
Saturday, February 9, 2013

Report: Obama ‘covertly recruiting’ Muslims as diplomats


Report: Obama ‘covertly recruiting’ Muslims as diplomats

Special to
WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama is said to have been quietly
recruiting Muslims to serve as U.S. diplomats.
Judicial Watch said the Obama administration was hiring Muslims at the
State Department. The fiscal watchdog said the recruitment
was part of the administration’s outreach to Muslims to work for the federal

“The Obama administration is covertly recruiting Muslims to work at the
State Department as Foreign Service officers representing the United States in one of 265 American embassies, consulates and diplomatic missions worldwide,” Judicial Watch said.
In a report on Jan. 31, Judicial Watch said the administration sought to
use the new Muslim recruits to bolster Washington’s relations with the rest of the world. The organization said the recruitment was headed by Mark Ward, deputy special coordinator in the State Department’s Office of Middle East Transition.
“Ward held a 90-minute seminar at a recent convention sponsored by two
groups — Muslim American Society and the Islamic Circle of North America —
with known ties to radical Islam,” Judicial Watch said.
The two Muslim groups have been linked to the Muslim Brotherhood. The
Investigative Project on Terrorism identified the Muslim American Society as
the U.S. chapter of the Brotherhood, with headquarters in Egypt.
“Besides being a citizenship duty, there are benefits that Muslims can
add to the American Muslim community and the global Muslim world by joining
the U.S. Foreign Services,” a statement by the Muslim American Society said
in late December 2012. “This session will shed light on the different career
opportunities for Muslim youth in the U.S. Foreign Services Department. It
will also clear any concerns that many people have feared about pursuing
in this career.”
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