Shooting
February 5, 2013
Shepard Ambellas appeared on Joyce Riley’s nationally syndicated broadcast The Power Hour this morning to talk about the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting and reports surrounding the event.
Shepard noted the important distinction between a hoax and an actual complex false flag operation.
Tune in at 17:00 into the archive;
According to Wikipedia;
Shepard Leigh Ambellas (born in 1977) a filmmaker, investigative journalist and American internet radio broadcaster. He is the Founder and Director of, a popular alternative news website, established in 2010. The Alexa Ranking in the U.S. is in the top 3% tier for Internet traffic worldwide with an Alexa Rating of 7,126 as of December 31, 2012. is one of the few alternative media websites to be picked up by for Shepard Ambellas’ news teams Bilderberg Group 2012 coverage in Chantilly, Virginia on June 2012. The Drudge Report headline article “Alternative Media Group Plans Wall-to-Wall Bilderberg Coverage” was later spotlighted on the Alex Jones Radio Show by Alex Jones when talking about the power of Drudge.[1]
His first appearance on the Alex Jones Show and Prison Planet TV on March 25, 2009 is where Shepard Ambellas discussed with Alex Jones Military Industrial Complex Prepares Mass Graves for US Citizens - an article he authored which was featured on[2]
Shepard Ambellas, Alex Thomas and Jason Bermas reporting for, covered the Bilderberg Group annual meeting in Chantilly, VA. May 20–22, 2012. Along with Alex Jones, Dan Dicks and other well-known Alternative Media personalities, the event was a milestone in Alternative Media, exposing the 58 year secrecy of the Bilderberg Group. Coverage included key globalist heads of Governmental, International Banking and the Military Industrial Complex. Exclusive photographs and video featured on, and Shepard Ambellas has appeared on nationally syndicated radio, television, several films, books, and print news media including the London Guardian newspaper in an article by Charlie Skelton titled, Bilderberg 2012: Bigger and Badder and Better Than Ever.[3]
According to Michael Tsarion, renown author, researcher, and frequent guest on Shepard Ambellas’s former internet radio broadcast, the Bilderberg Group’s “main objective is creating a world government ruled by an elite group of people whose main objective is to control the natural resources of the planet”.[4]
ActivistPost gave Honorable Mention to Shepard Ambellas and Alex Thomas from stating, “True investigative reporters who share their knowledge at They are fearless journalists who utilize the full range of the Internet to release their Intel.” in the article 10 Most Influential People in the Alternative Media (2011).[5]
Radio talk show host Roxy Lopez on The Truth Denied Radio interviewed Shepard Ambellas March 10, 2012 discussing Comet C/2010 X1 which was discovered by Leonard Elenin. One of the predominant theories about C/2010 X1 is that it was a warning system to track the approach of a brown dwarf sister Sun referred to as Nibiru with a planetary-size mass of collapsing clouds with three moons on a 3,600 year orbit around the galaxy.[6]
Shepard is the Executive Producer and Director of Shade the Motion Picture, a documentary film exposing a sinister plot of the Global Elite. Shade the Motion Picture is a concept created March 2012 by Shepard Ambellas and Avalon. The film is Co-Directed and Co-Produced by Jason Bermas producer of several films including Fabled Enemies and Loose Change, the most viewed documentary in the entire world. The release ofShade the Motion Picture is set for February 15, 2013, with the official website detailing the film storyline and guest appearances. An independent review of ShadetheMotionPicture posted August 6, 2012 by Mac Slavo of received 15,966 views.[7]

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