
Saturday, February 2, 2013

Politics in Absurdistan: Skeet Shootergate

  • Lib's  ,these shit heads ---u just can't make  these kooks up :)  ....  YEA  he  shoot's     ALL    the  TIME ?   haha  ------chaney's got  a gun ,  CHANEY'S    GOT       A  GUN !!!     ;o      

Kurt Nimmo
February 2, 2013

Obama has to cover for a remark he made insisting he’s a Camp David skeet shooter. So the White House has produced a photo of Barry shooting to put the issue to rest.
But what’s really silly is the bloviation passing as discussion by the usual establishment vetted talking heads. For instance, the neocon and former Bush speechwriter David Frum.
Frum insists Americans don’t need firearms for self defense because, well, America is safer than ever.
Those of us with a decent grasp of reality, however, know there are places where criminals victimize the disarmed – for instance, the Second Amendment free zones of New York City and Chicago.
Mr. Frum, as a member of the intelligentsia and the security state propaganda apparatus, doesn’t have to live on Chicago’s Southside.
Lost in this “debate” aired on the Pentagon’s favorite psy op platform, CNN, is the real reason the founders considered the Second Amendment the cornerstone of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights – a nation well-armed makes it more difficult for statist control freaks to impose their tyrannical designs on the people.
It’s also an issue of political sovereignty. “I believe that individual citizens are sovereign, not because of a grant of authority by the state, but because of a grant of authority by God,” writes Gary North. “The state therefore does not have the right to confiscate the firearms of the people, precisely because the state did not make the original grant of sovereignty to the people.”
I’m sure CNN’s false left-right paradigm stand-ups David Frum and Roland Martin would be outraged over the self-evident truth that you have an inalienable right to own a firearm and defend          

Blackburn Issues Skeet Shooting Challenge To President Obama

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