
Sunday, February 3, 2013


Posted by George Freund on February 3, 2013 at 8:45 AM

Never letting a good crisis go to waste has taken on new meaing. A 15 year old girl who was part of the TRAITOR Obama's inauguration was shot to death recently in Chicago. Considering Obama I has granted himself the power to execute any person anywhere by virtue of his secret kill list, a result of this opening of the ultimate Pandora's Box of State debauchery, no act of murder can be disregarded as benign. They all have to be reviewed in light of a cohesive assault on freedom and liberty with the ultimate goal of the embedded fifth columnists destroying the republic. The fact University of Hanoi man the TRAITOR Anderson Cooper will make political hay out of the death of Hadiya Pendleton at a video town hall meeting means America is under EXTREME THREAT. We are witnessing a style of political warfare that is reminiscent of the shift to the total police state by the usurpation of the free flow of news into skewed propaganda.
It was originally planned to have a series of school massacres as outlined in the map of Gotham City from the Batman film The Dark Knight Rises. That map illustrated five strike zones. Strike Zone One was Sandy Hook. The map had 28 red marks on it. They represented all the alleged victims of the Sandy Hook shooting by age, position and gender. The artist, Scott Getzinger, conveniently died in a car crash. Was he another Obama death list target. Bloggers caught Strike Zone 2 as The Narrows school in Virginia. The State Police wisely closed the schools there. They matched the Gotham map exactly. Strike Zone 4 led to New York City where a mysterious van escaping Newtown had fled.
These events must be understood for what they are the total instigation of acts of war on the American populace to defeat the Constitutional safeguards contained in the Bill of Rights. It is a two pronged attack involving a rogue administration and its communist followers and their stooge media fable factory including the TRAITOR Anderson Cooper and the ENEMY FOREIGN AGENT Piers Morgan. These events have been known by many great patriots like Bill Cooper. The TREASON he exposed was documented in his prophetic book Behold a Pale Horse. He was murdered by the State for his revelations.
Since the school shooting plot has collapsed, backup plans had to be instigated immediately to continue the attack on the Bill of Rights. They may very well have included a story rapidy infolding now. A whacked out Vietnam vet, Jimmy Lee Dykes, has kidnapped a 5 year child from his school bus after murdering the driver Charles Poland in Midland City, Alabama. This has all the hallmarks of an Al CIAda operation. As you know Operation Gladio involved using your own agents to attack your own people for a political agenda. In viewing the end result here, we can clearly see the script. The kidnapping will get the nation and the world to focus attention on the event.

Jimmy Lee Dykes and his 'bunker'
All the required elements are on the table. Dykes is a veteran. They are enemies to the fifth column traitors. He is said to have 'anti-government' views. He is holed up in a 'bunker.' That is always the buzzword used in a psychological warfare exercise. He shot bus driver Poland and has a gun. If only there were background checks this never would have happened. Dykes is on the Southern Poverty Law Center, a fifth columnist TREASON operation if there ever was one, watchlist. Well if you knew he was a dangerous whack job, why did this happen? Oh yes it is because he was your Operation Gladio asset called out of reserve status to fulfill his mission defeat the Constitution of the United States.
Charles Poland bus driver died saving his children. Of course he was unarmed as a bus driver he passed a background check. He cannot have arms in the reverse logic of the rapidly rising communist police state.
In another bizarre twist of fate American Navy Seal and expert sniper Chris Kyle was murdered at a gun range in Texas with a man named Chad Littlefield. Chris was a highly decorated veteran who started a private 'security' company called  Craft International. It is no secret what Chris' craft was. The timing of many post Sandy Hook events makes one wonder about the taking care of business aspect necessary in covert operations. Did Kyle know or train Dykes? Did Kyle know or train the fleeing tactical officer at Sandy Hook school? There is something very fishy in all of this. It is alleged that Kyle punched out noted conspiracy man Jesse Ventura in a bar fight. There is a lawsuit between the two.
Better days
There was a bounty on Chris' head. His 'work' as a top end hit man had many detractors. He was an assassin for the NWO masquerading as the military defending the people of America. That was part of the fight with Jesse Ventura. He called him out. Regardless the war has reached a serious escalation. There will be more propaganda hits on the weak and helpless. Children will be slaughtered to achieve the end run assault in the destruction of America. Those with knowledge will be eliminated en masse as well. Expect many more special forces personnel to bite the dust. This is a struggle between Christ and Anti-Christ. You must choose. No choice is a vote for destruction and death. We understand the big picture. Join US! Change the channel from the communist insurgents in corporate media. Aaron Swartz spoke out against the Obama death squads too. That was his major crime.

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