
Friday, February 8, 2013


February 8, 2013 By  As most of you know by now, I like The Daily Bell, and though I have reservations and indeed questions about its unwavering support of the so-called Austrian school of economics, in the main I believe the folks at the Bell have it correct: one of the chief means of the financial oligarchy that we refer to less-than-lovingly as the Anglo-American elite has for control is that of controlling what people think of as human history, and that suppression of inconvenient facts of  human history is one of them.
Now, with that in mind, consider this article:
Directed History: Lunacy or Truth?
In in that consideration, consider these statements even more closely:
Gradually, people rediscovered a whole past that had been lost to them. Not for nothing was the Church apparently complicit in the (long ago) burning of the Library in Alexandria. But knowledge about ancient Greeks and Romans (and Egyptians) and ultimately about the scientific method itself was gradually rediscovered. The darkness was lifted a little.
And today, even more. After World War I, the League of Nations was created. After World War II, the United Nations came into being along with the International Monetary Fund, World Bank and the modern Bank for International Settlements. Before the 20th century there were hardly any central banks and today there are 150 or more of them, mostly controlled by the BIS.
We can take the second paragraph first, since in our view, the first of the above paragraphs is more significant. So, let us dispense quickly with the second: By now it is well known that the purpose of the BIS or Bank of International Settlements was to act as a central bank to central banks. It was the brainchild of none other than Hjalmar Horace Greeley Schacht of Germany’s Reichsbank, and of the Bank of England’s Montague Norman and the US Fed’s Benjamin Strong, among many others who helped create the monster and to vivify it as a financial Frankenstein. In its conception, it was to be the feudal liege lord to all other central bank obligations. It was to have international “soveriengty” of a sort, since part of the charter of its establishment included the proviso that, in the event of war, it was not to be attacked by any of the warring parties. In otherwords, Schacht & Co. knew fully well that there would be another war between Germany and her old western allied nemeses. One doesn’t have to go very far to read this story: one can find it in Carroll Quigley’s Tragedy and Hope, and in the various books recounting the financial wheeling and dealing between Wall Street and the Nazis, such as the late Anthony Sutton’s Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler, part of a trilogy of eye-opening books which included Wall Street and the Rise of Roosevelt and Wall Street and the Rise of the Bolsheviks.
It is the first paragraph that drew my attention, with its implication that the Church was behind the burning of the Library of Alexandria, and that the scientific method was re-discovered in modern times. Indeed, this is a case currently being argued both within the academic mainstream (believe it or not), and the alternative research community. I myself have entertained these views.
But here I must depart company a bit with the Daily Bell and some of its own preoccupations.  These positions are not yet established nor accepted positions. They are in the process of being argued, and it remains to be seen if they will become the generally adopted paradigms of human history. If so, then, yes, I am agreed with the Daily Bell that this will in large part have been effected by the internet.
Yet, what lies behind this perhaps-to-be-coming paradigm shift lies something else, and it is as old as the first information revolution – the printing press – itself: that is, no technology can replace research, no technology can replace, so to speak, the footnote. In the final analysis, to paraphrase the forgotten author Leonard Wibberly, while the sword and the internet may speak louder and stronger at any given moment, it is still the pen that, over time, speaks the loudest and most forcefully of all. So a corrective word to the wise: it isn’t just the internet revolution that is now challenging the Anglo-American and European oligarchs, it is also good old fashioned research and a blizzard of footnotes, coupled with the popular dissemination that the internet makes possible.
Quigley and Sutton wrote long before there was an internet, and their work remains the core around which many other researchers have fastened their own research, adding an ever-expanding volume of facts to it. To be sure, the internet was reponsible for informing a vast group of people that otherwise would never have heard of them. But in the end, there remains NO substitute for research.

- Giza Death Star Community

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