
Friday, February 1, 2013

Obama Wants Your Guns, Homeland Security Says Defend Yourself With Scissors

can u believe  THESE    mad hatters ;o   ,,  yes  that's  RIGHT ....protect  yourself    with  SCISSORS  ...if  you are attacked  by  someone  with an gun !!!       AGAIN     you   CANNOT , WILL NOT    , ever , Ever , EVER ,   fucking   ever .     Reason   with    an   nut's   in the  head   GOV.  nit-wit   or   an  goofy  BANNER  :)   folks  these   "people"  are  kooks  hehe     THIS    is  the Best  this  Country   can come up with  ...  D.C. (degenerate city)   yep    "they"   will/can    LOOK  u   dead fucking in the  eyes   &  with an  straight  face :)    ....&  they  BELIEVE   ???     that  "they"     &  only  "they"     knows  whats  best  4  U.S. hahaha              ..... um  fucking  telling  U  ,  even   the  demons ,   &  even   their   "boss"    u know  the  feller wearing the   "S"  on  the back  of his  jersey ?  .....    they    are standing  there with their  jaws on the floor  :o      hehe    :)                          yup  &  u  voted 4 um  haha                 we   r   fucked             

Obama Wants Your Guns, Homeland Security Says Defend Yourself With Scissors            

Options for Consideration Active Shooter Training Video

February 1, 2013

Apparently, “Defend yourself with a legal firearm” is not part of the new Department of Homeland Security curriculum.
They have now resorted to a training video that encourages you to use scissors to protect yourself in the event that you are a victim of a shooting.
Perhaps this is an upgrade from them instructing border patrol agents to run and hide.

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